France warns Brexiters to accept EU deal or face 'economic disaster'


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
France is the new boss of Europe. You have to read the whole thing; the criticism is quite intense.


PARIS: French Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire said Friday that Brexit advocates must choose between accepting the deal negotiated by London and Brussels for leaving the EU or risk "economic disaster".

"The choice now faced by British political leaders who have advocated Brexit is to renounce their absurd political promise or face economic disaster, with the British people the main victims," Le Maire said at a Paris forum on reforming the World Trade Organization.

"What does Brexit demonstrate? It shows that leaving the common European market has an exorbitant economic cost," he said.


"There are a number of lying and irresponsible politicians in Britain who told the British people that Brexit would turn out to be a golden tomorrow," he added.

Le Maire's comments came as British Prime Minister Theresa May battles to salvage her draft Brexit deal and her own political future.

After a tumultuous Thursday in which several ministers resigned and members of her own conservative party plotted to oust her, May said in a radio interview Friday that she believed with "every fibre of my being" in the Brexit course.

Members of parliament on all sides have warned her there is no way the plan can win their approval, but she has dismissed calls to quit, saying: "Am I going to see this through? Yes!".

Critics of the deal say May has conceded too much to Brussels, while EU supporters are calling for a new vote on whether to leave the union.

France warns Brexiters to accept EU deal or face 'economic disaster'
France is the new boss of Europe. You have to read the whole thing; the criticism is quite intense.


PARIS: French Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire said Friday that Brexit advocates must choose between accepting the deal negotiated by London and Brussels for leaving the EU or risk "economic disaster".

"The choice now faced by British political leaders who have advocated Brexit is to renounce their absurd political promise or face economic disaster, with the British people the main victims," Le Maire said at a Paris forum on reforming the World Trade Organization.

"What does Brexit demonstrate? It shows that leaving the common European market has an exorbitant economic cost," he said.


"There are a number of lying and irresponsible politicians in Britain who told the British people that Brexit would turn out to be a golden tomorrow," he added.

Le Maire's comments came as British Prime Minister Theresa May battles to salvage her draft Brexit deal and her own political future.

After a tumultuous Thursday in which several ministers resigned and members of her own conservative party plotted to oust her, May said in a radio interview Friday that she believed with "every fibre of my being" in the Brexit course.

Members of parliament on all sides have warned her there is no way the plan can win their approval, but she has dismissed calls to quit, saying: "Am I going to see this through? Yes!".

Critics of the deal say May has conceded too much to Brussels, while EU supporters are calling for a new vote on whether to leave the union.

France warns Brexiters to accept EU deal or face 'economic disaster'

The US has been doing this for a long time, bullying people with economic issues. Look at Iran. France has always been one of the two most powerful countries in the EU.

Mostly because the UK couldn't do it, always moaning and bitching while the French and Germans got on with it.
Leave completely or stay completely. No half arse stuff. Like having your pie and eating it too.
Leave completely or stay completely. No half arse stuff. Like having your pie and eating it too.

Brits made the decision to exit the EU; it was backed by a referendum. At this point, Britain's delaying the exit makes it look desperate.
I posted this in some other thread but it seems to belong here too.

It is true that Mrs. May has supported the Brexit decision by 17.4 million people, the largest vote for anything or anyone in British history, as the rope supports the hanging man. And she hopes to see it dangle to death.

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

It is true that her elaborately constructed 'Chequers Agreement' (Chequers is the Country House of British prime ministers) would have left Britain a Vassal State of the European Union, a rule taker forever, from a sclerotic neo-liberal protectionist bankers ramp which has impoverished half of Europe and enraged maybe most of the other half.

The UK govt is falling apart: But as PM May sinks, she still calls out 'look over there' at Russia
Leave completely or stay completely. No half arse stuff. Like having your pie and eating it too.

Brits made the decision to exit the EU; it was backed by a referendum. At this point, Britain's delaying the exit makes it look desperate.
We are desperate.

I honestly do not think the desperation would help though. Just go with the mandate given be people.
The mandate was based on lies and most people would vote to remain if asked today. Its a shit storm and if it goes ahead the Uk will regress.
Leave completely or stay completely. No half arse stuff. Like having your pie and eating it too.

Brits made the decision to exit the EU; it was backed by a referendum. At this point, Britain's delaying the exit makes it look desperate.
We are desperate.

I honestly do not think the desperation would help though. Just go with the mandate given be people.
The mandate was based on lies and most people would vote to remain if asked today. Its a shit storm and if it goes ahead the Uk will regress.

Britain will not get a fair deal by acting desperate. Besides, in democracy, you have to respect the people's mandate even if you do not agree with it.
Leave completely or stay completely. No half arse stuff. Like having your pie and eating it too.

Brits made the decision to exit the EU; it was backed by a referendum. At this point, Britain's delaying the exit makes it look desperate.
We are desperate.

I honestly do not think the desperation would help though. Just go with the mandate given be people.
The mandate was based on lies and most people would vote to remain if asked today. Its a shit storm and if it goes ahead the Uk will regress.

