Zone1 Full Video: "No Atonement, No Repair": 1619 Project Founder Nikole Hannah-Jones Calls for Slavery Reparations in Speech to U.N.


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
How much reparations are you demanding, robber?

i wonder whether she wants to enslave the white race while she's at it? probably not, but it's possible

How much reparations are you demanding, robber?

i wonder whether she wants to enslave the white race while she's at it? probably not, but it's possible

We have spent 10 trillion on this Great Society and look what we have to show for it. Crap Holes

We could give every black 100k and nothing would change. Nothing would change.

Do you understand this?

Since the UN gave her a platform to speak let the UN pay the reparation demands right after the United States withdraws all funding support for the UN and the UN headquarters gets moved to Geneva.


The black man who raped and beat me inherited $100K.

And is now homeless.
You can't help but wonder if reparations were ever paid, how many would use those funds as responsibly as this guy in the below video.
If you don't want to watch here is the synopsis.
Guy wins $30K in lottery money.
Guys buys $20K gold chain with lottery money
Guy wears gold chain in gas station in what I will assume is a bad part of town
Guy is mugged and robbed of said gold chain by 2 or 3 thugs of same race

Just imagine reparations and how that money would be spent by many who have terrible financial habits if any idea on how to manage money in the first place.

If the UN feels it necessary to give this asshole a platform to spout her racism, maybe the UN has outlived its usefulness.
You can't help but wonder if reparations were ever paid, how many would use those funds as responsibly as this guy in the below video.
If you don't want to watch here is the synopsis.
Guy wins $30K in lottery money.
Guys buys $20K gold chain with lottery money
Guy wears gold chain in gas station in what I will assume is a bad part of town
Guy is mugged and robbed of said gold chain by 2 or 3 thugs of same race

Just imagine reparations and how that money would be spent by many who have terrible financial habits if any idea on how to manage money in the first place.

Yeah, but that's trickle down black style. The wealth stays in the community. A far more likely scenario is it goes to Asian stores, Mexican mafia and white-owned corporations and bam, the next generation of thugs will be crying for reparations.
Reparations to blacks means they want to be fed, clothed, sheltered and entertained. All on the master's dime. Bring back slavery, but comfortable.
I'm perfectly OK with Botswana and Lithuania pony'ing up their own dough for reparations.
The cold hard truth of the left and most minorities is there will never be peace and they dream of whites being utterly destroyed at all levels. This is what we get for being nice, this is what we get for being fair and this is what we get for trying to live together with all peoples. We get screwed. This witch is just telling the truth of what most of them really want. They want their boot on the white mans neck and there will probably be no equality or fairness in the future once we lose our majority.

That is what they mean by NO atonement or repair. For gods sakes we only ended slavery, only gave them equal rights and only treat them as our brother...And they still scream this. Wake up.
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How much reparations are you demanding, robber?

i wonder whether she wants to enslave the white race while she's at it? probably not, but it's possible

This black witch won't be happy until everything whites built and created is used up by her people and whites are in chains under her foot. It is a crime against humanity that this witch has this much power within this society.
They have been receiving reparations for 50 years. So much so, there are now 5 generational families that have never had a job.
It's called Welfare/WIC/Rent reductions, free utilities etc. etc.
All added up - they roughly receive up to $40k a year in welfare reparations.
We have never received reparations.

The request is not robbery.

Blacks are the ones who have been robbed.

For years I have listened to the “I’m not responsible” or “I didn’t own anybody” and “I was not alive then” membership sections of the United States of America. Citigroup determined money lost due to racial discrimination against blacks since 2000. At a minimum, reparations can be requested for money lost from 2000 until right now. If we only take lost income from racism starting in 2000, it equals $57,569 per black person in America based on the 2020 U.S. Census. Including all losses due to racial discrimination equals $277,185 per black person in America. This is money owed NOW for things done in OUR LIFETIMES.

Dana M Peterson, Catherine L Mann, Closing the Racial Inequality Gaps, The Economic Cost of Black Inequality in the U.S., pg. 4, Closing the Racial Inequality Gaps - CitiGPS

Everybody is not going to go buy a gold chain with the money and that's what you guys are really scared of.

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