Free Syrian Army launches offensive in a bid to take to take Daraa City


Nov 14, 2012
The FSA launched a big offensive...

"A few hours ago, the much anticipated offensive to take Daraa City led by the Western backed Free Syrian Army’s “Southern Front Brigade” was launched.

The offensive dubbed ‘Southern Storm’ is said to be made up of 54 rebel groups including Jaish al-Islam led by Zahran Alloush, all fighting to take the strategic town of Ghazleh.

Ghazleh situated directly south of the Syrian Arab Army’s stronghold of Izra, where the army’s 5th Armoured Division is currently based.

Izra, a key city controlled by the Syrian Government, is used as the main supply route to the provincial capital of Daraa, cutting that supply route would leave the aforementioned city in isolation.

If Southern Front militants are successful in capturing Ghazleh, it will effectively leave the city of Izra exposed to enemy attacks from the southern perimeter.

The rebels were successful in taking full-control of the vast Jordanian border two months ago; this month they successfully captured the Brigade 52 Base of the 5th Armored Division on the border of the Al-Sweida Governorate.

In addition to their assault on the town of Ghazaleh, the Southern Front is attacking the provincial capital of Daraa, as over 1,000 of their armed combatants stormed the Dara’a Al-Balad District and the Al-Manasheer District earlier this morning."

Free Syrian Army launches offensive Southern Storm in a bid to take to take Daraa City
Southern Front Fails to Cutoff Damascus-Dara’a Road

"On Thursday morning, the 54 brigades of the Free Syrian Army’s “Southern Front” have launched a large-scale offensive that is targeting the Syrian Arab Army’s defensive strongholds at the provincial capital of the Dara’a Governorate and the strategic town of Ghazaleh, which is located directly south of the 5th Armored Division’s headquarters in the city of Izra’a.

The Southern Front – in coordination with the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” – attacked the Syrian Arab Army’s frontline defense’s at the western perimeter of Dara’a City, where they initially achieved success at the Dara’a National Hospital and the nearby Air Force Intelligence Building; however, this was a costly advance, as the militant groups suffered over two dozen casualties to take the National Hospital.

Despite their success at the National Hospital, the FSA’s Southern Front and Jabhat Al-Nusra were unable to bypass the Syrian Armed Forces’ defensive positions, as the latter secured the city’s barriers after a series of fierce firefights around Dara’a Al-Balad and Al-Manasheer.

Meanwhile, in northeastern Dara’a, the Southern Front Brigades and Jabhat Al-Nusra attempted to cutoff the Syrian Armed Forces’ main supply route on the Damascus-Dara’a Highway; however, once again, the Syrian Armed Forces were able to repel this assault at the Qarfa-Namir axis after a two hour firefight that resulted in the militant groups withdrawing from this area.

According to a military source in Dara’a City, firefights are still ongoing between the Syrian Armed Forces and the militant groups, but the majority of these clashes have dissipated as nightfall descends upon this province in southern Syria."

Southern Front Fails to Cutoff Damascus-Dara a Road
Many terrorists and their Al-Jazeera correspondent in Daraa disappeared at the hands of the SAA in Daraa. Despite 1000 new terrorists from Jordan, no successes so far.

Al-Jazeera terror propagandist just disappeared:

In addition, the airforce knows their supply routs, HQs and hideouts and bombs them away.
Southern Front Offensive Yields Little Gains and Heavy Casualties

"One month ago, political analysts and Syrian Conflict observers began predicting the complete collapse of the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) infrastructure, as Al-Qaeda linked groups (Jaysh Al-Fateh) shockingly captured the provincial capital of the Idlib Governorate and its surrounding villages, creating a circumvallation around the two predominately Shi’i towns of Al-Fou’aa and Kafraya.

Following Jaysh Al-Fateh’s success in the Idlib Governorate and the Southern Front’s capture of Brigade 52 Base; the fall of Dara’a City seemed almost inevitable and unavoidable for the Syrian Arab Army’s exhausted 5th Armored Division.

When the Free Syrian Army’s “Southern Front” Brigades and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” began this full-scale offensive in the Dara’a Governorate; it became immediately evident that the rebel forces had miscalculated the Syrian Arab Army’s fighting prowess and commitment to defending the provincial capital and the 5th Armored Division’s headquarters at the strategic city of Izra’a.

