Friendliest States


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008

I was hearing someone say people are not nice in Nevada. I wanted to see where Michigan ranked. 28th out of 50? That’s not good. I thought michiganders were friendly. Where does your state rank?
These kinds of lists are mostly a joke.

West Virginians are some of the most welcoming and friendly people you’re likely to meet on your travels across the USA. There’s a chilled out pace of life here that lends itself to a warm atmosphere. The mountains act as somewhat of a protective wall between West Virginia and the outside world, so there’s a strong community.

And yet rated #30.
Midwest always seemed friendly to me.

Some parts of the South.

You can find friendly people all over, but there are more friendly people in some places than other.

I was hearing someone say people are not nice in Nevada. I wanted to see where Michigan ranked. 28th out of 50? That’s not good. I thought michiganders were friendly. Where does your state rank?
how would these people know unless they lived there for a while?...driving through dont tell you much.....

35th. Friendliest State: Virginia

The growing diversity in Virginia is adding even more of a welcoming and friendly atmosphere to the state. While some people might see it as quite traditional and wary of strangers, the cultural haven of Washington D.C . and other metro areas make it a positive place to be.

So you have to be a minority or live in some faux "cultural haven".....They can all go and disappear in one of our "friendly" hollers.....Bears gotta eat.

Hey dems, don't let that liberal writer fool you, we are a surly and mean-spirited lot toward outsiders.....Stay away. ;)
States in the South always seem very friendly
I just don’t know how sincere they are
These kinds of lists are mostly a joke.

West Virginians are some of the most welcoming and friendly people you’re likely to meet on your travels across the USA. There’s a chilled out pace of life here that lends itself to a warm atmosphere. The mountains act as somewhat of a protective wall between West Virginia and the outside world, so there’s a strong community.

And yet rated #30.
Where would you put WV?
People are friendly everywhere so long as you’re not a dick.
I’ve heard people in and around Vegas are not nice, not friendly and aren’t kind to strangers.

Im sure a place like Michigan gets lower scores because of poor dangerous communities like detroit.

And I was in New York wearing a tigers hat and the kid yelled Detroit sucks!

I find people in Chicago are really friendly but I doubt Illinois would be considered a friendly state.

I would imagine New Orleans is friendly during marti gra but they have high crime areas too.
The only Northeast state that deserves to be above #40 is New Hampshire. None of us in this part of the country are very pleasant or welcoming. We’re very insular and standoffish.

My mother’s family is from Minnesota. Not sure they’re #1 but they are right up there.
Then you can’t say the list is a joke.

I can say that these lists are a joke as they are little more than clickbait. There is no deep research in creating them. They are created for one reason. To get you to click on the link.
The only Northeast state that deserves to be above #40 is New Hampshire. None of us in this part of the country are very pleasant or welcoming. We’re very insular and standoffish.

My mother’s family is from Minnesota. Not sure they’re #1 but they are right up there.
Jersey, New York, Boston, Pittsburgh, philly. The people in those places can be rude. I think mafia.
I can say that these lists are a joke as they are little more than clickbait. There is no deep research in creating them. They are created for one reason. To get you to click on the link.
I did a search for friendliest states. This was top of list
Utah came in at 32 with this write up

People from Utah are famously friendly, so you’re sure to be made to feel right at home here. Salt Lake City is a wonderfully vibrant and social place to be, and is also rated one of the most LGBTQ+ friendly major cities in the country.

How does that rate only 32?

Plus, Mormons hate gays
I can say that these lists are a joke as they are little more than clickbait. There is no deep research in creating them. They are created for one reason. To get you to click on the link.
And come on. People in Alaska give off a certain vibe. People in New York city are rude. I notice how people treat strangers. I know one bad apple can spoil the barrel so I dont condemn everyone for one or two bad experiences.

people in Georgia are friendlier than michiganders but may also be more racist. Very polite racists. Say yes sir no ma’am and thank you.
Utah came in at 32 with this write up

People from Utah are famously friendly, so you’re sure to be made to feel right at home here. Salt Lake City is a wonderfully vibrant and social place to be, and is also rated one of the most LGBTQ+ friendly major cities in the country.

How does that rate only 32?

Plus, Mormons hate gays
You said they are pro lgbtq but then said Mormons hate gays?

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