ISIS in "Kobani" and al-Hasakah


Nov 14, 2012
ISIS has entered the Ayn al-Arab (Kobani) and al-Hasakah.

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) have launched another assault on the provincial capital of the Al-Hasakah Governorate this morning; however, this time, the terrorist group was able to infiltrate past the National Defense Forces (NDF) frontline fortifications near the Al-Hasakah National Hospital and the Baccalaureate School in the western sector of city.

According to a military source in the Al-Hasakah Governorate, the armed combatants from ISIS coordinated with a number of sleeper cells inside the provincial capital; these sleeper cells succored the terrorist group in finding an infiltration point before they took full-control of two building blocks at the western sector of the city.

The source further added that the Syrian Arab Army’s 154th Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division, the National Defense Forces and the Kata’eb Al-Ba’ath (Al-Ba’ath Battalion) have requested more reinforcements from the Al-Qamishli District in order to help drive back the enemy combatants that infiltrated into the provincial capital this morning.

As of now, the militants from ISIS are entrenched inside the provincial capital of Al-Hasakah; however, intense clashes are ongoing at the western sector of the city, as the Syrian Armed Forces look to recover their lost territory from the terrorist group."

Breaking ISIS Second Infiltration Attempt into Al-Hasakah City is Successful

"Northern Syria is on fire this Thursday morning, as the terrorist group known as the “Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham” (ISIS) has launched two large-scale offensives that are geared to capture the provincial capital of the Al-Hasakah Governorate and the predominately Kurdish city of Kobane (‘Ayn Al-‘Arab) in the Aleppo Governorate.

The terrorist group entered the city of Kobane from its southern perimeter, forcing the predominately Kurdish “People’s Protection Units” (YPG) to mobilize its troops to combat this large-scale assault; this marks the first time since its capture by the YPG that Kobane has been attacked by the armed combatants of ISIS.

Firefights are still ongoing at Kobane; however, ISIS has yet to progress past the entrance of the city."

ISIS Attacks Numerous Sites in Northern Syria Terrorist Group Enters Kobane
ISIS storms Kobani again; ‘vengeance’ is the name of the game

"Islamic State militants sneaked on Monday early morning into the Kurdish-controlled Syrian border city of Ayn Arab (Kobani), killing and injuring more than 150 people.

The infiltrators, wearing Free Syrian Army uniforms, drove inside the city with 5 vehicles early at dawn. One of suicide drivers blew himself at the Morshed Binar border crossing, killing at least 30 people. Massive firefights followed the suicide attack.

Immediately, the Kurdish People Protection Units (YPG) sent reinforcements to defend the city.

Local sources confirmed that ISIS fighters shot dead 23 people in the Kurdish village of Barkh Butan, including women and children as well as locals who had taken arms to fight the assailants.

The Kurdish militia backed by US airstrikes defeated ISIS in Kobani last year.

The Kurds accused Turkey of allowing ISIS to use the border crossing as a launch pad to break into the city. The Kurd’s fresh and rapid advance in Tal Abyad and Ayn Issa has alarmed the authorities in Ankara, raising concerns of their intention to establish a de facto state along the borders. A move, if ever occurred, will pose a direct threat to Turkey’s national security.

Having seized two ISIS-held towns, namely Tal Abyad and Ayn Issa, Kurdish militiamen are mobilizing to attack the group’s de facto capital of Al-Raqqa. Within this context, the attack is seen by many as an attempt to distract the Kurdish militia from the potential offensive against al-Raqqa."

ISIS storms Kobani again vengeance is the name of the game
Syrian Army Pushes Back at Al-Hasakah City

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) shocked the Syrian Armed Forces on Thursday morning with a surprise assault on the western sector of Al-Hasakah City, where they would later infiltrate past the latter’s frontline defenses at the Al-Nashwa and Al-Liliyah Neighborhoods before they would impose full control over these areas.

As the clashes began to intensify near the Al-Hasakah Sports Stadium, reinforcements from the National Defrnse Forces (NDF) and Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks Brigade) poured into the provincial capital to assist the Syrian Arab Army’s 123rd Regiment of the 3rd Armored Division and the 154th Special Forces Brigade in order to help push the swarming enemy combatants from the recently captured neighborhoods.

