Franklin Roosevelt: A God To The Uninformed


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. While some may believe that the English language is of the Romance or Latinate, it is actually Teutonic, like German.
Some years ago I decided to read Erich Remarque’s book…


….in the original German. Took a long time, sitting with a German-English dictionary, but I did read it. Today, sometimes I can still get the gist of a written German news story.
The popularity of the novel proves how mistaken Franklin Roosevelt was in his worldview.

a.“Erich Maria Remarque[1] (born Erich Paul Remark; 22 June 1898 – 25 September 1970) was a German novelist who created many works about the horrors of war. His best known novel All Quiet on the Western Front (1928), about German soldiers in the First World War, was made into an Oscar-winning film. His book made him an enemy of the Nazis, who burned many of his works.” Erich Maria Remarque - Wikipedia

3.“His book made him an enemy of the Nazis,…”

Remarque was hardly the only German who was anti-Nazi.

“Approximately 77,000 German citizens were killed for one or another form of resistance…” German resistance to Nazism - Wikipedia

Let's look at a primary source, Allen Dulles, first civilian to head the CIA, and its longest serving director. In "Germany's Underground: The Anti-Nazi Resistance," Dulles wrote of that the German was the only anti-Nazi underground not supported by the United States. (p.22).
On page 140, Dulles states "The plotters (anti-Nazi German resistance)....were told clearly and repeatedly that we had made common cause with Russia...." as the reason they were frozen out.

The NYTimes told the same story, March 18, 1946: "Full Story of Anti-Hitler Plot Shows That Allies Refused To Assist."

Why do you suppose FDR refused to use the anti-Nazi Germans in his battle against Hitler?

4. Here’s the point: Franklin Roosevelt refused to work with anti-Hitler Germans because of his undying love of ‘Uncle Joe’ Stalin. Government school will never teach that Roosevelt could have defeated Hitler and ended the war, years earlier than he did, with the concomitant savings in American lives and treasure, if he did not bend to every one of Communist Stalin’s orders.

The result is explained in the title of this thread.
It will be irrefutably proven in the thread itself.

5. If you believe that FDR functioned totally in the interests of America, and Americans, that he did a wonderful job in pursuing victory in WWII, that he had any sort of moral compass…..

….then you probably voted for Hillary.
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Nothing like translating weighty tomes from German to make you want to jump out a window.
[QUOTE="PoliticalChic, post: 20184952, member: 12394"

4. Here’s the point: Franklin Roosevelt refused to work with anti-Hitler Germans because of his undying love of ‘Uncle Joe’ Stalin. Government school will never teach that Roosevelt could have defeated Hitler and ended the war, years earlier than he did, with the concomitant savings in American lives and treasure, if he did not bend to every one of Communist Stalin’s orders.

The FDR administration, including the military, did not reject working with aniti-Hitler Germans because of some silly concept that they had some kind of undying love for Stalin. Who is really dopey enough to believe that and not understand it is just a talking point ploy to demonize and misdirect. The victors of WWII against Nazi Germany correctly knew and predicted that defeating Hitler would require and cost massive casualties of millions upon millions of soldiers. With this in mind, FDR and his military leaders chose to help the USSR fight the Nazi hoards on the Eastern Front and inside of the USSR itself, literally in and around Russian and Soviet cities where many more millions of USSR citizens would vanish in the warfare. Well over 15 million Soviet soldiers and civilians would die fighting the Nazi's before Americans led the allies onto the beaches of Normandy to open a western front. Hundreds of thousand of Americans would be casualties of WWII, BUT NOT MILLIONS.

Reasons for the American policy of not associating with anti-Hitler groups plotting to overthrow Hitler were that America wanted a "clean slate" with Germany when the war ended. They wanted no obligations and wanted to keep no promises to former Nazi's or anyone connected in any way with the Nazi regime. Most of the resistance in Germany was in one way or another connected to the communist and allies of the USSR. Nazi Germany would be defeated and when it was defeated there would be unconditional surrender with nothing owed to a single German leader. The punishment for allowing Hitler was to be the complete lose of any influence on the new, but defeated Germany. America would not have obligations to Germans who in turn held alliances and owed debts to the communist.
Add to that the correct assessment that any and all attempts to assassinate or overthrow Hitler would fail. This made a risk assessment foolish and not worth the endeavor.

