Free Speech: The Trump Beelzebub


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Free speech is very important, and we all have seen/read of Orwellian dystopian paranoia-omens about New World Orders of bureaucratic coldness creating an 'industrial/political demand' for censorship and the profitability of censorship.

Here's a short-story I cooked up which might intrigue President Trump, an outspoken capitalist who did not seem shy to make incendiary comments in the press during his road to the White House.

We make all kinds of liberal comments now about our last celebrity president (Ronald Reagan), such as "Only the Devil likes Reaganomics!" so what kinds of comments will be made about this new capitalism-trained celebrity president (Donald Trump)? I can offer up one: "Only the Devil lyricizes Trump Taj Mahal!"

I don't want to be part of a nation in which school-teachers tell students, "Be a profit-minded capitalist (like President Trump) or be considered a censorship-worthy derelict!"


Tom Cruise, arguably the world's most visible movie star in history and star of culturally-symbolic films such as Born on the 4th of July and Minority Report, wanted to do a media campaign on the value of pluralism as it pertains to the desirable marketing of non-mainstream religious groups such as the Church of Scientology (a group Cruise endorses as a member). He made press statements such as, "If people around the world are logging onto Facebook, they should have access to a Scientology profile page on Facebook!" Cruise received some media criticisms that he was intolerant of his ex-wife who disagreed with his convictions regarding Scientology.

Ajay Satan, an idealistic Internet-blogging Albanian-American and Ivy League graduate, liked making posts on World Discussion Forum about the value of democracy and free speech in modern commerce and traffic-heavy USA. Ajay believed that multiculturalism and religious tolerance could be achieved in a consumerism-centric civilization which invested in networking-related resources that promoted general exchange and discourse (e.g., Facebook, eBay, Wikipedia, etc.). Ajay, a born-again Christian devoted to Catholic beliefs/rituals, was not opposed to the media-hyped pluralism 'intrigue' seen daily on MTV (e.g., African-American musicians' videos) but did not use the reality of media trafficking to hype his beliefs in Catholicism.

Ajay agreed with many of Cruise's media statements regarding the wisdom of pluralism in a consumerism-gauged new world order (e.g., Wall Street, NATO, Burger King, European Union, etc.). However, he disagreed that the media could be used to forward personal views on the profitability of exchange between cultures and groups in this new market. "I want to promote Catholicism, but I don't think anyone has a right to do so on a socially-shared cyber-playspace such as Facebook, which is meant only for casual photo-sharing!" This is where Cruise and Ajay sharply disagreed, and this ideological difference would forever stamp these two 'typical' modern age 'democracy-symbolic characters' as the Left Wing and Right Wing of New Age Federalism. How would the Trump Administration cater to this new arena of 'daredevil discourse'?


"We're just Friends!"

Jokes aside, I'd like to see a dialogue between Stalin and Trump about 'a culture of humanism.' Someone build a time machine already!


TRUMP: The Soviet Union is gloomy.
STALIN: You Americans like shallow programs such as Friends.
TRUMP: Hey, it's better to be friendly than fascist.
STALIN: Capitalism breeds its own brand of fascism.
TRUMP: Explain.
STALIN: Microsoft anti-trust case.
TRUMP: The world can not tolerate 2 superpowers.
STALIN: That's why the Soviet Union will win (somehow).
TRUMP: No way. Capitalism is more conducive to negotiation.
STALIN: Do you suggest the uneducated should have access to politics?
TRUMP: If we ignore the 'culture of economics,' we'll become biased.
STALIN: You don't think Microsoft is 'biased'?
TRUMP: It's not that simple. You can't equate corporations with dictatorships.
STALIN: Are you saying you wouldn't mind if Trump Taj Mahal became bigger than Eurodisney?
TRUMP: I wouldn't excommunicate or ostracize someone who didn't like Trump Taj Mahal!
STALIN: Really? I contend your government (i.e., McCarthy) would censor someone who even 'seems' cynical.



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