
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Rev. Phelps and his clan can say anything they want to within distance to cause a disturbance at funerals of fallen soldiers it becomes harassment and there is a law against harassment, disturbing the peace and hate speech. They should get a restraining order against this clan restraining them from protesting within 100 yards and disturbing the peace of a funeral.

A funeral is a private ceremony and attended only by invitation and Rev. Phelps and his clan are funeral crashers spewing hate speech.

He can do and say whatever the hell he want within a certain distance but the line is drawn when it becomes hate speech, harassment and disturbing he peace of a funeral without violating his First Amendment Rights. There is a laws that prevent harassment, hate speech and disturbing the peace.

The First Amendment needs to be amended to make what he is doing a crime without violating his free speech rights. We owe that to our fallen heroes.
LilOlLady, unfortunately America has a long history of not honoring their heroes. In fact our country men hold most of us who've served in contempt. This started in the 60's, and continues today. What this 'church" group does to harass grieving families as they lay their loved ones to rest is reprehensible. It should not be tolerated in this society. One thing that I've learned in life is that everyone has a trigger point that would cause them to react harshly to this type of negative stimulus. I'm one of the lucky parents. Both of my sons returned from multiple Iraqi tours unscathed. I couldn't imagine laying one of my boys to rest, and having this group of maggots show up. One day the members of this church are going to be hurt very badly. I just hope that things don't escalate to this level.

It is criminal for this country to send its young men and women into harms way to fight a war that it doesn't have the will to win.
LilOlLady, unfortunately America has a long history of not honoring their heroes. In fact our country men hold most of us who've served in contempt. This started in the 60's, and continues today. What this 'church" group does to harass grieving families as they lay their loved ones to rest is reprehensible. It should not be tolerated in this society. One thing that I've learned in life is that everyone has a trigger point that would cause them to react harshly to this type of negative stimulus. I'm one of the lucky parents. Both of my sons returned from multiple Iraqi tours unscathed. I couldn't imagine laying one of my boys to rest, and having this group of maggots show up. One day the members of this church are going to be hurt very badly. I just hope that things don't escalate to this level.

It is criminal for this country to send its young men and women into harms way to fight a war that it doesn't have the will to win.

The answer is to persuade your local legislators to propose a law setting guidelines for behavior at funerals, including wide buffer zones, so as to protect the privacy of the attendees. The SC left a large loophole for just such a law in their decision.
LilOlLady, unfortunately America has a long history of not honoring their heroes. In fact our country men hold most of us who've served in contempt. This started in the 60's, and continues today. What this 'church" group does to harass grieving families as they lay their loved ones to rest is reprehensible. It should not be tolerated in this society. One thing that I've learned in life is that everyone has a trigger point that would cause them to react harshly to this type of negative stimulus. I'm one of the lucky parents. Both of my sons returned from multiple Iraqi tours unscathed. I couldn't imagine laying one of my boys to rest, and having this group of maggots show up. One day the members of this church are going to be hurt very badly. I just hope that things don't escalate to this level.

It is criminal for this country to send its young men and women into harms way to fight a war that it doesn't have the will to win.

The answer is to persuade your local legislators to propose a law setting guidelines for behavior at funerals, including wide buffer zones, so as to protect the privacy of the attendees. The SC left a large loophole for just such a law in their decision.

Dont most localities already have such guidelines in place and the Westboro assholes follow those guidelines? I think that people have the mental image of them right at the funeral, heckling the family members. Thats simply not the case. I hate Phelps but we can hardly ban the right to free speech(however vile it might be) because we dont like it and it makes us feel uncomfortable.
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Rev. Phelps and his clan can say anything they want to within distance to cause a disturbance at funerals of fallen soldiers it becomes harassment and there is a law against harassment, disturbing the peace and hate speech. They should get a restraining order against this clan restraining them from protesting within 100 yards and disturbing the peace of a funeral.

A funeral is a private ceremony and attended only by invitation and Rev. Phelps and his clan are funeral crashers spewing hate speech.

He can do and say whatever the hell he want within a certain distance but the line is drawn when it becomes hate speech, harassment and disturbing he peace of a funeral without violating his First Amendment Rights. There is a laws that prevent harassment, hate speech and disturbing the peace.

