From the 'How to Destroy My Military Career' Files


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

'Unacceptable': U.S. Navy pilot draws obscene picture in the sky
What the GOP hopes to give to the Middle Class and the poor.

As Gallery put it when a navy aviator crashes there's blood and guts all over the place but no brains.
So... he drew a dick to use on American Vandals' Twitter page?
He said it was just a joke and he is sorry, so all is OK.

But the CHEM TRAILS!!!!!

If they were CON trails they wouldn't have lasted long enough for him to draw an entire ding dong one part or the other would have disappeared before the other.
CHEMTRAILS last and stay in the sky deny it or not.

It was Chemtrails full of viagra, that is why they stayed in the sky so long...
So... he drew a dick to use on American Vandals' Twitter page?
He said it was just a joke and he is sorry, so all is OK.

But the CHEM TRAILS!!!!!

If they were CON trails they wouldn't have lasted long enough for him to draw an entire ding dong one part or the other would have disappeared before the other.
CHEMTRAILS last and stay in the sky deny it or not.

It was Chemtrails full of viagra, that is why they stayed in the sky so long...



If we can do this bs, they can certainly pull off those chemtrails or the other term MSM likes to use is " Geoengineering" both the same and still goes right over the heads of the public.
So... he drew a dick to use on American Vandals' Twitter page?
He said it was just a joke and he is sorry, so all is OK.

But the CHEM TRAILS!!!!!

If they were CON trails they wouldn't have lasted long enough for him to draw an entire ding dong one part or the other would have disappeared before the other.
CHEMTRAILS last and stay in the sky deny it or not.

It was Chemtrails full of viagra, that is why they stayed in the sky so long...

View attachment 161140

View attachment 161141

If we can do this bs, they can certainly pull off those chemtrails or the other term MSM likes to use is " Geoengineering" both the same and still goes right over the heads of the public.

Good grief you must live an absolute miserable like constantly looking at things that you think are going to end the world. If I thought prayer helped I would pray for you, instead I'll through a penny in a fountain some day.

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