Free healthcare for illegal aliens.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

If illegal aliens face no insurance mandate and no penalty for being uninsured, that means they are freer than American citizens, whom the government is compelling to buy health coverage or else. Granted, illegals aren't supposed to be able to enroll in the Medicaid welfare program or collect a subsidy under Obamacare. But illegals can still get "free" health care (i.e., paid for by taxpayers or private insurers, or written off as bad debt by providers) in emergencies. Their U.S. citizen children qualify for Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program. And the earlier rule makes it much easier for illegals to defraud the system. Plus, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) explained how the amnesty plus Obamacare would make it more attractive for employers to fire American workers and hire newly amnestied foreign workers.

Double Standard in Obamacare Favors Illegals | Center for Immigration Studies
Americans should be screaming about the EMTALA Act of 1986 or so that mandates free health care for ILLEGALS (!!) at hospital ERs. Naturally the illegals use it for every health problem and have bankrupted hundreds of hospitals in america.

What does it cost the citizens.? With 40 million illegals and average medical costs of $3000 per person, that's $120 billion every year.
Free healthcare for illegals = a shot in the arm of the ebola virus.

And a host of other diseases. People need to realize that illegals are the trash of mexico. They are not of spanish descent, they are mestizos of indian descent and as such comparable to our own american indians. Stupid disease-ridden animals.

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