Following the arrival of reinforcements from the NDF and Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra, the Syrian Armed Forces were able to counter the ISIS gains by retaking the Al-Liliyah Neighborhood and half of the Al-Nishwa Neighborhood before nightfall on Thursday.

Despite a successful counter-attack in western Al-Hasakah, the Syrian Armed Forces faced a large scale assault by the militants of ISIS at the Al-Ahdath Juvenile Detention Facility, resulting in a fierce firefight between the two opposing parties for over five hours before the attack was finally repelled.

This ISIS assault on the provincial capital of Al-Hasakah is the most serious and most successful of their previous offensives, as the terrorist group has achieved steady progress in the last 24 hours."

Syrian Army Pushes Back at Al-Hasakah City
ISIS committed a massacre with at least 146 victims in Ayn al-Arab but has allegedly been pushed out of the city again.
Republican Guard Arrives in Al-Hasakah City to Forestall ISIS Advance

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched a large-scale offensive at the provincial capital of Al-Hasakah on Wednesday, targeting the Syrian Armed Forces’ defensive positions at the southern and western sectors of the city for the fourth time this year; however, unlike their previous offensives, the terrorist group has achieved considerable success.

As a result of their persistency, ISIS has been able to penetrate through the Syrian Arab Army’s defensive barriers at the Al-Nashwa District after sleeper cells inside the city provided the terrorist group with not only invaluable intel, but also, access to the enemy’s frontlines that proved vital in their successful offensive.

Following their capture of the Al-Nishwa and Al-Liliyah Districts, the militants from ISIS focused their attention on the Al-Hasakah Central Prison, where they were met with fierce resistance from the SAA’s 123rd Brigade of the 3rd Armored Division the National Defense Forces (NDF), and the Al-Ba’ath Battalions(Kata’eb Al-Ba’ath”).

Unable to break-into the Al-Hasakah Central Prison, ISIS was forced to withdrawal to the Al-Liliyah District, leaving the Syrian Armed Forces in position to counter the terrorist Al-Liliyah and Al-Nishwa; this would come to fruition on Friday morning, when the Syrian Armed Forces recaptured Al-Liliyah and the eastern corridor of Al-Nishwa.

On Saturday morning, Major General Issam Zahreddine arrived with the 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard to help safeguard the provincial capital and drive-out the militants from ISIS.

According to a military source in Al-Hasakah, at least 400 soldiers from the Republican Guard have arrived thus far – more are expected to arrive in the coming hours.

The source further added that the terrorist group has suffered significantly high casualties in their attempt to capture the provincial capital; current estimates range from as low as 70 and as high as 150 enemy combatant casualties."

Republican Guard Arrives in Al-Hasakah City to Forestall ISIS Advance
Fighting Intensifies Inside the Provincial Capital of Al-Hasakah

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) has made significant progress in the provincial capital of the Al-Hasakah Governorate over the last week, as the Syrian Armed Forces and the predominately Kurdish “People’s Protection Units” (YPG) fallen under a violent siege at the southwestern and northwestern sectors of the city.

On Sunday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s 123rd Brigade of the 3rd Armored Division – in coordination with the 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard, the National Defense Forces (NDF), the Al-Ba’ath Battalions, and the Gozarto Protection Forces (Assyrian militias) – carried out a counter-assault at the Al-Ghuweran District of Al-Hasakah City, killing 31 enemy combatants from ISIS, while also destroying three of their armored vehicles before they completely secured this area.

Meanwhile, inside Al-Nashwa, the Syrian Armed Forces and ISIS engaged one another in a series of intense clashes at the western sector of the district, resulting in a tug-of-war battle for control of this imperative area.

Following their assault on the Al-Nashwa District, the militants from ISIS attempted to penetrate past the SAA’s 154th Special Forces Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division’s frontline defenses at the Al-Hasakah Central Prison; however, they were unsuccessful once again, as they they met with fierce resistance from the Syrian Armed Forces at the western perimeter.

For the second time in 48 hours, the militants from ISIS targeted the YPG-controlled Al-‘Aziziyah District, resulting in an exchange of gunfire between the two opposing parties before the fighting dissipated on Sunday night.