Initially, Jabhat Al-Nusra and the FSA’s Southern Front achieved some minor victories at the town of ‘Itman (north of Dara’a City) and inside the Industrial District of the provincial capital; however, many of these victories were later reversed by the Syrian Armed Forces, who proved unwilling to concede any territory to the enemy combatants without a violent firefight first.

On Saturday morning, the rebel forces attacked the Syrian Arab Army at the Al-Sirrou Checkpoint, capturing this barrier after a brief firefight; however, once again, the rebel forces were unable to maintain control of this parcel of territory, as the Syrian Arab Army recaptured the Al-Sirrou Checkpoint some thirty minutes later.

In addition to their failure at the Al-Sirrou Checkpoint, the rebel forces failed to infiltrate into the integral town of Khirbat Al-Ghazalah for the fourth time in four days, leaving the Syrian Arab Army in full control after fierce clashes on Saturday morning.

According to a military source in the Dara’a Governorate, the rebel forces have suffered 110 confirmed casualties, while estimates for the total number of dead and wounded rebels is reportedly 400 (unconfirmed)."

Southern Front Offensive Yields Little Gains and Heavy Casualties
The Southern Front Offensives Fail on Three Fronts

"For months, the Free Syrian Army’s (FSA) Central Command and their foreign handlers have been strategizing for this imperative offensive at the provincial capital of Dara’a; however, their contingency to take this integral city in southern Syria has seemingly flopped, as the Syrian Arab Army’s 5th Armored Division surprised the rebel forces with their discipline and stiff resistance.

Not only has the offensive at Dara’a City and Khirbat Al-Ghazaleh failed to produce any significant gains on the ground, but also, it has resulted in the death of well over 200 militants from the Free Syrian Army’s “Southern Front” Brigades and their allies from the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” that participated in this failed offensive.

On Monday, the FSA’s Southern Front and Jabhat Al-Nusra remained rather stagnate inside the provincial capital, as their militants only clashed with SAA’s 5th Division near the Air Force Intelligence (AFI) building and at the southern axis of the Al-Manashiyah District; this marked the first time in one week that the rebel forces did press any further in the provincial capital.

To add to their plight in southern Syria, the Southern Front’s joint offensives with Jabhat Al-Nusra and Jaysh Al-Yarmouk at the Al-Quneitra and Al-Sweida Governorates have also failed to produce any gains, despite the media build-up by their social media activists and journalists.

Things were allegedly so bad in the aforementioned provinces that the FSA’s Southern Front and their allies have actually lost ground in the Al-Sweida Governorate, as the Druze Civil Defense Forces and the Syrian Armed Forces have secured over 15 square kilometers of territory around the western perimeter of the once besieged Tha’lah Military Airbase."

The Southern Front Offensives Fail on Three Fronts
Free Syrian Army and Jabhat Al-Nusra Announce Joint Offensive in Al-Houla

"The Free Syrian Army (FSA) – in coordination with their allies from the the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” – have launched a joint offensive to capture the town of Qanayah located inside the Al-Houla Plains of the Homs Governorate.

For the last two years, the militants from the Free Syrian Army and Jabhat Al-Nusra have been encircled by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and National Defense Forces (NDF); this assault will be geared to expand their control over this resourceful village and eventually push further west to alleviate their embattled fighters near the city of Al-Houla.

Unfortunately for the rebel groups, this offensive has been expected by the Syrian Armed Forces for quite some time; in fact, according to a military source in the Homs Governorate, the SAA Central Command was already informed by a mole in the ranks of the FSA that this offensive was set to begin in the coming days.

As a result of this information, the Syrian Armed Forces – predominately the National Defense Forces – have evacuated the civilians of Qanayah (mostly Alawi and Shi’i residents) from this area in preparation for the coming assault.

The Syrian Armed Forces are well-positioned inside the village and the recent arrival of reinforcements from the city of Masyaf will likely benefit the already entrenched soldiers inside of Qanayah and its surrounding area."