The First Amendment needs to be amended to make what he is doing a crime without violating his free speech rights. We owe that to our fallen heroes.

Why is hate speech illegal in your world? Are you aware that Pakistan's Minority Minister was just assassinated because he spoke up against laws that restrict what you call hate speech? People are being killed all over the world over the right to say what they want, and you want to shut down a group that no one pays attention to because everyone knows they are scumbags.
LilOlLady, unfortunately America has a long history of not honoring their heroes. In fact our country men hold most of us who've served in contempt. This started in the 60's, and continues today. What this 'church" group does to harass grieving families as they lay their loved ones to rest is reprehensible. It should not be tolerated in this society. One thing that I've learned in life is that everyone has a trigger point that would cause them to react harshly to this type of negative stimulus. I'm one of the lucky parents. Both of my sons returned from multiple Iraqi tours unscathed. I couldn't imagine laying one of my boys to rest, and having this group of maggots show up. One day the members of this church are going to be hurt very badly. I just hope that things don't escalate to this level.

It is criminal for this country to send its young men and women into harms way to fight a war that it doesn't have the will to win.

The answer is to persuade your local legislators to propose a law setting guidelines for behavior at funerals, including wide buffer zones, so as to protect the privacy of the attendees. The SC left a large loophole for just such a law in their decision.

Dont most localities already have such guidelines in place and the Westboro assholes follow those guidelines? I think that people have the mental image of them right at the funeral, heckling the family members. Thats simply not the case. I hate Phelps but we can hardly ban the right to free speech(however vile it might be) because we dont like it and it makes us feel uncomfortable.

What you speak of is true liberty. And if such speech makes people angry...the proper take of any sane individual is to ignore people as Phelps. They will eventually fade away.

As long as the light shines on them? It gives them power.

Best is to just ignore speech you don't like. No Creedence. It will take care of itself.

Rev. Phelps and his clan can say anything they want to within distance to cause a disturbance at funerals of fallen soldiers it becomes harassment and there is a law against harassment, disturbing the peace and hate speech. They should get a restraining order against this clan restraining them from protesting within 100 yards and disturbing the peace of a funeral.

A funeral is a private ceremony and attended only by invitation and Rev. Phelps and his clan are funeral crashers spewing hate speech.

He can do and say whatever the hell he want within a certain distance but the line is drawn when it becomes hate speech, harassment and disturbing he peace of a funeral without violating his First Amendment Rights. There is a laws that prevent harassment, hate speech and disturbing the peace.

The First Amendment needs to be amended to make what he is doing a crime without violating his free speech rights. We owe that to our fallen heroes.

Why is hate speech illegal in your world? Are you aware that Pakistan's Minority Minister was just assassinated because he spoke up against laws that restrict what you call hate speech? People are being killed all over the world over the right to say what they want, and you want to shut down a group that no one pays attention to because everyone knows they are scumbags.

Again? If no one pays attention to them? They dry up, fade away...into irrelevance.
We protect the speech of those such as Westboro, namvets of the far stupid right, and the wacks of the far left. (1) Because the most hated speech is the one that has to be protected in order to protect the rational speech of the rest of us. (2) Because of such hate speech back shadows the light of truth. We can never silence the haters for philosophical and personal reasons.

Once again Alito demonstrates he simply is not of SCOTUS material.
We protect the speech of those such as Westboro, namvets of the far stupid right, and the wacks of the far left. (1) Because the most hated speech is the one that has to be protected in order to protect the rational speech of the rest of us. (2) Because of such hate speech back shadows the light of truth. We can never silence the haters for philosophical and personal reasons.

Once again Alito demonstrates he simply is not of SCOTUS material.

*I* sympathisized with Alito's view as well...but then SOME of us have open minds and don't live in your dark Dillusional world, Fakey.
T, you are a tool, and all know it. But keep speaking because your hate is leaking. :lol:
"A funeral is a private ceremony and attended only by invitation and Rev. Phelps and his clan are funeral crashers spewing hate speech."

Is the problem with the public procession on public roads?
A funeral home is a private setting. The sidewalk outside the funeral home is public.

