Friends, Americans, Countrymen, Let's Call a Spade a Spade...Obama Did It!


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Obama, an "honorable man," must be charged with Treason, with honor. Russiahoax the Whistlehoax, all the witch hunts, and the double crosses, all the back stabbing lead to one individual, the grinning Somalian/Kenyan who insisted Donald Trump would never be President before he won in a landslide.

Has anyone TDS democrat here read Shakespeare?
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Indeed, Bill O'Reilly who interviewed President Trump a while back indicated President Trump has additional inside info that confirms Butthurt Obama was basically the ringleader of all the Deep State creeps who attacked our democracy and our civil rights.
Geez, another round of Reality TV and Dog and Pony show. Rump is in serious trouble and you won't prevent us from looking at him in his true colors. So go ahead, do your worst. In the end, Obama will not be in prison. But there are 3 states waiting for the day that Rump becomes a Civilian and they will have their pound of flesh.
Geez, another round of Reality TV and Dog and Pony show. Rump is in serious trouble and you won't prevent us from looking at him in his true colors. So go ahead, do your worst. In the end, Obama will not be in prison. But there are 3 states waiting for the day that Rump becomes a Civilian and they will have their pound of flesh.
Prevent you from looking at him ?? After all the dog and pony shows conducted already, and you figure one more will finally do the trick eh ?? 3 states out of ?? Man that electorial college is a tough one to get over isn't it ?? Y'all ain't figured out how to get rid of that pesky ole thing yet ?? Oh and when y'all gonna finally stack or extend the amount of seat's on the supreme Court ?? Is there anything y'all won't try when it comes to unseating a duly elected President that you don't like ??? At least be a little less obvious.
Geez, another round of Reality TV and Dog and Pony show. Rump is in serious trouble and you won't prevent us from looking at him in his true colors. So go ahead, do your worst. In the end, Obama will not be in prison. But there are 3 states waiting for the day that Rump becomes a Civilian and they will have their pound of flesh.
Prevent you from looking at him ?? After all the dog and pony shows conducted already, and you figure one more will finally do the trick eh ?? 3 states out of ?? Man that electorial college is a tough one to get over isn't it ?? Y'all ain't figured out how to get rid of that pesky ole thing yet ?? Oh and when y'all gonna finally stack or extend the amount of seat's on the supreme Court ?? Is there anything y'all won't try when it comes to unseating a duly elected President that you don't like ??? At least be a little less obvious.

I gave him the benefit of the doubt and he crapped all over it. About the time we find something he should be fired about, does something else to top it. It's another "Here, hold my Beer" moment. He's in dutch over Ukraine, what does he do? he tries to get China to do the same thing and China tells him to go pound sand. As it stands right now, don't look for China to beat a bath to the bargaining table with Rump. Even they see that Rump is in serious trouble and if he does (which he probably will due to the criminals in the Senate) beat the impeachment, he won't be the one that will be at the bargaining table come Jan 21, 2021 so why bother. Rump has had way too many, "Here, hold my beer" moments already.

Yes, he was duly elected but he hasn't exactly duly served. Rump and his lapdog Moscow Mitch needs to be sent packing so that our Government can get back to work. And then the GOP needs to spend the time to rebuild from nothing after the Party of Rump is gone. Tell me, at that point, what are you going to do? Rump is a goner and facing prison time in 3 states. Doesn't it bother you that he stole money that was supposed to go to Veterans? And Yes, that's been proven and he's already been fined 2 million over that. And that was just last week.

How many more "Here, Hold my Beer" moments are you going to try and sweep under the carpet?
Jesus, the TRUTH has been reclassed to "Conspiracy Theories." :p By the way, Daryl Hunt is a TDS mental case. :lmao:
Jesus, the TRUTH has been reclassed to "Conspiracy Theories." :p By the way, Daryl Hunt is a TDS mental case. :lmao:

Does that mean that another cabinet member is getting fired, quit or indicted? I guess Rump needs to make room.

Daryl Hunt, have you ever read a Shakespearean play? Many are based on actual historical events. What are your thoughts on backstabbing?
Obama will go down in history as one of the best, and tramp will go down in history as one of crookedness and impeached by the House.
Obama, an "honorable man," must be charged with Treason, with honor. Russiahoax the Whistlehoax, all the witch hunts, and the double crosses, all the back stabbing lead to one individual, the grinning Somalian/Kenyan who insisted Donald Trump would never be President before he won in a landslide.