Free Syrian Army and Jabhat Al-Nusra Announce Joint Offensive in Al-Houla
Southern Front Brigades Launch Another Assault in Dara’a

"On Tuesday morning, the 54 factions that comprise of the Free Syrian Army’s “Southern Front” Brigades launched another assault on the strategic town of Khirbat Al-Ghazalah and the provincial capital of the Dara’a Governorate; this resulted in a series of intense clashes with the soldiers of the Syrian Armed Forces.

The first assault was conducted at KhirbatAl-Ghazalah, when the factions from the Southern Front Brigades attacked the Syrian Arab Army’s defensive positions at the southern sector of town, resulting in a violent confrontation that ended with the latter securing all of their barriers around the area.

The town of Khirbat Al-Ghazalah is strategically located south of the Syrian Government’s stronghold of Izra’a; this city is home to the 5th Armored Division’s headquarters and the largest National Defense Forces (NDF) contingent in all of the Dara’a Governorate.

South of Khirbat Al-Ghazalah, the FSA’s Southern Front – in coordination with the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” – conducted a powerful assault on the Al-Manashiyah Quarter of Dara’a City, where they were confronted by a well-prepared Syrian Arab Army contingent that eventually pushed the enemy combatants back towards Dara’a Al-Balad.

Following the Southern Front’s assault on the provincial capital and Khirbat Al-Ghazalah, the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) would launch over 40 airstrikes on Dara’a Al-Balad, Shiekh Miskeen, Nawa, Tal Al-Harra, Jasseem, and Inkhil."

Southern Front Brigades Launch Another Assault in Dara a
Southern Front Conducts Another Large Assault on the Golan Heights and Dara’a City

"On Saturday morning, the 54 militias that make-up the Free Syrian Army’s “Southern Front” brigades launched another large-scale assault on the provincial capital of the Dara’a Governorate and the Golan Heights of the Al-Quneitra Governorate, striking the Syrian Armed Forces at the southern flank of both sites.

The Southern Front’s first assault began at the predominately Druze town of Hader, where the aforementioned group attempted to recapture the strategic hill at Tal Al-Hamr; however, this attack would prove unsuccessful and rather costly for the rebel groups, as the soldiers from Fouj Al-Joulan (Golan Regiments) repelled the enemy assault before nightfall on Saturday.

In addition to the rebel assault on Tal Al-Hamr, the Southern Front and their allies from the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” attacked the towns of Al-Hamidiyah, West Al-Samdaniyah, Al-Rawadi, and Al-Ajram, resulting in another embarrassing defeat for the rebel groups to the forces of Fouj Al-Joulan and Liwaa Suqour Al-Quneitra (Al-Quneitra Hawks Brigade).

According to a source from the National Defense Forces (NDF) in Al-Quneitra, the Islamist rebel groups withdrew from the towns of Al-Hamidiyah and Al-Ajram after sustaining significant casualties to the Druze militias in the province.

Meanwhile, on the Dara’a front, the Southern Front attempted to breach the Syrian Arab Army’s frontline defenses at the Al-Manashiyah Quarter of the provincial capital; however, they were repelled by the SAA’s 5th Armored Division after a series of firefights that resulted in the death of over 20 enemy combatants.

The Syrian Armed Forces were able to make some progress on the Dara’a Front, as the 5th Armored Division pushed closer to the rebel-held Dara’a Al-Balad Quarter of the provincial capital, thanks in large part to the Syrian Arab Air Force’s relentless airstrikes on the Southern Front’s positions."

Southern Front Conducts Another Large Assault on the Golan Heights and Dara a City
Breaking: Syrian Army Launches Surprise Attack at Kafr Shamis in Northwest Dara’a

"At dawn on Sunday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s 15th Brigade of the 5th Armored Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) and the 7th Mechanized Division – have launched a full-scale assault on the Southern Front’s defensive positions at the imperative town of Kafr Shamis in the northwestern countryside of the Dara’a Governorate.

The Syrian Armed Forces’ attack on Kafr Shamis came as a surprise for the Free Syrian Army’s Southern Front Brigades, as the aforementioned group was reportedly caught off-guard by the assault due to a long night of celebrating Islamic Eid.