The best defense against the WBC filth from being accepted on a wide scale, is to broadcast it on all channels.
You do realize that these laws are ALREADY in place. As a matter of fact, they were so effective that the father in this specific case was unaware of Phelps until after the funeral was over and they went home. Seems to me that the current law is quite effective and proper. Wanting to amend the first to allow you to suppress such speech is rather dangerous. What happens when your view is labeled as heckling?
LilOlLady, unfortunately America has a long history of not honoring their heroes. In fact our country men hold most of us who've served in contempt. This started in the 60's, and continues today. What this 'church" group does to harass grieving families as they lay their loved ones to rest is reprehensible. It should not be tolerated in this society. One thing that I've learned in life is that everyone has a trigger point that would cause them to react harshly to this type of negative stimulus. I'm one of the lucky parents. Both of my sons returned from multiple Iraqi tours unscathed. I couldn't imagine laying one of my boys to rest, and having this group of maggots show up. One day the members of this church are going to be hurt very badly. I just hope that things don't escalate to this level.

It is criminal for this country to send its young men and women into harms way to fight a war that it doesn't have the will to win.

The answer is to persuade your local legislators to propose a law setting guidelines for behavior at funerals, including wide buffer zones, so as to protect the privacy of the attendees. The SC left a large loophole for just such a law in their decision.

Dont most localities already have such guidelines in place and the Westboro assholes follow those guidelines? I think that people have the mental image of them right at the funeral, heckling the family members. Thats simply not the case. I hate Phelps but we can hardly ban the right to free speech(however vile it might be) because we dont like it and it makes us feel uncomfortable.

Not banning "free speech", just indicating when and where such political events are appropriate. Whether you're a Democrat, Republican, Tea Partier, Commie or Nazi, you can't demonstrate without your permits being in order. As long as the law is directed towards preserving the privacy of the families and attendees and not towards shutting down of speech, it should pass Constitutional muster.
We protect the speech of those such as Westboro, namvets of the far stupid right, and the wacks of the far left. (1) Because the most hated speech is the one that has to be protected in order to protect the rational speech of the rest of us. (2) Because of such hate speech back shadows the light of truth. We can never silence the haters for philosophical and personal reasons.

Once again Alito demonstrates he simply is not of SCOTUS material.

The aim isn't or shouldn't be to silence the WBC, but to back them off from interfering with mourners. One is clearly unconstitutional, while the other is done all the time with SC blessing.
The answer is to persuade your local legislators to propose a law setting guidelines for behavior at funerals, including wide buffer zones, so as to protect the privacy of the attendees. The SC left a large loophole for just such a law in their decision.

Dont most localities already have such guidelines in place and the Westboro assholes follow those guidelines? I think that people have the mental image of them right at the funeral, heckling the family members. Thats simply not the case. I hate Phelps but we can hardly ban the right to free speech(however vile it might be) because we dont like it and it makes us feel uncomfortable.

Not banning "free speech", just indicating when and where such political events are appropriate. Whether you're a Democrat, Republican, Tea Partier, Commie or Nazi, you can't demonstrate without your permits being in order. As long as the law is directed towards preserving the privacy of the families and attendees and not towards shutting down of speech, it should pass Constitutional muster.

Slightly off topic here but I would challenge that, even though those laws have been upheld, the laws that require permits for demonstrating are unconstitutional. It is asinine that you are required to get anything before exercising your free rights. There does need to be basic law that stops people from being disruptive but permits are an abuse against the right to speak.

Rev. Phelps and his clan can say anything they want to within distance to cause a disturbance at funerals of fallen soldiers it becomes harassment and there is a law against harassment, disturbing the peace and hate speech. They should get a restraining order against this clan restraining them from protesting within 100 yards and disturbing the peace of a funeral.

A funeral is a private ceremony and attended only by invitation and Rev. Phelps and his clan are funeral crashers spewing hate speech.

He can do and say whatever the hell he want within a certain distance but the line is drawn when it becomes hate speech, harassment and disturbing he peace of a funeral without violating his First Amendment Rights. There is a laws that prevent harassment, hate speech and disturbing the peace.

The First Amendment needs to be amended to make what he is doing a crime without violating his free speech rights. We owe that to our fallen heroes.

You DO know that in the case in question The protesters were 1000 yards away from the funeral and that the greedy for 'pain & sufferin' $$$$$$$ Papa Snyder did not even KNOW there had been a protest until he read about it on the net weeks latter.

Try to get your facts somewhat in order before you crap on the Constitution further, eh.

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