Foxnews, santorum, romney


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
What does theses have in common? They are all constant and consistent liars.
Fox & Friends; “we saved the auto industry and now we own it.” If we did that would be a great thing, but we don’t. So that was only a half lie.
Romney and Santorum; “Obama has done nothing in the past three years.” He saved us from a depression. Number one. He has done a great job cleaning up after Bush and that makes him “Janitor of the year.”
The problem with telling lies, there are always village idiots who want to here them and act on them by voting for the liars.


Blacks4Barack MORE NEWS !

Fox News Lies

Fox News contributor Bauer and Gingrich: “Obama voted for legalizing infanticide” LIE
The act of killing an infant. 2. The practice of killing newborn infants. 3. One who kills an infant.
According to Politifact, an independent fact-checking organization that looked into similar claims made by former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum on the campaign trail, Obama voiced his opposition to the new legislation as a state senator because it would have given legal status to fetuses and would thus have been struck down by the courts, and because Illinois already had laws to ensure infants who survived abortions would be given medical attention.
And Politics USA adds even more:
This is a favorite lie of the right. It was first raised by Obama’s opponent in the 2004 Senate race, Alan Keyes. The truth is that Obama never voted for infanticide. Obama voted against the bill because it was a backdoor to banning abortion. As wrote, “Obama’s critics are free to speculate on his motives for voting against the bills, and postulate a lack of concern for babies’ welfare. But his stated reasons for opposing “born-alive” bills have to do with preserving abortion rights, a position he is known to support and has never hidden.”
Gingrich Lies: Obama An Extremist Who Voted For ‘Legalizing Infanticide’ | The New Civil Rights Movement

Following Fox's violent rhetoric, mother blames network for son's alleged Pelosi threats

Following Fox's violent rhetoric, mother blames network for son's alleged Pelosi threats | Media Matters for America

We need to apologize for 9-11. For not heeding the warning. And for desecrating human remains by disposing of them in a dump.
What does theses have in common? They are all constant and consistent liars.
Fox & Friends; “we saved the auto industry and now we own it.” If we did that would be a great thing, but we don’t. So that was only a half lie.
Romney and Santorum; “Obama has done nothing in the past three years.” He saved us from a depression. Number one. He has done a great job cleaning up after Bush and that makes him “Janitor of the year.”
The problem with telling lies, there are always village idiots who want to here them and act on them by voting for the liars.


Blacks4Barack MORE NEWS !

Fox News Lies

Fox News contributor Bauer and Gingrich: “Obama voted for legalizing infanticide” LIE
The act of killing an infant. 2. The practice of killing newborn infants. 3. One who kills an infant.
According to Politifact, an independent fact-checking organization that looked into similar claims made by former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum on the campaign trail, Obama voiced his opposition to the new legislation as a state senator because it would have given legal status to fetuses and would thus have been struck down by the courts, and because Illinois already had laws to ensure infants who survived abortions would be given medical attention.
And Politics USA adds even more:
This is a favorite lie of the right. It was first raised by Obama’s opponent in the 2004 Senate race, Alan Keyes. The truth is that Obama never voted for infanticide. Obama voted against the bill because it was a backdoor to banning abortion. As wrote, “Obama’s critics are free to speculate on his motives for voting against the bills, and postulate a lack of concern for babies’ welfare. But his stated reasons for opposing “born-alive” bills have to do with preserving abortion rights, a position he is known to support and has never hidden.”
Gingrich Lies: Obama An Extremist Who Voted For ‘Legalizing Infanticide’ | The New Civil Rights Movement

Following Fox's violent rhetoric, mother blames network for son's alleged Pelosi threats

Following Fox's violent rhetoric, mother blames network for son's alleged Pelosi threats | Media Matters for America

We need to apologize for 9-11. For not heeding the warning. And for desecrating human remains by disposing of them in a dump.
Anyone with a working brain knows what pathological liars FOX/GOP News and Getrich are, but they are rank amateurs compared to the Doctor of Duplicity, Stuttering Limpboy who had Obama SPONSORING an infanticide bill.

February 24, 2012
RUSH: "Newt Gingrich Calls Obama An 'Extremist' Who Supported 'Infanticide' At GOP Debate." Do you realize -- I have looked at this -- do you realize how many Democrats do not know this about Obama? Do you realize how many people in the media do not know this about Obama? It's not that the media knew about it and didn't report it. They didn't know. They didn't know that as a state Senator Obama sponsored a bill, and he did more than sponsor it. This is the one time he invested every bit of his power as a state legislator to allow doctors to finish the job if they botch the abortion and the baby is born live. Obama sponsored and promoted that legislation. That's why Newt called it infanticide.
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