The decision to support a USSR war with Germany was not a silly concept of love for Stalin or the USSR. It was a 100% military decision and was proven to be the right and wise decision. It was one that saved the lives of millions of American soldiers.
The one thing that prevented German victory more than anything else was that FDR, with his experience of developing new and modern weapons as an Assistant Secretary of the Navy during WW1, guided the development of all the modern weapons that defeated both the Germans and the Russians. From the infantry rifle to the Bombers and WWII era aircraft carriers and submarines, FDR prepared the US for war and when war came America was prepared.
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During FDR's tenure, Congress began the little commission of having a committee on unAmerican activities, which included spying on and convicting Soviet and Nazi spies., this committee began operation in 1936... Seems strange that this would occur to someone that was in love with Stalin or Hitler.
1. While some may believe that the English language is of the Romance or Latinate, it is actually Teutonic, like German.
Some years ago I decided to read Erich Remarque’s book…


….in the original German. Took a long time, sitting with a German-English dictionary, but I did read it. Today, sometimes I can still get the gist of a written German news story.
The popularity of the novel proves how mistaken Franklin Roosevelt was in his worldview.

a.“Erich Maria Remarque[1] (born Erich Paul Remark; 22 June 1898 – 25 September 1970) was a German novelist who created many works about the horrors of war. His best known novel All Quiet on the Western Front (1928), about German soldiers in the First World War, was made into an Oscar-winning film. His book made him an enemy of the Nazis, who burned many of his works.” Erich Maria Remarque - Wikipedia

3.“His book made him an enemy of the Nazis,…”

Remarque was hardly the only German who was anti-Nazi.

“Approximately 77,000 German citizens were killed for one or another form of resistance…” German resistance to Nazism - Wikipedia

Let's look at a primary source, Allen Dulles, first civilian to head the CIA, and its longest serving director. In "Germany's Underground: The Anti-Nazi Resistance," Dulles wrote of that the German was the only anti-Nazi underground not supported by the United States. (p.22).
On page 140, Dulles states "The plotters (anti-Nazi German resistance)....were told clearly and repeatedly that we had made common cause with Russia...." as the reason they were frozen out.

The NYTimes told the same story, March 18, 1946: "Full Story of Anti-Hitler Plot Shows That Allies Refused To Assist."

Why do you suppose FDR refused to use the anti-Nazi Germans in his battle against Hitler?

4. Here’s the point: Franklin Roosevelt refused to work with anti-Hitler Germans because of his undying love of ‘Uncle Joe’ Stalin. Government school will never teach that Roosevelt could have defeated Hitler and ended the war, years earlier than he did, with the concomitant savings in American lives and treasure, if he did not bend to every one of Communist Stalin’s orders.

The result is explained in the title of this thread.
It will be irrefutably proven in the thread itself.

5. If you believe that FDR functioned totally in the interests of America, and Americans, that he did a wonderful job in pursuing victory in WWII, that he had any sort of moral compass…..

….then you probably voted for Hillary.

From your article:
n the 1920s and 1930s the main Christian opposition to Nazism had come from the Catholic Church.[32] German bishops were hostile to the emerging movement and energetically denounced its "false doctrines".[33][34] A threatening, though initially mainly sporadic persecution of the Catholic Church in Germany followed the Nazi takeover.[35] Hitler moved quickly to eliminate Political Catholicism, rounding up members of the Catholic political parties and banning their existence in July 1933. Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen, the leader of the Catholic right-wing, meanwhile negotiated a Reich concordat with the Holy See, which prohibited clergy from participating in politics.[36] Catholic resistance initially diminished after the Concordat, with Cardinal Bertram of Breslau, the chairman of the German Conference of Bishops, developing an ineffectual protest system.[21] Firmer resistance by Catholic leaders gradually reasserted itself by the individual actions of leading churchmen like Josef Frings, Konrad von Preysing, August von Galen and Michael von Faulhaber. Most Catholic opposition to the regime came from the Catholic left-wing in the Christian trade unions, such as by the union leaders Jakob Kaiser and (Blessed) Nikolaus Gross. Hoffmann writes that, from the beginning:[