According to a military source, despite ISIS’ persistency to infiltrate into the city-center of the provincial capital, the Syrian Armed Forces have been able to maintain their defensive positions and force the terrorist group to withdrawal to the western sector of the Al-Nashwa District before nightfall."

Fighting Intensifies Inside the Provincial Capital of Al-Hasakah
Syrian Armed Forces: ISIS has Suffered 691 Casualties in 48 Hours

"The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and their allies from the National Defense Forces (NDF) have allegedly killed 691 enemy combatants from the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) in the last 48 hours at the Syrian provinces of Al-Hasakah and Deir Ezzor.

According to media sources from the Syrian Armed Forces, the latter has killed 444 ISIS fighters at the provincial capital of the Al-Hasakah Governorate and 247 ISIS fighters at the provincial capital of the Deir Ezzor Governorate – among these 691 casualties, 13 of them were reportedly field commanders identified by the Syrian Armed Forces.

While the Syrian Armed Forces have killed a substantial number of ISIS militants in the last 48 hours, these alleged numbers have not been confirmed by the Syrian Arab Army’s Central Command – the only reports that confirm these numbers are SAA media activists.

Al-Masdar News was able to confirm the death of 94 ISIS militants at the provincial capital of the Al-Hasakah Governorate in the last 72 hours; however, the 350 others that the SAA media activists reported could not be confirmed by this news agency.

Recently, ISIS has conducted a number of large-scale offensives in the provinces of Al-Hasakah, Aleppo, Hama, and Homs – they achieved limited success in some of these provinces; however, they have progressed the furthest in the Al-Hasakah Governorate, despite the Syrian Arab Army’s fierce resistance at the southern and western perimeters of the city."

Syrian Armed Forces ISIS has Suffered 691 Casualties in 48 Hours
ISIS Renews Offensive in Al-Hasakah: Attempts to Capture the City-Center

"Just when the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) was beginning to lose momentum at the provincial capital of the Al-Hasakah Governorate, the terrorist group sprung back to life in the southern and eastern sectors of the city, attacking the Syrian Armed Forces at the Sports City, Al-Ghuweiran Quarter, east Al-Nishwa Quarter, Al-Zuhour Quarter, the Panorama Roundabout, the Power Plant, and the Al-Ahdath Juvenile Detention Facility on Sunday morning.

The terrorist group renewed their offensive on Sunday morning when they stormed the east district of the Al-Nishwa Quarter, where they attempted to breach the Syrian Arab Army’s frontline defenses; however, this was one of their unsuccessful counter-offensives during the day, as the Syrian Armed Forces thwarted the ISIS assault and secured their frontlines.

Meanwhile, at the Al-Zuhour Quarter, the ISIS combatants attack the Syrian Armed Forces’ frontline defenses, where they infiltrated from their positions at the western flank; this resulted in the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) conducting a number of airstrikes to assist the Syrian Arab Army’s 154th Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division retake their lost territory.

Finally, after the Syrian Air Force fractured the terrorist group’s frontlines, the SAA’s 154th Brigade – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Sootooro Brigades (Assyrian militia) – were able to recapture the territory that was captured by the militants of ISIS in the east district of the Al-Zuhour Quarter.

Perhaps the fiercest clashes fought on Sunday took place at the Panorama Roundabout, the Al-Hasakah Power Plant, and the Al-Ahdath Juvenile Detention Facility; this resulted in significant bloodshed and non-stop for almost eleven hours.

Despite their repeated attempts to recapture the Al-Ahdath Juvenile Detention Facility, the militants from ISIS were unsuccessful in breaching the Syrian Armed Forces’ defenses, resulting in their eventual withdrawal from the prison’s southern perimeter.

Similar to the results at the Al-Ahdath Juvenile Detention Facility, the militants from ISIS were unsuccessful in breaching the Syrian Armed Forces’ defenses at the Al-Hasakah Power Plant and the Panorama Roundabout.

The predominately Kurdish “People’s Protection Units” (YPG) took control of the Military Housing District and the Al-Hasakah School after Syrian security forces conceded the area to the latter on Sunday night – ISIS followed up with an assault on the district; however, the attack was repelled by the YPG."