Has anyone TDS democrat here read Shakespeare?

Are you insinuating Obama is like Brutus??
Daryl Hunt, have you ever read a Shakespearean play? Many are based on actual historical events. What are your thoughts on backstabbing?

I doubt if you can use any normal (the arts are considered normal) yardstick when dealing with Rump. it's more like, "When I get shot at and return fire, complaining that it's no fair is just bitching". Rump mistreats people and then complains when they turn on him and tell the truth. That's not back stabbing. Back stabbing is what Rump does. Once again, you are taking a habit of Rump's and claiming everyone is doing it to him.
Geez, another round of Reality TV and Dog and Pony show. Rump is in serious trouble and you won't prevent us from looking at him in his true colors. So go ahead, do your worst. In the end, Obama will not be in prison. But there are 3 states waiting for the day that Rump becomes a Civilian and they will have their pound of flesh.
Prevent you from looking at him ?? After all the dog and pony shows conducted already, and you figure one more will finally do the trick eh ?? 3 states out of ?? Man that electorial college is a tough one to get over isn't it ?? Y'all ain't figured out how to get rid of that pesky ole thing yet ?? Oh and when y'all gonna finally stack or extend the amount of seat's on the supreme Court ?? Is there anything y'all won't try when it comes to unseating a duly elected President that you don't like ??? At least be a little less obvious.

I gave him the benefit of the doubt and he crapped all over it. About the time we find something he should be fired about, does something else to top it. It's another "Here, hold my Beer" moment. He's in dutch over Ukraine, what does he do? he tries to get China to do the same thing and China tells him to go pound sand. As it stands right now, don't look for China to beat a bath to the bargaining table with Rump. Even they see that Rump is in serious trouble and if he does (which he probably will due to the criminals in the Senate) beat the impeachment, he won't be the one that will be at the bargaining table come Jan 21, 2021 so why bother. Rump has had way too many, "Here, hold my beer" moments already.

Yes, he was duly elected but he hasn't exactly duly served. Rump and his lapdog Moscow Mitch needs to be sent packing so that our Government can get back to work. And then the GOP needs to spend the time to rebuild from nothing after the Party of Rump is gone. Tell me, at that point, what are you going to do? Rump is a goner and facing prison time in 3 states. Doesn't it bother you that he stole money that was supposed to go to Veterans? And Yes, that's been proven and he's already been fined 2 million over that. And that was just last week.

How many more "Here, Hold my Beer" moments are you going to try and sweep under the carpet?
Ahhh China with it's communist regime that American business has sold it's soul out for it's cheap labor and goods. You should be so proud. Ohhh no don't rock the boat when it comes to China, ohhhh no don't do that. Twisted logic, and if anything Trump is trying to save us from our folly before it's to late, but of course the demons would come out of the woodwork when he tried. Becareful what the demoncrats wish for, because they just might get it then what ? So far so bad, but they just keep on pushing and pushing the limits in spite of it all. Instant gratification is what the new generation is all about, where as they have no value in a future. If they did it would be different today. The sell out of our nation and it's sovereignty is severe today.
So what !!! .... Defeating the demo's was something to bragg and/or celebrate about while in the inzone as the ball was being spiked, and especially when the opposing team was slated to win (bragged about worse), by a landslide.........

Gotta love it. :)
Geez, another round of Reality TV and Dog and Pony show. Rump is in serious trouble and you won't prevent us from looking at him in his true colors. So go ahead, do your worst. In the end, Obama will not be in prison. But there are 3 states waiting for the day that Rump becomes a Civilian and they will have their pound of flesh.
Prevent you from looking at him ?? After all the dog and pony shows conducted already, and you figure one more will finally do the trick eh ?? 3 states out of ?? Man that electorial college is a tough one to get over isn't it ?? Y'all ain't figured out how to get rid of that pesky ole thing yet ?? Oh and when y'all gonna finally stack or extend the amount of seat's on the supreme Court ?? Is there anything y'all won't try when it comes to unseating a duly elected President that you don't like ??? At least be a little less obvious.