The german underground were the communist which has infiltrated Germany.
The one thing that prevented German victory more than anything else was that FDR, with his experience of developing new and modern weapons as an Assistant Secretary of the Navy, guided the development of all the modern weapons that defeated both the Germans and the Russians. From the infantry rifle to the Bombers and WWII era aircraft carriers and submarines, FDR prepared the US for war and when war came America was prepared.
Not really..
FDR is a god to everyone

He saved the world for democracy
[QUOTE="PoliticalChic, post: 20184952, member: 12394"

4. Here’s the point: Franklin Roosevelt refused to work with anti-Hitler Germans because of his undying love of ‘Uncle Joe’ Stalin. Government school will never teach that Roosevelt could have defeated Hitler and ended the war, years earlier than he did, with the concomitant savings in American lives and treasure, if he did not bend to every one of Communist Stalin’s orders.

The FDR administration, including the military, did not reject working with aniti-Hitler Germans because of some silly concept that they had some kind of undying love for Stalin. Who is really dopey enough to believe that and not understand it is just a talking point ploy to demonize and misdirect. The victors of WWII against Nazi Germany correctly knew and predicted that defeating Hitler would require and cost massive casualties of millions upon millions of soldiers. With this in mind, FDR and his military leaders chose to help the USSR fight the Nazi hoards on the Eastern Front and inside of the USSR itself, literally in and around Russian and Soviet cities where many more millions of USSR citizens would vanish in the warfare. Well over 15 million Soviet soldiers and civilians would die fighting the Nazi's before Americans led the allies onto the beaches of Normandy to open a western front. Hundreds of thousand of Americans would be casualties of WWII, BUT NOT MILLIONS.

Reasons for the American policy of not associating with anti-Hitler groups plotting to overthrow Hitler were that America wanted a "clean slate" with Germany when the war ended. They wanted no obligations and wanted to keep no promises to former Nazi's or anyone connected in any way with the Nazi regime. Most of the resistance in Germany was in one way or another connected to the communist and allies of the USSR. Nazi Germany would be defeated and when it was defeated there would be unconditional surrender with nothing owed to a single German leader. The punishment for allowing Hitler was to be the complete lose of any influence on the new, but defeated Germany. America would not have obligations to Germans who in turn held alliances and owed debts to the communist.
Add to that the correct assessment that any and all attempts to assassinate or overthrow Hitler would fail. This made a risk assessment foolish and not worth the endeavor.

The decision to support a USSR war with Germany was not a silly concept of love for Stalin or the USSR. It was a 100% military decision and was proven to be the right and wise decision. It was one that saved the lives of millions of American soldiers.[/QUOTE]

Let's stick to the facts.

Was there a widespread and active anti-Nazi resistance?


Did Roosevelt refuse and contact with them?


Was it due to Stalin's insistence that he be the only man standing after the war?


Did it cost thousands of American soldier's deaths?

Yup. about you crawl back under your rock.
Now this reminds me of Trump anti the media and I'm surprised he didn't have the kneelers arrested, but he tried to get them fired.

The government of Adolf Hitler was popular with most Germans. Although the Gestapo (secret state police) and the Security Service (SD) suppressed open criticism of the regime, there was some German opposition to the Nazi state and the regimentation of society that took place through the process of "coordination" (Gleichschaltung)—the alignment of individuals and institutions with Nazi goals.

German Resistance to Hitler

of course then we have the Judea declares war on Germany in 1933.
[QUOTE="PoliticalChic, post: 20184952, member: 12394"

4. Here’s the point: Franklin Roosevelt refused to work with anti-Hitler Germans because of his undying love of ‘Uncle Joe’ Stalin. Government school will never teach that Roosevelt could have defeated Hitler and ended the war, years earlier than he did, with the concomitant savings in American lives and treasure, if he did not bend to every one of Communist Stalin’s orders.

