Free Trade: Which comes first - internal or external reforms or both?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
China’s Xi Jinping Speech Seen as Move to Fill Global Leadership Role

As I added to a previous thread above,
I just received a link to an hour long video on Xi Jinping,
his background as a child laborer and his global vision of Free Trade
that is considered groundbreaking for a Chinese leader to promote:

The World According to Xi Jinping | ARTE in English

(unfortunately this link expires next month on 2/16
but if it can be taped or transcribed, I'd like to keep sharing it for
discussion on how to work on sustainable development and solutions
to national security and economy that liberates people not funding
mass military based on slave labor)

My question: Shouldn't the US, China and other countries make sure
Workers and Business owners receive the benefits of their own labor
before demanding to remove protections and restrictions on free trade.

Why should a country be able to enslave and abuse labor of workers
just to fund their military, as China stands to do with its huge forces.

People complain about the US but what about China.
Won't both major leaders, and Russia as well, need to clean
up abuses at home and quit hurtful oppressive regulations
against their own people BEFORE demanding more freedom from regulations on the global stage?

What if we hold both US and Chinese govt to PAY BACK
all workers and taxpayers for abuse of our labor, income and tax dollars
and make sure that restitution and reimbursement owed for abusive govt spending
DOES pay for sustainable development of localized health care, education,
and other social services through programs democratically managed and
owned by the workers and business owners in their own communities.

If we want to see this in China, wouldn't the US have to provide
for autonomy and democratic "free enterprise" for our own citizens
to run our own schools, teaching hospitals, daycare and elderly homes
without the huge messes of govt bureaucracy wasting our taxes including
on prisons, military and VA contracts corrupted by corporate interests.

Don't both countries face mass reforms at home BEFORE
preaching what reforms are needed between countries?
I disagree:
For China the big threat is India
For Russia Muslim extremism
For the US it's the Mexican cartels

Failure will be fatal.

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