I gave him the benefit of the doubt and he crapped all over it. About the time we find something he should be fired about, does something else to top it. It's another "Here, hold my Beer" moment. He's in dutch over Ukraine, what does he do? he tries to get China to do the same thing and China tells him to go pound sand. As it stands right now, don't look for China to beat a bath to the bargaining table with Rump. Even they see that Rump is in serious trouble and if he does (which he probably will due to the criminals in the Senate) beat the impeachment, he won't be the one that will be at the bargaining table come Jan 21, 2021 so why bother. Rump has had way too many, "Here, hold my beer" moments already.

Yes, he was duly elected but he hasn't exactly duly served. Rump and his lapdog Moscow Mitch needs to be sent packing so that our Government can get back to work. And then the GOP needs to spend the time to rebuild from nothing after the Party of Rump is gone. Tell me, at that point, what are you going to do? Rump is a goner and facing prison time in 3 states. Doesn't it bother you that he stole money that was supposed to go to Veterans? And Yes, that's been proven and he's already been fined 2 million over that. And that was just last week.

How many more "Here, Hold my Beer" moments are you going to try and sweep under the carpet?
Ahhh China with it's communist regime that American business has sold it's soul out for it's cheap labor and goods. You should be so proud. Ohhh no don't rock the boat when it comes to China, ohhhh no don't do that. Twisted logic, and if anything Trump is trying to save us from our folly before it's to late, but of course the demons would come out of the woodwork when he tried. Becareful what the demoncrats wish for, because they just might get it then what ? So far so bad, but they just keep on pushing and pushing the limits in spite of it all. Instant gratification is what the new generation is all about, where as they have no value in a future. If they did it would be different today. The sell out of our nation and it's sovereignty is severe today.

You still don't get it. Rump has had and will have too many "Here, hold my beer" moments. The other world leaders don't know whether to do a long termed agreement with him or not. On top of that, with his temperament, even if they did would he wake up the next day and decide to change it. They don't have the trust that the previous Presidents have had since almost day one. There is NO future with Rump. Well, one that will remain constant that is. Or one where America goes back to becoming the leading country in the world. How's it feel to take a back seat to China and Russia. It doesn't set well with me but that is exactly what is happening and the Dems aren't the cause.
Geez, another round of Reality TV and Dog and Pony show. Rump is in serious trouble and you won't prevent us from looking at him in his true colors. So go ahead, do your worst. In the end, Obama will not be in prison. But there are 3 states waiting for the day that Rump becomes a Civilian and they will have their pound of flesh.
Prevent you from looking at him ?? After all the dog and pony shows conducted already, and you figure one more will finally do the trick eh ?? 3 states out of ?? Man that electorial college is a tough one to get over isn't it ?? Y'all ain't figured out how to get rid of that pesky ole thing yet ?? Oh and when y'all gonna finally stack or extend the amount of seat's on the supreme Court ?? Is there anything y'all won't try when it comes to unseating a duly elected President that you don't like ??? At least be a little less obvious.

I gave him the benefit of the doubt and he crapped all over it. About the time we find something he should be fired about, does something else to top it. It's another "Here, hold my Beer" moment. He's in dutch over Ukraine, what does he do? he tries to get China to do the same thing and China tells him to go pound sand. As it stands right now, don't look for China to beat a bath to the bargaining table with Rump. Even they see that Rump is in serious trouble and if he does (which he probably will due to the criminals in the Senate) beat the impeachment, he won't be the one that will be at the bargaining table come Jan 21, 2021 so why bother. Rump has had way too many, "Here, hold my beer" moments already.

Yes, he was duly elected but he hasn't exactly duly served. Rump and his lapdog Moscow Mitch needs to be sent packing so that our Government can get back to work. And then the GOP needs to spend the time to rebuild from nothing after the Party of Rump is gone. Tell me, at that point, what are you going to do? Rump is a goner and facing prison time in 3 states. Doesn't it bother you that he stole money that was supposed to go to Veterans? And Yes, that's been proven and he's already been fined 2 million over that. And that was just last week.

How many more "Here, Hold my Beer" moments are you going to try and sweep under the carpet?
Ahhh China with it's communist regime that American business has sold it's soul out for it's cheap labor and goods. You should be so proud. Ohhh no don't rock the boat when it comes to China, ohhhh no don't do that. Twisted logic, and if anything Trump is trying to save us from our folly before it's to late, but of course the demons would come out of the woodwork when he tried. Becareful what the demoncrats wish for, because they just might get it then what ? So far so bad, but they just keep on pushing and pushing the limits in spite of it all. Instant gratification is what the new generation is all about, where as they have no value in a future. If they did it would be different today. The sell out of our nation and it's sovereignty is severe today.