According to a military source at the nearby city of Deir Al-‘Adas, the Syrian Armed Forces successfully penetrated the Southern Front’s defensive positions at Kafr Shamis; this resulted in the subsequent capture of the northeastern entrance of Kafr Shamis after a series of fierce firefights that included the participation of the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra.”

The source added that firefights are still ongoing between the Syrian Armed Forces and the rebel forces inside Kafr Shamis; however, the SAA’s 15tth Brigade is on the move at the northeastern corridor of this city.

The town of Kafr Shamis is strategically located 9 kilometers from the fortress-city of Al-Harra, which sits on the border of the Al-Quneitra and Dara’a Governorates of southern Syria."

Breaking Syrian Army Launches Surprise Attack at Kafr Shamis in Northwest Dara a
Rebel Offensive in Dara’a Proves Costly and Ineffective

Over the weekend, the coalition of Free Syrian Army brigades known as the “Southern Front” launched another major offensive in the city of Daraa, the results of which have been described as “insufficient” at best and “costly” at worst.

After shelling the city with artillery shells for hours on Friday, the Southern Front was unable to advance under the continuous airstrikes from the Syrian Air Force, as field reports confirmed 6 Southern Front commanders were killed in the battle, along with several regular fighters.

These costly offensives that desperately try to mirror Jaysh Al-Fateh’s success in Idlib, have done nothing but further degrade the Southern Front’s leadership and morale – only time will tell if they get any tangible results.

The Al-Quneitra Governorate, however, has been the sight of some impressive battles as of late.

The rebel groups have threatened the Syrian Armed Forces, stating that any bomb which lands on Jubatha Al-Kashab and Tarnjah will be met with relentless shellings of Hadar and Khan ‘Arnabah; this did not, however, deter Fouj Al-Joulan and Liwaa Suqour Al-Quneitr, as they recently captured both Al-Himriyat and Tal Qabas in the vicinity.

Meanwhile, the SAA conducted operations in the forest around Jabata Al-Kashab, killing over 17 opposition militants, including combatants from Jabhat Al-Nusra and the Southern Front.

Rebel Offensive in Dara a Proves Costly and Ineffective
Southern Front Forces Attempt to Mount a Large Offensive in Dara’a City

"The Free Syrian Army’s coalition of militias in southern Syria known as the “Southern Front Brigades” launched their third offensive at the provincial capital of the Dara’a Governorate on Tuesday morning, targeting the Syrian Arab Army’s defensive positions at the village of Al-Na’imah, along with the Al-Manishiyah Quarter, the Air Force Intelligence Building, the Dara’a National Hospital, Al-Sihaari Quarter, Train Station, and the Fire Station inside the city.

Unlike their last offensive in early July, the Southern Front’s assault at the provincial capital did not get off to a good start, as the Syrian Arab Army’s 132nd Brigade of the 5th Armored Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) – thwarted the rebel assault at Al-Na’imah, killing an estimated 50 enemy combatants, including the leader of Jaysh Al-Yarmouk, Bashar Al-Zu’abi.

Following their unsuccessful assault at the village of Al-Na’imah, the Southern Front forces were unable to gain any momentum inside the provincial capital, resulting in the third failed rebel offensive at Dara’a City this year.

Unfortunately for the rebel militias like Jaysh Al-Yarmouk that did take part in this assault, they were left shorthanded due to the reluctance of their allies in the FSA’s Southern Front Brigades to participate in this offensive at Dara’a City.

Currently, the provincial capital of Dara’a is split in half, with the Syrian Armed Forces controlling the northern sector of the city (Dara’a Mahata, Al-Sihaari, and Al-Sijnah) and the Southern Front Brigades controlling the southern sector (Dara’a Al-Balad, Palestinian Camp, and the Al-Sidd Quarters)."
Liwaa Thawar Souriya Pushes West Towards Dara’a City

"On Thursday morning, the Islamist rebel faction “Liwaa Thawar Souriya” launched a powerful assault on the Syrian Arab Army’s frontline defenses at the strategic hilltop of Tal Za’tar, capturing the hill’s main checkpoint amid the barrage of enemy gunfire and mortar shells coming from the last checkpoint outside of Dara’a City’s western flank.