ISIS Renews Offensive in Al-Hasakah Attempts to Capture the City-Center
Tug-of-War Battle for Al-Hasakah City

"The militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) have launched a counter-offensive at the east district of the Al-Nishwa Quarter, some 24 hours after the Syrian Arab Army’s 154th Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division conducted an assault at the Al-Liliyah and Al-Nishwa Quarters of Al-Hasakah City.

With the Syrian Armed Forces on the defensive at the Al-Nishwa Quarter, the armed combatants of ISIS took the opportunity to attack the former’s frontline defenses at the Al-Hasakah Villas, where they were engaged in a series of fierce firefights that lasted for over seven hours on Tuesday.

In addition to their assault at the Al-Hasakah Villas, the militants of ISIS attacked the strategic Panorama Roundabout in the southern sector of Al-Hasakah City, resulting in a violent firefight with the Syrian Arab Army’s 123rd Brigade of the 3rd Armored Division that was eventually repelled in the early afternoon.

According to ISIS social media activists, the terrorist group reportedly took control of the east district inside the Al-Nishwa Quarter; however, per a source inside Al-Hasakah, the Syrian Armed Forces repelled the ISIS assault on the east district and the Al-Hasakah Villas – he further added that ISIS did not infiltrate any of their positions at Al-Nishwa.

The Syrian Armed Forces did not sit idly on Tuesday, as contingents from the Syrian Arab Army – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF), Shaytat Tribe, and the Sootooro Brigades (Assyrian militia) – conducted another assault on ISIS’ positions at the Al-Liliyah Quarter, where they were able to secure a number of building blocks – 90 percent of the Al-Liliyah Quarter is currently under the SAA’s control.

Meanwhile, to the north of the Syrian Armed Forces’ positions, the predominately Kurdish “People’s Protection Units” (YPG) thwarted an ISIS assault on the Al-‘Aziziyah Quarter, killing over two dozen enemy combatants in the process of repelling the militant attack.

The YPG also carried out an assault on the terrorist group’s positions at the village of Al-Adha’ in the ‘Abdel-‘Aziz Mountains, where they were able to force the militants from ISIS to retreat from the area after a fierce battle."

Tug-of-War Battle for Al-Hasakah City
ISIS Captures the Panorama Roundabout in Al-Hasakah

"On Wednesday night, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) conducted a wave of suicide operations in the provincial capital of the Al-Hasakah Governorate, utilizing VBEIDs (vehicle borne improvised explosive device) to infiltrate into the strategic Panorama Roundabout’s southern barriers.

Most of the VBIED attacks that were conducted by the militants of ISIS were unsuccessful; however, before dusk settled over Al-Hasakah City, the terrorist group was finally able to evade the Syrian Arab Army’s defenses and detonate their VBIED, which allowed for the armed combatants of ISIS to capture the Panorama Roundabout after fierce clashes with the Syrian Armed Forces.

Following ISIS’ capture of the Panorama Roundabout, the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) launched a multitude of airstrikes over southern Al-Hasakah, destroying a half dozen armored vehicles that were mounted with 23mm anti-aircraft machine guns before the Syrian Armed Forces began their counter-assault on Thursday morning.

Despite ISIS’ success at the Panorama Roundabout, the Syrian Arab Army’s 154th Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF), 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard, and the Shaytat Tribesmen – captured the Al-Liliyah Quarter after devastating the ISIS militants at the southern district on Wednesday.

Firefights have restarted inside the Al-Nishwa Quarter’s east district this morning, as the terrorist group carried out another assault on the Syrian Armed Forces’ positions – clashes are still ongoing, but there have been no map changes.

According to a military source in the Al-Hasakah District, the Syrian Armed Forces have secured the Al-Ahdath Juvenile Detention Facility, Al-Hasakah Power Plant, the east district of the Al-Ghuweiran Quarter, and the Sports City – the source added that there is no truth to the ISIS social media activist claims of any infiltration in the aforementioned sites."