The FDR administration, including the military, did not reject working with aniti-Hitler Germans because of some silly concept that they had some kind of undying love for Stalin. Who is really dopey enough to believe that and not understand it is just a talking point ploy to demonize and misdirect. The victors of WWII against Nazi Germany correctly knew and predicted that defeating Hitler would require and cost massive casualties of millions upon millions of soldiers. With this in mind, FDR and his military leaders chose to help the USSR fight the Nazi hoards on the Eastern Front and inside of the USSR itself, literally in and around Russian and Soviet cities where many more millions of USSR citizens would vanish in the warfare. Well over 15 million Soviet soldiers and civilians would die fighting the Nazi's before Americans led the allies onto the beaches of Normandy to open a western front. Hundreds of thousand of Americans would be casualties of WWII, BUT NOT MILLIONS.

Reasons for the American policy of not associating with anti-Hitler groups plotting to overthrow Hitler were that America wanted a "clean slate" with Germany when the war ended. They wanted no obligations and wanted to keep no promises to former Nazi's or anyone connected in any way with the Nazi regime. Most of the resistance in Germany was in one way or another connected to the communist and allies of the USSR. Nazi Germany would be defeated and when it was defeated there would be unconditional surrender with nothing owed to a single German leader. The punishment for allowing Hitler was to be the complete lose of any influence on the new, but defeated Germany. America would not have obligations to Germans who in turn held alliances and owed debts to the communist.
Add to that the correct assessment that any and all attempts to assassinate or overthrow Hitler would fail. This made a risk assessment foolish and not worth the endeavor.

The decision to support a USSR war with Germany was not a silly concept of love for Stalin or the USSR. It was a 100% military decision and was proven to be the right and wise decision. It was one that saved the lives of millions of American soldiers.

The OP says this nonsense:
Let's stick to the facts.

Was there a widespread and active anti-Nazi resistance?


Did Roosevelt refuse and contact with them?


Was it due to Stalin's insistence that he be the only man standing after the war?


Did it cost thousands of American soldier's deaths?

Yup. about you crawl back under your rock.[/QUOTE]

You have not shown a shred of evidence to back up your claim that the American decision not associate or work with the German resistance cost American lives or prolonged the war. That is just the conclusion you want to make with your dopey thesis. I have on the other hand given a detailed response to your theory that debunks you agenda drive nonsense.
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Now....for context, and who FDR saw as his pals.

6. Franklin Roosevelt, pre-war, was on excellent terms with Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin.

He took Mussolini’s economic plans and instituted them wholesale in America. He called them the New Deal.

The Nazis praised Roosevelt and is policies, and described them as Hitlerian. The National Socialists hailed these ‘relief measures’ in ways you will recognize:

  1. May 11, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, (People’s Observer): “Roosevelt’s Dictatorial Recovery Measures.”
  2. And on January 17, 1934, “We, too, as German National Socialists are looking toward America…” and “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” comparable to Hitler’s own dictatorial ‘Fuhrerprinzip.’
  3. And “[Roosevelt], too demands that collective good be put before individual self-interest. Many passages in his book ‘Looking Forward’ could have been written by a National Socialist….one can assume that he feels considerable affinity with the National Socialist philosophy.”
  4. The paper also refers to “…the fictional appearance of democracy.”

While no one thought Hitler would defeat Stalin after Germany attacked their long-time ally, FDR opined:

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

'Russia Uber Alles'

All Roosevelt wanted was to be a dictator like his pals, and toward that end, ignored the Constitution.
After all....dictators don't need no stinkin' Constitution!!!
[QUOTE="PoliticalChic, post: 20184952, member: 12394"

4. Here’s the point: Franklin Roosevelt refused to work with anti-Hitler Germans because of his undying love of ‘Uncle Joe’ Stalin. Government school will never teach that Roosevelt could have defeated Hitler and ended the war, years earlier than he did, with the concomitant savings in American lives and treasure, if he did not bend to every one of Communist Stalin’s orders.

The FDR administration, including the military, did not reject working with aniti-Hitler Germans because of some silly concept that they had some kind of undying love for Stalin. Who is really dopey enough to believe that and not understand it is just a talking point ploy to demonize and misdirect. The victors of WWII against Nazi Germany correctly knew and predicted that defeating Hitler would require and cost massive casualties of millions upon millions of soldiers. With this in mind, FDR and his military leaders chose to help the USSR fight the Nazi hoards on the Eastern Front and inside of the USSR itself, literally in and around Russian and Soviet cities where many more millions of USSR citizens would vanish in the warfare. Well over 15 million Soviet soldiers and civilians would die fighting the Nazi's before Americans led the allies onto the beaches of Normandy to open a western front. Hundreds of thousand of Americans would be casualties of WWII, BUT NOT MILLIONS.