Both sides currently claim they are in full control of Tal Za’tar; however, the video footage posted by the Islamist rebel fighters shows that they at least have fire control over Tal Za’tar, as the sound of gunfire was deafening and non-stop.

If the Islamist rebels from Liwaa Thawar Souriya take control of the last checkpoint outside of Dara’a City’s western perimeter, they will have effectively surrounded the provincial capital from three different flanks (southern, eastern, and western flanks).

Meanwhile, inside the provincial capital, the Free Syrian Army’s “Southern Front Brigades” conducted an assault on the Al-Manishiyah Quarter, targeting the Syrian Arab Army’s 132nd Brigade of the 5th Armored Division at the Dara’a Al-Balad axis before nightfall dissipated the clashes.

East of the Al-Manishiyah Quarter, the Southern Front carried out another assault near the Dara’a National Hospital, resulting in a series of fierce firefights that produced very little progress for either side."

Liwaa Thawar Souriya Pushes West Towards Dara a City
Breaking: Syrian Army Recaptures Tal Za’tar in West Dara’a

"On Friday afternoon, the Syrian Arab Army’s 132nd Brigade of the 5th Armored Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) – launched a counter-assault at the strategic hilltop of Tal Za’tar after the Islamist rebels of Liwaa Thawar Souriya imposed fire control over the hill just 18 hours prior to this attack.

The counter-assault proved successful for the SAA’s 132nd Brigade and the National Defense Forces, as they were able to recapture Tal Za’tar from Liwaa Thawar Souriya before 4:30 P.M. (Damascus Time) on Friday, forcing the Islamist rebels to retreat west towards the town of Yadouda in order to evade the powerful aerial assault from the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF).

Tal Za’tar is strategically located to the west of Dara’a City; its proximity to the provincial capital’s western suburbs makes it an imperative military endeavor for the rebel forces that are attempting to besiege the city from three different flanks (west, south, and east).

However, Liwaa Thawar Souriya is not letting up their assault, despite the recapture of Tal Za’tar by the Syrian Armed Forces; instead, they are pounding the vital hilltop with a barrage of mortar shells and rockets in anticipation for a counter-assault, which could begin at any moment.

Inside Dara’a City, clashes between the SAA’s 132nd Brigade and the Free Syrian Army’s “Southern Front Brigades” were reported at the Al-Manishiyah-Dara’a Al-Balad axis; however, there was no change in the ground situation as a result."

Breaking Syrian Army Recaptures Tal Za tar in West Dara a
Syrian Army Reverses All Islamist Gains at Tal Za’tar in West Dara’a

"Earlier this week, the Islamist rebels of Liwaa Thawar Souriya launched a series of attacks on the strategic hilltop of Tal Za’tar, capturing this hill and the Sugar Checkpoint after fierce clashes with the Syrian Arab Army’s 132nd Brigade of the 5th Armored Division.

Following their capture of both the Sugar Checkpoint and Tal Za’tar, Liwaaa Thawar Souriya was pounded by a barrage of mortar shells and gunfire by the SAA’s 132nd Brigade, as the latter was preparing for their own counter-offensive to push the Islamist militants away from the border of Dara’a City’s western flank.

The SAA’s 132nd Brigade’s counter-assault proved successful, as they were able to recapture the Sugar Checkpoint and the hilltop at Tal Za’tar, reportedly killing two dozen enemy combatants and destroying three armored vehicles.

Tal Za’tar

Tal Za’tar’s location is imperative to both the Syrian Armed Forces and the Islamist rebels due to is proximity to the provincial capital’s western suburbs; if controlled by either side, it holds the key to Dara’a City’s western and northern flanks,

Meanwhile, on the Al-Na’ima front, the Islamist rebels of Firqa Fallujah Houran suffered a number of casualties during their assault on the Syrian Armed Forces’ defensive positions at the town of Al-Na’imi on Saturday.

According to a military source in Dara’a City, the leader of Firqa Fallujah Houran, Amin Mohammad Al-‘Abboud, was reportedly killed during an armed confrontation with the National Defense Forces.

Leader of “Firqa Fallujah Houran “, Amin Mohammad Al-‘Abboud

West of Al-Na’imi, a member of Jaysh Al-Yarmouk detonated a vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) – via a BMP – at the east entrance of Dara’a City; however, the explosion failed to open a path into the provincial capital’s eastern capital.


