Free speech

Sign Up - The Boston Globe

Wow the president of UC system finally admits how these commies have fucked free speech. Fuck snowflakes....

Your link doesn't say anything. It just asks me to sign up for the Boston Globe.

Did you get a new job selling newspapers?

Not my problem figure it out..........

I'm not the one that posted the link. You are. Do you have an actual link for your claims, or are you just selling papers for the Boston Globe?
Turns out it's by Janet Napolitano! Good for her.

The more difficult issues arise when students seek to shout down speakers or attempt to prevent them from appearing at all. If one believes in the value of free speech and its place in the modern university, these types of actions are antithetical. I personally disagree with many of the sentiments expressed in the public spaces on our campuses. But the way to deal with extreme, unfounded speech is not with less speech — it is with more speech, informed by facts and persuasive argument. Educating students from an informed “more speech” approach as opposed to silencing an objectionable speaker should be one of academia’s key roles. After all, these students will graduate into a country where objectionable speech is the current coin of the realm.

Fabulous. Sadly, no doubt she'll take some shit for this. Or worse, her words will be ignored.

Nice to see more and more honest liberals weighing in on what the PC zealots have done.
This deserves its own gif:

Yep these libtards cant open an article.....jesus they boost my ego with each post.
And yeah its hilarious it was ole janet....i think shes shit, but even she realizes how bad the campus commies are.
Yep these libtards cant open an article.....jesus they boost my ego with each post.
And yeah its hilarious it was ole janet....i think shes shit, but even she realizes how bad the campus commies are.
Sorry but you being an asshole wont get us to support your online paper route.

Yep i work for the boston globe you caught about you figure out how to click on internet links before you discuss big boy stuff like politics.
Yep these libtards cant open an article.....jesus they boost my ego with each post.
And yeah its hilarious it was ole janet....i think shes shit, but even she realizes how bad the campus commies are.
Sorry but you being an asshole wont get us to support your online paper route.

Yep i work for the boston globe you caught about you figure out how to click on internet links before you discuss big boy stuff like politics.
Clicking on your link only shows you want people to read the Boston Globe. Please get away from my doorstep. I dont tolerate solicitors when they are full grown.

Screenshot 2016-09-30 14.27.38.png

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