You still don't get it. Rump has had and will have too many "Here, hold my beer" moments. The other world leaders don't know whether to do a long termed agreement with him or not. On top of that, with his temperament, even if they did would he wake up the next day and decide to change it. They don't have the trust that the previous Presidents have had since almost day one. There is NO future with Rump. Well, one that will remain constant that is. Or one where America goes back to becoming the leading country in the world. How's it feel to take a back seat to China and Russia. It doesn't set well with me but that is exactly what is happening and the Dems aren't the cause.
The Dems are exactly the cause. No doubt about it, and the people want more ??? Good grief. Trump is trying to bring America back, but the status quoe hates it. They are satisfied having America second rate or leading from behind, because the slight of hand was buttering the bread of the globalist, while the nation was being cut down to size over it all.
Geez, another round of Reality TV and Dog and Pony show. Rump is in serious trouble and you won't prevent us from looking at him in his true colors. So go ahead, do your worst. In the end, Obama will not be in prison. But there are 3 states waiting for the day that Rump becomes a Civilian and they will have their pound of flesh.
Prevent you from looking at him ?? After all the dog and pony shows conducted already, and you figure one more will finally do the trick eh ?? 3 states out of ?? Man that electorial college is a tough one to get over isn't it ?? Y'all ain't figured out how to get rid of that pesky ole thing yet ?? Oh and when y'all gonna finally stack or extend the amount of seat's on the supreme Court ?? Is there anything y'all won't try when it comes to unseating a duly elected President that you don't like ??? At least be a little less obvious.

I gave him the benefit of the doubt and he crapped all over it. About the time we find something he should be fired about, does something else to top it. It's another "Here, hold my Beer" moment. He's in dutch over Ukraine, what does he do? he tries to get China to do the same thing and China tells him to go pound sand. As it stands right now, don't look for China to beat a bath to the bargaining table with Rump. Even they see that Rump is in serious trouble and if he does (which he probably will due to the criminals in the Senate) beat the impeachment, he won't be the one that will be at the bargaining table come Jan 21, 2021 so why bother. Rump has had way too many, "Here, hold my beer" moments already.

Yes, he was duly elected but he hasn't exactly duly served. Rump and his lapdog Moscow Mitch needs to be sent packing so that our Government can get back to work. And then the GOP needs to spend the time to rebuild from nothing after the Party of Rump is gone. Tell me, at that point, what are you going to do? Rump is a goner and facing prison time in 3 states. Doesn't it bother you that he stole money that was supposed to go to Veterans? And Yes, that's been proven and he's already been fined 2 million over that. And that was just last week.

How many more "Here, Hold my Beer" moments are you going to try and sweep under the carpet?
Ahhh China with it's communist regime that American business has sold it's soul out for it's cheap labor and goods. You should be so proud. Ohhh no don't rock the boat when it comes to China, ohhhh no don't do that. Twisted logic, and if anything Trump is trying to save us from our folly before it's to late, but of course the demons would come out of the woodwork when he tried. Becareful what the demoncrats wish for, because they just might get it then what ? So far so bad, but they just keep on pushing and pushing the limits in spite of it all. Instant gratification is what the new generation is all about, where as they have no value in a future. If they did it would be different today. The sell out of our nation and it's sovereignty is severe today.

You still don't get it. Rump has had and will have too many "Here, hold my beer" moments. The other world leaders don't know whether to do a long termed agreement with him or not. On top of that, with his temperament, even if they did would he wake up the next day and decide to change it. They don't have the trust that the previous Presidents have had since almost day one. There is NO future with Rump. Well, one that will remain constant that is. Or one where America goes back to becoming the leading country in the world. How's it feel to take a back seat to China and Russia. It doesn't set well with me but that is exactly what is happening and the Dems aren't the cause.
The Dems are exactly the cause. No doubt about it, and the people want more ??? Good grief. Trump is trying to bring America back, but the status quoe hates it. They are satisfied having America second rate or leading from behind, because the slight of hand was buttering the bread of the globalist, while the nation was being cut down to size over it all.