ISIS Captures the Panorama Roundabout in Al-Hasakah
Syrian Army Counters ISIS in Southern Al-Hasakah

"The southern sector of Al-Hasakah City has experienced the brunt of the firefights between the Syrian Armed Forces and the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) over the last 48 hours, as the aforementioned terrorist group has shifted its attention to this part of the provincial capital after a number of failed attempts to penetrate into the downtown area from the western flank.

Last night, the multitude of VBIED (vehicle borne improvised explosive device) attacks launched by ISIS finally paid off, as the aforementioned terrorist group was able to take full-control of the Panorama Roundabout and the nearby Al-Rusafa Station after a suicide operation destroyed the Syrian Arab Army’s defensive barrier.

Following their subsequent withdrawal from the Panorama Roundabout in southern Al-Hasakah City, the Syrian Armed Forces entrenched themselves in the Directorate of Transportation headquarters and the Municipal Customs building, where they fended off a wave of attacks from the terrorist group on Wednesday night and Thursday morning.

In addition to entrenching themselves in the Municipal Customs building and Directorate of Transportation headquarters, the Syrian Armed Forces created a second line of defense at the university buildings nearby, including the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Faculty of Economics buildings.

Since the morning, the Syrian Armed Forces have repelled all of ISIS’ attempts to advance past the Panorama Roundabout and the Al-Rusafa Station, along with the aforementioned terrorist group’s repeated attempts to recapture the east district of the Al-Nishwa Quarter in west Al-Hasakah.

Despite ISIS’ persistent attacks inside the provincial capital, the Syrian Armed Forces have achieved some level of success today, as the Syrian Arab Army’s 154th Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division seized an IED factory in the Al-Nishwa Quarter, confiscating all of the explosive materials in the process."

Syrian Army Counters ISIS in Southern Al-Hasakah
Syrian Army Rallies Back in Al-Hasakah: Fresh Gains in the South

"On Friday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s 154th Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF), the 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard, and Shaytat Tribesmen – rallied back in the southern sector of Al-Hasakah City, recapturing a number of buildings and street blocks inside the Al-Zuhour Quarter that were under the control of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS).

The Syrian Armed Forces began their assault at the Faculty of Economics building inside the central part of Al-Zuhour, where they confronted a large ISIS’ contingent in fierce combat before the soldiers of the SAA’s 154th Brigade penetrated the terrorist group’s frontline defenses and imposed control over the university facility.

Following the capture of the Faculty of Economics building, the Syrian Armed Forces advanced to the ISIS-controlled Al-Hasakah Industrial Institute in central Al-Zuhour, resulting in a series of violent firefights with the terrorist group at the northern perimeter of the building before they were able to impose control over this facility as well.

Currently, the Syrian Armed Forces are approximately eight blocks away from the strategic Panorama Roundabout in the southern sector of the provincial capital; this site is imperative to lifting the siege on the Al-Ahdath Juvenile Detention Facility and the Al-Hasakah Power Plan.

Northeast of the Al-Zuhour Quarter, the Syrian Armed Forces finally countered the ISIS militants at the Red Villas, infiltrating the terrorist group’s frontlines after they bombarded this area in the eastern outskirts of the city with numerous mortar shells and aerial attacks from the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF).

Meanwhile, at the western sector of the provincial capital, the Syrian Armed Forces carried out a powerful assault on the New Mail Depot, capturing this building after fierce clashes with the terrorist group.

In addition to their success at the New Mail Depot, the Syrian Armed Forces captured two ISIS militants during their assault on the western district of the Al-Nishwa Quarter.

According to a military source in Al-Hasakah City, ISIS controls less than 30 percent of the Syrian Army controlled part of the provincial capital."

Syrian Army Rallies Back in Al-Hasakah Fresh Gains in the South
ISIS Sustains Significant Casualties in East Al-Hasakah

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) had a rough day on Saturday, as the terrorist group attempted to reenter the east district of the Al-Ghuweiran Quarter; however, what they were not prepared for was the Syrian Arab Army’s 104th Airborne Brigade’s (Republican Guard) stiff defenses around the eastern flank of the provincial capital.