Britain will not get a fair deal by acting desperate. Besides, in democracy, you have to respect the people's mandate even if you do not agree with it.
It was a bunch of lies. We voted on promises and now we have a deal to vote on. Madness to wave this through without comment.
Less than 52% of votes were for leaving, in an atmosphere of exaggeration and hyperbole. For something this important, another vote would not be excessive.
Less than 52% of votes were for leaving, in an atmosphere of exaggeration and hyperbole. For something this important, another vote would not be excessive.

New model for democracy: keep holding reelections (referendum) till the outcome is to your liking. If you do not want to accept the wishes of the people then just discard this charade of democracy.
Less than 52% of votes were for leaving, in an atmosphere of exaggeration and hyperbole. For something this important, another vote would not be excessive.

New model for democracy: keep holding reelections (referendum) till the outcome is to your liking. If you do not want to accept the wishes of the people then just discard this charade of democracy.
England is not a democracy.
Less than 52% of votes were for leaving, in an atmosphere of exaggeration and hyperbole. For something this important, another vote would not be excessive.

New model for democracy: keep holding reelections (referendum) till the outcome is to your liking. If you do not want to accept the wishes of the people then just discard this charade of democracy.
England is not a democracy.

Why did they hold a referendum if they had no intention of honoring the verdict? This is bizarre.
England and all the countries survived quite well on their own before the EU...........Now the Globalist are saying you can't leave or else..........

England should say or else............You don't submit to black mail.
England and all the countries survived quite well on their own before the EU...........Now the Globalist are saying you can't leave or else..........

England should say or else............You don't submit to black mail.

UK has surrendered long time ago to the gang. Its corrupt elites are responsible for that.

France was the last European country to have an independent foreign policy but even France was forced into submission recently by the gang. If you recall, just a few years ago, France used to have very reasonable foreign policy under which it was trading with Russia and was opposed to destabilization of Syria. But then, it experienced a series of terrorist attacks, against which it found itself helpless; this brought France to its knees.

There is no hope for UK; the rot there is deep. However, France is still not gone completely. May be French will be able to overthrow the gang in near future, kind of like what Russians did.
England and all the countries survived quite well on their own before the EU...........Now the Globalist are saying you can't leave or else..........

England should say or else............You don't submit to black mail.

UK has surrendered long time ago to the gang. Its corrupt elites are responsible for that.

France was the last European country to have an independent foreign policy but even France was forced into submission recently by the gang. If you recall, just a few years ago, France used to have very reasonable foreign policy under which it was trading with Russia and was opposed to destabilization of Syria. But then, it experienced a series of terrorist attacks, against which it found itself helpless; this brought France to its knees.

There is no hope for UK; the rot there is deep. However, France is still not gone completely. May be French will be able to overthrow the gang in near future, kind of like what Russians did.

They need to grow a set and restore their sovereignty................certainly should be rejected under growing threats from others should they leave.

That alone is enough to say screw you and lets get it on..............the EU was a horrible idea. Just as the currency was a horrible idea........
England and all the countries survived quite well on their own before the EU...........Now the Globalist are saying you can't leave or else..........

England should say or else............You don't submit to black mail.

UK has surrendered long time ago to the gang. Its corrupt elites are responsible for that.

France was the last European country to have an independent foreign policy but even France was forced into submission recently by the gang. If you recall, just a few years ago, France used to have very reasonable foreign policy under which it was trading with Russia and was opposed to destabilization of Syria. But then, it experienced a series of terrorist attacks, against which it found itself helpless; this brought France to its knees.

There is no hope for UK; the rot there is deep. However, France is still not gone completely. May be French will be able to overthrow the gang in near future, kind of like what Russians did.

How can you say that the UK doesnt have its own foreign policy ? How many different countries have we bombed over the last decade ?
England has made the bed it must lie in, created in part by many lies. No one is forcing it out of the E.U. They made a deal, they want to change it. The E.U. negotiated in exceptionally good faith, especially given the situation. All the E.U. is saying now is that the negotiations are over, it has done the best it can, and if the English are not happy, well, they can be unhappy. All this is a result of their own doing (or undoing, if you will).
As for "globalism", England had a world wide empire. Talk about "globalist". It exploited and dominated and decimated everywhere. Now, something is replacing empires. It can work in our favor or against it. Many aspects of what is happening on the international scale are advances for humanity. Many aspects need close examination, thought and watchful eyes. England can be a player, or it can fancy itself a victim. Again, England's choice.
Less than 52% of votes were for leaving, in an atmosphere of exaggeration and hyperbole. For something this important, another vote would not be excessive.

New model for democracy: keep holding reelections (referendum) till the outcome is to your liking. If you do not want to accept the wishes of the people then just discard this charade of democracy.

It's funny, because had remain won, the brexiters would have been demanding another vote. As they got what they wanted, they don't want another vote.

And yes, we call voting and voting and voting again DEMOCRACY.

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