Reasons for the American policy of not associating with anti-Hitler groups plotting to overthrow Hitler were that America wanted a "clean slate" with Germany when the war ended. They wanted no obligations and wanted to keep no promises to former Nazi's or anyone connected in any way with the Nazi regime. Most of the resistance in Germany was in one way or another connected to the communist and allies of the USSR. Nazi Germany would be defeated and when it was defeated there would be unconditional surrender with nothing owed to a single German leader. The punishment for allowing Hitler was to be the complete lose of any influence on the new, but defeated Germany. America would not have obligations to Germans who in turn held alliances and owed debts to the communist.
Add to that the correct assessment that any and all attempts to assassinate or overthrow Hitler would fail. This made a risk assessment foolish and not worth the endeavor.

The decision to support a USSR war with Germany was not a silly concept of love for Stalin or the USSR. It was a 100% military decision and was proven to be the right and wise decision. It was one that saved the lives of millions of American soldiers.

Let's stick to the facts.

Was there a widespread and active anti-Nazi resistance?


Did Roosevelt refuse and contact with them?


Was it due to Stalin's insistence that he be the only man standing after the war?


Did it cost thousands of American soldier's deaths?

Yup. about you crawl back under your rock.[/QUOTE]
Frau Braun is still moaning that the Nazis lost WWII
Now this reminds me of Trump anti the media and I'm surprised he didn't have the kneelers arrested, but he tried to get them fired.

The government of Adolf Hitler was popular with most Germans. Although the Gestapo (secret state police) and the Security Service (SD) suppressed open criticism of the regime, there was some German opposition to the Nazi state and the regimentation of society that took place through the process of "coordination" (Gleichschaltung)—the alignment of individuals and institutions with Nazi goals.

German Resistance to Hitler

of course then we have the Judea declares war on Germany in 1933.

a factoid denied by the most perverse is----that the SO CALLED ""declaration of war on Germany".. by Judea was nothing more
than suggested civilian economic boycott upon Penny's 'god'
ADOLF ----as a reaction to his CLEAR AGENDA OF GENOCIDE---which he detailed in his published book----MEIN KAMPF 1925
followed by his election to LEADER OF GERMANY IN 1933.
The POPE---was, of course aware------but the idea, OBVIOUSLY,
did not bother him--------and lots of catholic leaders were ALL FOR
IT------to name one----FATHER CHARLES COUGHLIN who preached his filth to millions by radio. I am gratified (sorta ??) that penny considers civilian economic boycott----to be a DECLARATION OF WAR THAT JUSTIFYS GENOCIDE.
1. While some may believe that the English language is of the Romance or Latinate, it is actually Teutonic, like German.
Some years ago I decided to read Erich Remarque’s book…


….in the original German. Took a long time, sitting with a German-English dictionary, but I did read it. Today, sometimes I can still get the gist of a written German news story.
The popularity of the novel proves how mistaken Franklin Roosevelt was in his worldview.

a.“Erich Maria Remarque[1] (born Erich Paul Remark; 22 June 1898 – 25 September 1970) was a German novelist who created many works about the horrors of war. His best known novel All Quiet on the Western Front (1928), about German soldiers in the First World War, was made into an Oscar-winning film. His book made him an enemy of the Nazis, who burned many of his works.” Erich Maria Remarque - Wikipedia

3.“His book made him an enemy of the Nazis,…”

Remarque was hardly the only German who was anti-Nazi.

“Approximately 77,000 German citizens were killed for one or another form of resistance…” German resistance to Nazism - Wikipedia

Let's look at a primary source, Allen Dulles, first civilian to head the CIA, and its longest serving director. In "Germany's Underground: The Anti-Nazi Resistance," Dulles wrote of that the German was the only anti-Nazi underground not supported by the United States. (p.22).
On page 140, Dulles states "The plotters (anti-Nazi German resistance)....were told clearly and repeatedly that we had made common cause with Russia...." as the reason they were frozen out.