Syrian Army Reverses All Islamist Gains at Tal Za tar in West Dara a
Southern Front Brigades Remain Unsuccessful in Their Daraa City Offensive


Terrorists chemical weapons found.

"Inside of the Daraa Governorate, the opposition militant groups and more specifically the famed “Southern Front” attempted another ill-fated infiltration campaign into the provincial capital’s northern sector; this time the offensive was dubbed the “Southern Storm”, which focused on securing the eastern axis of the city.

Despite the usage of VBIEDS (vehicle borne improvised explosive device) or as they’re unofficially dubbed on social media “suicide bombers”, the rebel forces (Furqa Fallujah Houran and Liwaa Thuwar Souriya) remained, as of yet, unable to penetrate into Syrian Arab Army’s defensive frontlines, making no tangible gains in the progress of the assault.

Further reports have indicated that over 160 opposition militants have been killed within less than a 24 hour timeframe (no official confirmation), including the commander of Houran Martyrs Battalion “Hassan Mohamad Al-Saleh” and numerous fighters within Jeish al-Yarmouk who tried several attacks even after the initial one was unsuccessful.

Despite this and the SAA fully securing Tal Za’tar, opposition fighters continue to shell the Baathist Party headquarters within the city and have made numerous confirmed ATGM (Anti Tank Guided Missile} strikes on the SAA tanks and equipment within the city and outside it’s peripheries.

It is unlikely that the rebel forces will give-up this military endeavor in the coming weeks, as they have set their sights on capturing this provincial capital for quite some time."

Southern Front Brigades Remain Unsuccessful in Their Daraa City Offensive
Syrian Armed Forces Capture Territory Inside the Al-Lajat Plateau of Dara’a

"The Syrian Arab Army’s 34th Brigade of the 5th Armored Division – in coordination with the Palestine Liberation Army (PLA) and the National Defense Forces (NDF) – launched a powerful assault inside the Al-Lajat Plateau of the Dara’a Governorate, capturing a significant amount of territory from the Free Syrian Army’s “Al-‘Umri Brigades” after a day filled with intense firefights in southern Syria.

According to a military source in the city of Izra’a, the Syrian Armed Forces stormed the Free Syrian Army controlled town of Al-Tabbah on Tuesday morning, where they would capture a number of sites from the enemy combatants before they were able to impose full control over this area in the Al-Lajat Plateau on the border of the Al-Sweida Governorate.

The source further added that the Syrian Armed Forces killed a confirmed 18 enemy combatants from the Free Syrian Army; meanwhile, the SAA, NDF, and PLA suffered a total of 8 soldiers’ killed-in-action (KIA) and another 4 wounded during the firefights at Al-Tabbah.

To the southwest of the Al-Lajat Plateau, the joint forces of the Free Syrian Army’s “Southern Front Brigades” – led by Jaysh Al-Yarmouk, Firqa Fallujah Houran, Jaysh Al-Yarmouk, and Liwaa Thawar Souriya – attempted to break-through the Syrian Arab Army’s frontline defenses inside and on the outskirts of the provincial capital; however, they were unsuccessful at a number of sites, including Al-Na’imi and tal Za’tar."

Syrian Armed Forces Capture Territory Inside the Al-Lajat Plateau of Dara a
New terrorists would have to be bred in order to continue as the ranks of the FSA are depleted once again.

Southern Front Brigades Abandon Dara’a Offensive Amid Multiple Failed Attacks

"After two months and five attacks, the leadership of the Free Syrian Arab Army’s (FSA) “Southern Front Brigades” have called it quits in the Dara’a Governorate after numerous offensive announcements to capture the provincial capital that produced minimal gains and heavy casualties, despite surrounding the Syrian Armed Forces from three different sides.

The 50 plus Free Syrian Army factions that form the Southern Front Brigades were tasked with the objective to capture the provincial capital of the Dara’a Governorate after they were able to take control of the Syrian Government’s last border-crossing into Jordan at Nassib, the city of Busra Al-Sham, and the strategic Brigade 52 Base on the border of the Al-Sweida Governorate.

