From Hugs to Bombs


Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2015
Would you pay this man's bail?

Last week during a protest against British military action in Syria, Muslim convert Craig Wallace scored big with the politically correct crowd by holding a sign outside of Parliament that read "I am Muslim, do you trust me enough for a hug?" Unfortunately for the PC movement, he's now facing a possible prison sentence after threatening to bomb the house of a member of parliament.

Not long after posing with his "hug" sign, the 23-year-old resident of north London got on Facebook and posted (under his assumed name Muhammad Mujahid Islam) a violent threat against Tory lawmaker Charlotte Leslie.

"I'm going to smash her windows then drop a bomb on her house while she’s tucked up in bed. You dirty f***ing pig-s******* s***," wrote Wallace/Islam a day after Parliament voted to authorize air strikes in Syria against ISIS, according to the Daily Mail.

"I’m going to find her and show her what it’s like to murder innocents. You dirty pig-f***ing whore," wrote Wallace, who went on to accuse the foreign secretary of being a "terrorist" and "war criminal."

Wallace's lawyer, Abu Sayeed, claims that his client was not of his right mind when he posted the disturbing threats, citing a lack of sleep and having "not taken his medication."

See pictures of this huggable fellow at link.
Muslim Activist Got Famous for Holding Sign Asking for a Hug. Now He's Asking for Bail. Here's Why.
We can't trust the jihadists any more than we can trust abortion clinic bombers and shooters.

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