The NYTimes told the same story, March 18, 1946: "Full Story of Anti-Hitler Plot Shows That Allies Refused To Assist."

Why do you suppose FDR refused to use the anti-Nazi Germans in his battle against Hitler?

4. Here’s the point: Franklin Roosevelt refused to work with anti-Hitler Germans because of his undying love of ‘Uncle Joe’ Stalin. Government school will never teach that Roosevelt could have defeated Hitler and ended the war, years earlier than he did, with the concomitant savings in American lives and treasure, if he did not bend to every one of Communist Stalin’s orders.

The result is explained in the title of this thread.
It will be irrefutably proven in the thread itself.

5. If you believe that FDR functioned totally in the interests of America, and Americans, that he did a wonderful job in pursuing victory in WWII, that he had any sort of moral compass…..

….then you probably voted for Hillary.

You seem to be saying one of two things....

FDR did not try to get us into WWII against the Germans by every crazy pro-England idea he could cook up and against the wishes (not necessarily 100% wrong) of the Charles Lindbergh group according to your version of history?

Or are you saying Hitler was not the greatest threat at the time?

Or are you saying FDR should have sought war with Hitler and Stalin in 1941 because both were madmen?

Or are you saying Trump has no moral compass since he met with the monster Kim Jong Un? Which to speed things along I was ok with despite the cries from the "proconditions" crowds of past years.
1. While some may believe that the English language is of the Romance or Latinate, it is actually Teutonic, like German.
Some years ago I decided to read Erich Remarque’s book…


….in the original German. Took a long time, sitting with a German-English dictionary, but I did read it. Today, sometimes I can still get the gist of a written German news story.
The popularity of the novel proves how mistaken Franklin Roosevelt was in his worldview.

a.“Erich Maria Remarque[1] (born Erich Paul Remark; 22 June 1898 – 25 September 1970) was a German novelist who created many works about the horrors of war. His best known novel All Quiet on the Western Front (1928), about German soldiers in the First World War, was made into an Oscar-winning film. His book made him an enemy of the Nazis, who burned many of his works.” Erich Maria Remarque - Wikipedia

3.“His book made him an enemy of the Nazis,…”

Remarque was hardly the only German who was anti-Nazi.

“Approximately 77,000 German citizens were killed for one or another form of resistance…” German resistance to Nazism - Wikipedia

Let's look at a primary source, Allen Dulles, first civilian to head the CIA, and its longest serving director. In "Germany's Underground: The Anti-Nazi Resistance," Dulles wrote of that the German was the only anti-Nazi underground not supported by the United States. (p.22).
On page 140, Dulles states "The plotters (anti-Nazi German resistance)....were told clearly and repeatedly that we had made common cause with Russia...." as the reason they were frozen out.

The NYTimes told the same story, March 18, 1946: "Full Story of Anti-Hitler Plot Shows That Allies Refused To Assist."

Why do you suppose FDR refused to use the anti-Nazi Germans in his battle against Hitler?

4. Here’s the point: Franklin Roosevelt refused to work with anti-Hitler Germans because of his undying love of ‘Uncle Joe’ Stalin. Government school will never teach that Roosevelt could have defeated Hitler and ended the war, years earlier than he did, with the concomitant savings in American lives and treasure, if he did not bend to every one of Communist Stalin’s orders.

The result is explained in the title of this thread.
It will be irrefutably proven in the thread itself.

5. If you believe that FDR functioned totally in the interests of America, and Americans, that he did a wonderful job in pursuing victory in WWII, that he had any sort of moral compass…..

….then you probably voted for Hillary.

You seem to be saying one of two things....

FDR did not try to get us into WWII against the Germans by every crazy pro-England idea he could cook up and against the wishes (not necessarily 100% wrong) of the Charles Lindbergh group according to your version of history?

Or are you saying Hitler was not the greatest threat at the time?

Or are you saying FDR should have sought war with Hitler and Stalin in 1941 because both were madmen?

Or are you saying Trump has no moral compass since he met with the monster Kim Jong Un? Which to speed things along I was ok with despite the cries from the "proconditions" crowds of past years.

Frau Braun PC is still moaning that the Nazis lost

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