Once it appeared that the Syrian Armed Forces were unwilling to concede any territory to the rebel factions as quickly as they did at Busra Al-Sham and Brigade 52 Base, the Southern Front Brigades no longer sent large convoys of their fighters towards the provincial capital due to the fierce resistance from the Syrian Arab Army’s 15th and 285th Brigades protecting the city.

It appears that the shortage of fighters to launch their sixth assault played an integral role in this decision to call off the offensive dubbed the “Southern Storm”; however, this does not mean that the Battle of Dara’a is over.

The Free Syrian Army will likely attempt to regroup and recruit more men to launch another large-scale offensive inside Dara’a City; but, for now, they are restricted due to their limited numbers in this province.

One thing that benefitted the Islamist rebels in northern Syria was the influx of foreign fighters; this provided the depleted rebel forces with a large boost before they captured the provincial capital of the Idlib Governorate and the strategic city of Jisr Al-Shughour on the Latakia border."

Southern Front Brigades Abandon Dara'a Offensive Amid Multiple Failed Attacks
Syrian Army Clears the Al-Manishiyah Quarter in Daraa City After the Southern Storm Offensive Dissolve

"The 54 factions of the Free Syrian Army’s “Southern Front Brigades” launched five attacks during their large-scale summer offensive to capture Dara’a City; however these attacks proved unsuccessful, as the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the National Defense Forces (NDF) fended off all of the enemy’s repeated infiltration attempts.

Last week, the commanders of the Southern Front Brigades announced the end of this offensive they dubbed “Operation Southern Storm” after they failed to gain any significant ground inside of the provincial capital; this was coupled with the loss of a substantial amount of their fighters at the Al-Manishiyah and Al-Sina’a (Industrial) Quarters.

For the Syrian Armed Forces, the Southern Front’s failure was an opportunity for them to regroup and recapture the ground they lost to the rebel factions after they were on the defensive for most of this year.

On Monday morning, they did just that: the Syrian Arab Army’s 15th Brigade of the 5th Armored Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) – recaptured the last nine building blocks inside the Al-Manishiyah Quarter, clearing out the remaining buildings of all rebel fighters.

Elsewhere, the Syrian Arab Army Army killed a number of rebel militants and destroyed their armored vehicles at the southwestern flank of Khirbat Ghazaleh and Jisr al-Ghariyah in Daraa countryside.

Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, the Syrian Armed Forces carried out an operation that targeted the rebel defensive positions and supply routes at the western entrance of the Old Customs building and the Police Housing Compound, while also targeting the road near the al-Hamza and al-Abbas Mosques inside Daraa al-Balad neighborhood."

Syrian Army Clears the Al-Manishiyah Quarter in Daraa City After the Southern Storm Offensive Dissolves
Breaking: Syrian Army Captures Al-Manishiyah-Dara’a Al-Balad Axis

"The Syrian Arab Army’s 15th Brigade of the 5th Armored Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces – countered the Free Syrian Army (FSA) units operating inside Dara’a City, targeting the latter’s positions at the Al-Manishiyah and Dara’a Al-Balad Districts of the provincial capital on Monday morning.

According to a military source in the Dara’a Governorate, the Syrian Armed Forces captured 10 street blocks along the Al-Manishiyah-Dara’a Al-Balad axis after fierce clashes with the Free Syrian Army fighters; this assault marked the first time in 6 months that the Syrian Armed Forces entered the Dara’a Al-Balad District in south Dara’a City.

North of Dara’a City, the Syrian Armed Forces and Free Syrian Army clashed at the southeastern flank of ‘Itman, where the aforementioned rebel group attempted to advance towards the Syrian Government’s last supply route to the provincial capital; however, they were once again unsuccessful in this military endeavor, as the Syrian Armed Forces fought off the attack.

According to field reports, the Syrian Armed Forces and Free Syrian Army engaged one another in a series of clashes at the towns of Al-Kirak, Khirbat Al-Ghazaleh, Kafr Nissaj, Kafr Shamis, Al-Dilli, Al-Sinameen, and Busra Al-Harir."

Breaking: Syrian Army Captures Al-Manishiyah-Dara'a Al-Balad Axis

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