Bring it back to what? If I looked hard enough I could find a point in history where we were exactly where Rump is leading us. And then I can show the damage it caused and the fixes that had to be done.

Right now, Rump and Moscow Mitch have brought Congress to a complete standstill which also brings the Executive Branch to a complete stop. The only branch we have operating right now is SCOTUS. And the Courts are ill advised to legislate the nation. Rump needs to cooperate with the House and get this resolved. If he were innocent he would. But the more he obstructs the guiltier he looks. And the longer it drags on and the Government just stops.

When are you going to stop giving Rump those free rides. Force him to cooperate and get it resolved.
Prevent you from looking at him ?? After all the dog and pony shows conducted already, and you figure one more will finally do the trick eh ?? 3 states out of ?? Man that electorial college is a tough one to get over isn't it ?? Y'all ain't figured out how to get rid of that pesky ole thing yet ?? Oh and when y'all gonna finally stack or extend the amount of seat's on the supreme Court ?? Is there anything y'all won't try when it comes to unseating a duly elected President that you don't like ??? At least be a little less obvious.

I gave him the benefit of the doubt and he crapped all over it. About the time we find something he should be fired about, does something else to top it. It's another "Here, hold my Beer" moment. He's in dutch over Ukraine, what does he do? he tries to get China to do the same thing and China tells him to go pound sand. As it stands right now, don't look for China to beat a bath to the bargaining table with Rump. Even they see that Rump is in serious trouble and if he does (which he probably will due to the criminals in the Senate) beat the impeachment, he won't be the one that will be at the bargaining table come Jan 21, 2021 so why bother. Rump has had way too many, "Here, hold my beer" moments already.

Yes, he was duly elected but he hasn't exactly duly served. Rump and his lapdog Moscow Mitch needs to be sent packing so that our Government can get back to work. And then the GOP needs to spend the time to rebuild from nothing after the Party of Rump is gone. Tell me, at that point, what are you going to do? Rump is a goner and facing prison time in 3 states. Doesn't it bother you that he stole money that was supposed to go to Veterans? And Yes, that's been proven and he's already been fined 2 million over that. And that was just last week.

How many more "Here, Hold my Beer" moments are you going to try and sweep under the carpet?
Ahhh China with it's communist regime that American business has sold it's soul out for it's cheap labor and goods. You should be so proud. Ohhh no don't rock the boat when it comes to China, ohhhh no don't do that. Twisted logic, and if anything Trump is trying to save us from our folly before it's to late, but of course the demons would come out of the woodwork when he tried. Becareful what the demoncrats wish for, because they just might get it then what ? So far so bad, but they just keep on pushing and pushing the limits in spite of it all. Instant gratification is what the new generation is all about, where as they have no value in a future. If they did it would be different today. The sell out of our nation and it's sovereignty is severe today.

You still don't get it. Rump has had and will have too many "Here, hold my beer" moments. The other world leaders don't know whether to do a long termed agreement with him or not. On top of that, with his temperament, even if they did would he wake up the next day and decide to change it. They don't have the trust that the previous Presidents have had since almost day one. There is NO future with Rump. Well, one that will remain constant that is. Or one where America goes back to becoming the leading country in the world. How's it feel to take a back seat to China and Russia. It doesn't set well with me but that is exactly what is happening and the Dems aren't the cause.
The Dems are exactly the cause. No doubt about it, and the people want more ??? Good grief. Trump is trying to bring America back, but the status quoe hates it. They are satisfied having America second rate or leading from behind, because the slight of hand was buttering the bread of the globalist, while the nation was being cut down to size over it all.

Bring it back to what? If I looked hard enough I could find a point in history where we were exactly where Rump is leading us. And then I can show the damage it caused and the fixes that had to be done.

Right now, Rump and Moscow Mitch have brought Congress to a complete standstill which also brings the Executive Branch to a complete stop. The only branch we have operating right now is SCOTUS. And the Courts are ill advised to legislate the nation. Rump needs to cooperate with the House and get this resolved. If he were innocent he would. But the more he obstructs the guiltier he looks. And the longer it drags on and the Government just stops.

When are you going to stop giving Rump those free rides. Force him to cooperate and get it resolved.
The more he obstructs eh ? Obstructs what ? Can't be guilty if only looks that way. Have to have hard bipartisan evidence, and not just these partisan witch hunts ad-nasium.

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