The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Is anyone, like I am tired of The Democrat Party telling you America isn't good enough for them?
Are you tired of them telling you they need to overhaul America, despite the fact it's the most successful Democratic Republic in The World's History?

They want to get rid of The Electoral College which allows smaller less populous states to have a voice in National Elections.

They want to transition to a Popular Vote only, while refusing to close the loopholes in immigration that Sanctuary States use to boost their population count so they can have an unfair and unethical advantage in representation in Congress and be given an unfair portion of Federal Tax Dollars.

They want open borders and decriminalization of Illegal Immigration, while offering Free Healthcare to all Illegal Immigrants, and all the while resisting the attempts to account for exactly how many illegal immigrants the American Taxpayer is being forced to support.

In fact, they want to offer Free Everything to Everyone even Free Guaranteed Income to able bodied people who refuse to work.

It is estimated that The Green New Deal will cost each taxpayer $70,0000 to $100,000 for the first year alone to implement. It comes with a $100 Trillion dollar price tag and the decimation of our economy with it. That is a lot of money to blow on a theory and make a futile effort that even the most radical believers in Global Warming say may not even have any impact. Why should we wreck our economy on a whim based on a theory?

Then they want Universal Healthcare and Medicare for All for a System that was meant to be used by Seniors who have already paid in, and is already under stress due to Obamacare and states placing people on Medicare who aren't actually paying in to Medicare.

How much of this can America really swallow? How much of this can America Afford? None of it really. Add "Reparation Payments" in there as well. Another thing we cannot afford and should not implement. That comes with a $17 Trillion price tag by the way, which you can add to the $100 Trillion Green New Deal, and the $40 Trillion in a decade for Medicare for All. And add that all in with Guaranteed Income which just for Canada would cost $43 Trillion. Funny you cannot find actual costs for what Guaranteed Income for the US looks like. There is a reason for that.

Socialism For Everyone seems more like a plan for a Bank Heist, than a plan for a Free Country. It looks like a conscious effort to bankrupt this country permanently.

$23 Trillion was spent on The Leftist so called "War on Poverty" which really was a Trojan Horse to move us towards Socialism. All Leftist Programs are designed for that purpose.

We are $22 Trillion in Debt and counting due to overspending on Socialism.

Socialism For Everyone only appeals to people who are not producing, who are not motivated to make something of themselves, and who want to live off of the labor of others.

Socialism For Everyone takes away the incentive to work and prosper by your own hand, and if we as a country keep electing Socialists, we are going to go from a 1st world country to a 3rd world country faster than anyone will ever be able to react to and adjust to.

Socialism For Everyone will be, in effect, the end of America as we know it, and the beginning of an equivalent misery that no one would willingly choose to live in, but that no one will ever be able to escape from once we arrive there.

Socialism For Everyone isn't for me, and it shouldn't be for you either, but especially it isn't for America. That's not who we are.
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I left out the cost of Free College for everyone which is estimated to be as far as I can tell about $1 Trillion initially.

All these figures are debatable and are searchable on the web.
The Democrat Party telling you America isn't good enough for them?
Are you tired of them telling you they need to overhaul America

Trump's motto is "Make America great again." Is that not saying that America isn't great enough right now?

No, it’s saying that America and the things that made us successful and the envy of The World are under attack from Socialists and Globalists, and we need to push back on that and restore those things The Left has tried to destroy!

The Democrat Party telling you America isn't good enough for them?
Are you tired of them telling you they need to overhaul America

Trump's motto is "Make America great again." Is that not saying that America isn't great enough right now?
Never forget the fable of the Goose who laid the golden eggs. The "golden eggs" in this case are the fruits of CAPITALISM. The PROFITS, the HIGH INCOMES, the ACCUMULATION OF WEALTH.

Leftists think that they can, piece by piece, confiscate the wealth that Capitalism generates (and redistribute it to their selected beneficiaries), while at the same time excoriating both Capitalism and the people who employ it best, without KILLING the wealth that Capitalism produces.

It is also illustrated by the past practice of "blood letting" - trying to cure a real or perceived illness by draining the "bad" blood from the patient, in the hope of curing him without killing him.

Leftists want to distribute more and more of the riches of Capitalism through "free" medical care, food, college, housing, birth control, abortions, funded by the fruits of Capitalism, which they abhor. When you say, "LOOK AT VENEZUELA," they sputter and stammer, and turn the other way.

It is foolish business, and those who practice it are fools.
Never forget the fable of the Goose who laid the golden eggs. The "golden eggs" in this case are the fruits of CAPITALISM. The PROFITS, the HIGH INCOMES, the ACCUMULATION OF WEALTH.

Leftists think that they can, piece by piece, confiscate the wealth that Capitalism generates (and redistribute it to their selected beneficiaries), while at the same time excoriating both Capitalism and the people who employ it best, without KILLING the wealth that Capitalism produces.

It is also illustrated by the past practice of "blood letting" - trying to cure a real or perceived illness by draining the "bad" blood from the patient, in the hope of curing him without killing him.

Leftists want to distribute more and more of the riches of Capitalism through "free" medical care, food, college, housing, birth control, abortions, funded by the fruits of Capitalism, which they abhor. When you say, "LOOK AT VENEZUELA," they sputter and stammer, and turn the other way.

It is foolish business, and those who practice it are fools.
Excellent comments and perfect analogies. This is exactly what their entire philosophy can be boiled down to.

They want open borders and decriminalization of Illegal Immigration, while offering Free Healthcare to all Illegal Immigrants, and all the while resisting the attempts to account for exactly how many illegal immigrants the American Taxpayer is being forced to support.

This is a great point in support of the census asking citizenship.

They want open borders and decriminalization of Illegal Immigration, while offering Free Healthcare to all Illegal Immigrants, and all the while resisting the attempts to account for exactly how many illegal immigrants the American Taxpayer is being forced to support.

This is a great point in support of the census asking citizenship.
Unfortunately, because of Leftist Obstructionism, The President and his Administration did not begin the process to place this on The Census early enough. It is completely legal and just to ask this question of everyone taking the census, but The Left as they usually do, fights their battles in court instead of in The Legislature and simply ran out the clock.

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