Some 400 ISIS combatants stormed the east district of Al-Ghuweiran Quarter on Saturday morning and many of those same combatants did not return after their assault, as the SAA’s 104th Brigade – in coordination with the Gozarto Protection Forces (Assyrian militia) and Shaytat tribesmen – delivered a powerful blow to the encroaching enemy fighters.

According to a military source from the 104th Brigade, the Syrian Armed Forces killed over 60 enemy combatants at the east district of the Al-Ghuweiran Quarter, including a number of foreign fighters from Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Tunisia.

Also on the eastern front, the Syrian Armed Forces continued their assault on the Red Villas, capturing a number of buildings and destroying three of ISIS’ armored vehicles that were mounted with 23mm anti-aircraft machine guns before dusk on Saturday.

The Syrian Armed Forces also experienced success on the southern front of Al-Hasakah City, where they were able to capture the Faculty of Engineering building en route to their advance towards the strategic Panorama Roundabout that is currently under the control of ISIS.

While the Syrian Armed Forces are pushing south towards the Panorama Roundabout, ISIS is besieging the Al-Ahdath Prison to the southeast of the provincial capital; this is an imperative battle that currently pits the isolated National Defense Forces (NDF) against a large ISIS contingent.

The Syrian Armed Forces did not remain quiet on the western front; instead they attempted to push into the west district of Al-Nishwa, where the militants of ISIS have taken-up their positions around the multiple building blocks separating the east district."

ISIS Sustains Significant Casualties in East Al-Hasakah
ISIS Captures the Besieged Al-Ahdath Prison in Al-Hasakah

"On Sunday morning, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) finally succeeded in capturing the Al-Ahdath Juvenile Detention Facility in the southern countryside of the provincial capital after engaging the besieged National Defense Forces (NDF) soldiers in a fierce one week long battle that resulted in the latter withdrawing from the prison’s parameters.

The NDF soldiers attempted to withdraw from the Al-Ahdath Juvenile Detention Facility to the Al-Hasakah Electrical Substation in broad daylight, leaving them susceptible to ISIS’ gunfire, while they ran 200 meters toward the electrical facility.

Unfortunately, 23 NDF soldiers were reportedly killed during their attempted escape from Al-Ahdath Prison and another 11 soldiers are reportedly missing from the same contingent; however, a military source has confirmed that 37 NDF soldiers made it to safety at the Al-Hasakah Electrical Substation after they fled the prison.

Meanwhile, inside the provincial capital, ISIS has not let up their assault on the east district of Al-Ghuweiran Quarter, as they would attempt to breach the Republican Guard’s frontline positions with multiple waves of fighters that ran into a brick-wall defense.

ISIS’ repeated attempts to penetrate into the east district of Al-Ghuweiran resulted in the death of over 30 of their combatants and their eventual withdrawal from the area after the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) began pounding their fighters from the air.

The Syrian Armed Forces did not remain quiet on Sunday, instead they conducted a number of raids in the Al-Nishwa and Al-Zuhour Districts, killing scores of enemy combatants and destroying four armored vehicles that belonged to ISIS.

At the Red Villas in east Al-Hasakah, the Syrian Armed Forces targeted an ISIS weapons depot and with the help of the Syrian Air Force, they were able to destroy this site."

ISIS Captures the Besieged Al-Ahdath Prison in Al-Hasakah
ISIS Charges East Al-Hasakah City Without Regard for Casualties

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) has been on the offensive for three weeks in the provincial capital of the Al-Hasakah Governorate and during this time frame, they have sustained a significant number of casualties in order to progress a few meters at a time.

Without any regard for their casualties, ISIS field commanders send wave after wave of combatants into the line of fire; this usually results in a high casualty count for the terrorist group and limited success (e.g. Deir Ezzor).

However, there seems to be a method to this madness, as ISIS has advanced deep into the heart of the provincial capital, forcing the Syrian Arab Army’s Central Command to reinforce this front and abandon possible offensives elsewhere.

On Monday morning, the terrorist group obstinately stuck to their previous contingency and charged the east district of the Al-Ghuweiran Quarter, where they ran into the well-prepared 104th Airborne Brigade of the Syrian Arab Army’s Republican Guard.

