Free speech bus vandalized by harsh opposers


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Free Speech Bus Vandalized by Harsh Opposers
According to a report, The #FreeSpeechBus is currently unable to get back on the road after being vandalized by LGBT extremists last Friday in Manhattan. Sources indicate that The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) and Citizen Go put together the bus tour to promote “the natural family.” “We are seeking to spark a renewed debate over the effect of gender ideology in law and in culture, in which we hope all sides will be respected,” Joseph Grabowski, director of communications for NOM, told CBN News.


These are your trendy, nut liberal democrats bank on it. They are the extreme side which fit right into the same nut groups as ANTIFA, BLM, and every other nutjobs who acts out on " FREE SPEECH", sooner or later these idiots are going to cause " ALL SPEECH" to be banned this is how fkn retarded and stupid these a holes are.
What is even more retarded is getting your "news" from right wing Christian nutjob sites that are trying to say that we are in the end times of the Bible.
End Times Headlines? Quit bringing your weirdo shit to USMB please. We discuss REAL stories here.
Vandalism is vandalism and so those responsible for the damage should be prosecuted for it no matter what they stand for.

God bless you always!!!


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