

Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
"Because you like freedom," said Grandma Shurtleff to me when I was 12 as to why she was making me a dress of blue anchors on white instead of the blue roses she picked for my cousin.

"Oh, ok," I said proudly, wondering why I could have been jealous a minute ago about that pretty piece of blue roses fabric my cousin was going to wear to school.

But I didn't become a conservative until I married one, and only then because I didn't want to cancel his vote on election day since I reserve the right to maintain an independent viewpoint in matters of health, science and mathematics.

I have strong views from the center, and I am likely to deeply annoy extremists, not to mention my fellow centrists, of all makes and models, and what can I say, but if you kick the center post of my fence, you will likely have a bigger bruise on your great toe than you could ever put on resilient me.

I do fine art with a sewing machine, thread and quilt fabric, a pan flute, the tractor, a lexicon and my political pen when I have to. My flag quilt avatar was made by me and given to a wounded American soldier who was sent home to recuperate his head wound in Iraq, and was telling his mother he was "well and okay" as he was fainting on the floor and subsequently awoke in an infirmary in Colorado.

If you make or sell a product that harms one hair on any one of my fellow American's head and you're not sorry, it's vendor caveat to you, and you will be.

Just sayin'.

I've read some of the posts here, and look forward to reviewing current events with many of you, who I already like.

May the speaker of the truth win.
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I for one am Glad you're here Freedombecki...

You will notice, of course, I'm a tad late on this ....:redface:
I heart Becki.. She's kind and graceful.. something to be said in posting here!
Thanks, LadyGunSlinger, but on a bad day, like when someone a little dervish guesses my age but misses by decades, I've been known to resemble this guy in my writing style:

[ame=]Gallagher Smashing Watermelon and other SHIT with his mallet - @OpieRadio - YouTube[/ame]
It takes more than just not using profanity to be considered a centrist. Native Texan? That might explain the Rightward-lean too.

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