Once again, the terrorist group disregarded their high casualty count and repeatedly sent fighters to storm the 104th Brigade’s frontline defenses, only for them to achieve the same results as their previous infiltration attempts.

According to a military source in Al-Hasakah, the terrorist group suffered an estimated 35 casualties during their relentless assault on the east district of the Al-Ghuweiran Quarter; to contrast, 104th Brigade only reported 4 soldiers killed-in-action (KIA) and 9 others wounded.

South of Al-Hasakah City, the militants of ISIS found themselves under the constant bombardment at the Al-Ahdath Juvenile Detention building, as the Syrian Arab Air Force’s (SAAF) aerial assault and the National Defense Forces (NDF) persistent mortar shells from the Al-Hasakah Electrical Substation pounded the terrorist group’s positions around the facility’s parameters.

At the Sports City near the Al-Ghuweiran Quarter, ISIS attempted to break-through the Syrian Armed Forces’ frontline defenses; however, they were repelled after a brief two hour firefight.

The Syrian Arab Army’s 154th Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division – in coordination with the Gozarto Protection Forces (Assyrian militia), the NDF, and the Al-Ba’ath Battalion – continued their assault on the west district of the Al-Nishwa Quarter, where they exchanged multiple mortar shells and gunfire during a six hour firefight."

ISIS Charges East Al-Hasakah City Without Regard for Casualties
Syrian Military Advances in West Al-Hasakah: Phase 2 of Military Operations Commence


"On Wednesday morning, the Syrian Armed Forces have began Phase 2 of their military operations in the provincial capital of Al-Hasakah after they were able to finally forestall the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) progress outside of the city-center.

The aforementioned terrorist organization enjoyed a three week long offensive that achieved significant success in this east Syrian province; however, slowly, but surely, the Syrian Armed Forces reversed much of the gains made inside of Al-Hasakah City, despite ISIS’ original success at three different flanks around the provincial capital.

It took three weeks for the Syrian Arab Army’s 154th Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division to reenter the west district of the Al-Nishwa Quarter and while, it was an arduous journey to halt ISIS’ progress in the east district, the Syrian Armed Forces persevered and infiltrated the terrorist group’s defenses.

As a result of their reentry into the west district of Al-Nishwa, the SAA’s 154th Brigade – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF), Gozarto Protection Forces (Assyrian militia), the Al-Ba’ath Battalion – captured four building blocks at the eastern axis, while also taking control of the Sheep Market (Souq Al-Ghannem) after clashing with ISIS on Wednesday night.

North of the provincial capital, the Syrian Arab Army’s 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard secured the Al-Hasakah-Al-Qamishli Highway after a failed attempt by an ISIS contingent to disrupt the Syrian Government’s main supply route to the city.

The Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) was extremely busy on Wednesday, as they would carry out over 55 airstrikes around the Al-Hasakah Governorate.

The primary targets for the Syrian Air Forces were the cities of Al-Shadadi (southern Al-Hasakah) and Al-Houl (east Al-Hasakah); these airstrikes reportedly caused significant damage to the terrorist organization’s armored vehicles, while also killing scores of enemy combatants.

At the Sports City near the Al-Ghuweiran Quarter, the Syrian Arab Army’s 5th Border Brigade thwarted an ISIS infiltration attempt from the southern axis, despite repeated efforts to breach their frontline defenses.

In west Al-Hasakah, the predominately Kurdish “People’s Protection Units” (YPG) carried out a successful military operation at the town of Al-Abyad, resulting in the capture of Jisr Al-Abyad (Al-Abyad Brigade) after fierce clashes with ISIS."

Syrian Military Advances in West Al-Hasakah Phase 2 of Military Operations Commence
ISIS Steadily Losing Ground in Al-Hasakah City

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) has had a rough few days in Al-Hasakah City this week, as the Syrian Armed Forces and the predominately Kurdish “People’s Protection Units” (YPG) have launched separate counter-offensives inside and outside of the provincial capital, forcing the terrorist group to take the defensive for the first time in three weeks.

On Thursday, things did not get any better for ISIS inside the provincial capital of Al-Hasakah; this was due in large part to the Syrian Arab Army’s 154th Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division’s relentless pressure they applied upon the terrorist group’s defensive positions inside the west district of the Al-Nishwa Quarter.

Unable to obstruct their offensive in the west district of the Al-Nishwa Quarter, the terrorist group (ISIS) found itself facing the loss of the imperative Al-Hasakah Hotel and the Secondary School; this would later come to fruition, as the Syrian Armed Forces implemented full-control over another set of building blocks inside the city.

In addition to their success at Al-Nishwa, the Syrian Armed Forces steadily gained ground in the Al-Zuhour Quarter, killing 19 confirmed enemy combatants and destroying three armored vehicles mounted with 23mm anti-aircraft machine guns.

South of the provincial capital, the YPG wasted no time attacking the terrorist group at the Al-Ahdath Juvenile Prison and the Al-Hasakah Electrical substation, capturing these sites after fierce clashes with ISIS militants on Thursday morning."

ISIS Steadily Losing Ground in Al-Hasakah City
ISIS Offensive in Al-Hasakah Ends Miserably: 1,200 Militants Trapped Inside the City

"Three weeks after launching their large-scale offensive in the provincial capital of the Al-Hasakah Governorate, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) has found itself encircled by the Syrian Armed Forces at the eastern (Al-Nishwa) and northern flanks; meanwhile, the predominately Kurdish “People’s Protection Units” control the the western and southern flanks.

With no outlet to retreat, the terrorist group has an estimated 1,200 combatants stuck inside the provincial capital with scarce provisions to muster up a counter-assault, leaving them at the mercy of the Syrian Armed Forces and the YPG fighters assaulting their positions from all sides.

To make matters worse for the ISIS militants, the Syrian Armed Forces and the YPG are involved in a cold war style battle to take control of as much territory as they can before the other arrives; this has worked out well for the YPG, as they have taken control of large swathes of territory with little resistance from the terrorist group.

On Friday morning, the Syrian Armed Forces made significant progress inside the provincial capital, capturing the Faculty of Economics building, the Industrial Institute, and a number of building blocks inside the west district of the Al-Nishwa Quarter.

In addition to their progress at the aforementioned sites, the Syrian Arab Army’s 154th Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces, Gozarto Protection Forces (Assyrian militia), and the Al-Ba’ath Battalion – have finally entered the Al-Shari’ah District in the southwestern corridor of Al-Hasakah City after fierce clashes with ISIS on Wednesday afternoon.

ISIS suffered a major setback on the eastern front of Al-Hasakah City, as the YPG imposed full control over the Red Villas, while also advancing to the Al-Zuhour Quarter’s east district.

South of Al-Hasakah City, the YPG has taken control of Rad Sharqiyah, Al-Watwatiyah, and a number of other little villages along the Al-Hasakah-Al-Shadadi Highway."

ISIS Offensive in Al-Hasakah Ends Miserably 1 200 Militants Trapped Inside the City
Syrian Army Advances to the Youth Housing Building in South Al-Hasakah

"On Saturday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s 154th Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF), Gozarto Protection Forces (Assyrian militia) and the Al-Ba’ath Battalion (Kata’eb Al-Ba’ath) – have advanced to the Youth Housing building in Al-Hasakah City after fierce clashes with the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS).

Following their capture of the Faculty of Economics building and the Industrial Institute in the Al-Zuhour Quarter, the Syrian Armed Forces were able to press further south towards the Youth Housing building, forcing the terrorist group to have to reinforce their defensive positions around the building’s northern perimeter.

The Youth Housing building is located in the southern district of the Al-Zuhour Quarter; it is located directly north of the Panorama Roundabout that leads into the provincial capital of Al-Hasakah.

To further the plight of the ISIS militants inside the provincial capital, the Syrian Armed Forces advanced into the Al-Shari’ah District of the Al-Nishwa Quarter after securing the Al-Hasakah Villas and the remaining contested neighborhoods in the east district.

As of Saturday, the Syrian Armed Forces are now in control of 30 percent of the west district inside the Al-Nishwa Quarter; this has forced ISIS to retreat towards the Al-Hasakah Mail Depot, despite once controlling the eastern axis of the west district."

Syrian Army Advances to the Youth Housing Building in South Al-Hasakah

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