FoxNews and the $200 million dollar lie


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Fox News host ran with a story that President Obama's India trip was going to cost taxpayers $200 million each day. That number sounded extraordinary by any measure, as the war in Afghanistan actually costs less than $200 million each day. The only support for that number was an anonymous source in an Indian newspaper. That did not keep Fox News hosts like Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck from quoting the figure as fact, and criticizing the Obama administration as a result. As it turns out, the $200 million figure was "wildly inflated." For instance, a Pentagon spokesperson debunked part of the myth which stated that 34 warships were being sent to India to protect the President.

One of the Fox News hosts who ran with the rumor was Dave Gallagher. Gallagher said he went on a "tirade" against the Obama administration based on the India trip myth. Last Friday Gallagher hosted Wallace for an interview concerning the stories of the day. When Gallagher told Wallace that he believed the $200 million figure Wallace could not believe it, and stated "You're an idiot. You thought it was $200 million-a-day? You really did believe that?" In response all Gallagher could say was "that's what my producer told me."

Chris Wallace calls Fox News co-worker an 'idiot' for believing India trip rumor - National Political Buzz |
Fox News host ran with a story that President Obama's India trip was going to cost taxpayers $200 million each day. That number sounded extraordinary by any measure, as the war in Afghanistan actually costs less than $200 million each day. The only support for that number was an anonymous source in an Indian newspaper. That did not keep Fox News hosts like Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck from quoting the figure as fact, and criticizing the Obama administration as a result. As it turns out, the $200 million figure was "wildly inflated." For instance, a Pentagon spokesperson debunked part of the myth which stated that 34 warships were being sent to India to protect the President.

One of the Fox News hosts who ran with the rumor was Dave Gallagher. Gallagher said he went on a "tirade" against the Obama administration based on the India trip myth. Last Friday Gallagher hosted Wallace for an interview concerning the stories of the day. When Gallagher told Wallace that he believed the $200 million figure Wallace could not believe it, and stated "You're an idiot. You thought it was $200 million-a-day? You really did believe that?" In response all Gallagher could say was "that's what my producer told me."

Chris Wallace calls Fox News co-worker an 'idiot' for believing India trip rumor - National Political Buzz |

HUMM they say that the naval deployment was debunked?
"We obviously have some support role for presidential travel ... but I will take the liberty this time of dismissing as absolutely absurd, this notion that somehow we are deploying 10 percent of the Navy, some 34 ships and an aircraft carrier in support of the president's trip to Asia -- that's just comical"

Do you honestly think that DOD is going to give any truthful information in regards to what it does and the reason it does it? If you do believe it I have a bridge for sale.

Chris you are trying to hard to defend the wasteful spending of the obama’s. Give it up obama is like king Louis and Michelle is like Marie Antoinette
Fox News host ran with a story that President Obama's India trip was going to cost taxpayers $200 million each day. That number sounded extraordinary by any measure, as the war in Afghanistan actually costs less than $200 million each day. The only support for that number was an anonymous source in an Indian newspaper. That did not keep Fox News hosts like Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck from quoting the figure as fact, and criticizing the Obama administration as a result. As it turns out, the $200 million figure was "wildly inflated." For instance, a Pentagon spokesperson debunked part of the myth which stated that 34 warships were being sent to India to protect the President.

One of the Fox News hosts who ran with the rumor was Dave Gallagher. Gallagher said he went on a "tirade" against the Obama administration based on the India trip myth. Last Friday Gallagher hosted Wallace for an interview concerning the stories of the day. When Gallagher told Wallace that he believed the $200 million figure Wallace could not believe it, and stated "You're an idiot. You thought it was $200 million-a-day? You really did believe that?" In response all Gallagher could say was "that's what my producer told me."

Chris Wallace calls Fox News co-worker an 'idiot' for believing India trip rumor - National Political Buzz |

HUMM they say that the naval deployment was debunked?
"We obviously have some support role for presidential travel ... but I will take the liberty this time of dismissing as absolutely absurd, this notion that somehow we are deploying 10 percent of the Navy, some 34 ships and an aircraft carrier in support of the president's trip to Asia -- that's just comical"

Do you honestly think that DOD is going to give any truthful information in regards to what it does and the reason it does it? If you do believe it I have a bridge for sale.

Chris you are trying to hard to defend the wasteful spending of the obama’s. Give it up obama is like king Louis and Michelle is like Marie Antoinette
That would be Ronnie and Nancy. I'll never forget the bash they gave for an inaugural and the many extravagances after that. Then there were the designer gowns from James Galanos and more.
Wretched Excess.
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Yeah saw this earlier. Well, you know what they say about telling it enough times...
February 17, 2010
RUSH: This is how the OSS described Hitler's psychology: "His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong, people will believe a Big Lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it."
Fox News host ran with a story that President Obama's India trip was going to cost taxpayers $200 million each day. That number sounded extraordinary by any measure, as the war in Afghanistan actually costs less than $200 million each day. The only support for that number was an anonymous source in an Indian newspaper. That did not keep Fox News hosts like Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck from quoting the figure as fact, and criticizing the Obama administration as a result. As it turns out, the $200 million figure was "wildly inflated." For instance, a Pentagon spokesperson debunked part of the myth which stated that 34 warships were being sent to India to protect the President.

One of the Fox News hosts who ran with the rumor was Dave Gallagher. Gallagher said he went on a "tirade" against the Obama administration based on the India trip myth. Last Friday Gallagher hosted Wallace for an interview concerning the stories of the day. When Gallagher told Wallace that he believed the $200 million figure Wallace could not believe it, and stated "You're an idiot. You thought it was $200 million-a-day? You really did believe that?" In response all Gallagher could say was "that's what my producer told me."

Chris Wallace calls Fox News co-worker an 'idiot' for believing India trip rumor - National Political Buzz |
February 17, 2010
RUSH: Hitler and the Big Lie. In his 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf, the expression was coined by Hitler "to describe a lie so 'colossal' that no one would believe that someone 'could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.'" The Big Lie had to be so big that nobody would believe that anybody would have the audacity to lie that way. If you're going to lie, go big, put your lie on an Atlas rocket and launch and fire that sucker.
Fox News host ran with a story that President Obama's India trip was going to cost taxpayers $200 million each day. That number sounded extraordinary by any measure, as the war in Afghanistan actually costs less than $200 million each day. The only support for that number was an anonymous source in an Indian newspaper. That did not keep Fox News hosts like Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck from quoting the figure as fact, and criticizing the Obama administration as a result. As it turns out, the $200 million figure was "wildly inflated." For instance, a Pentagon spokesperson debunked part of the myth which stated that 34 warships were being sent to India to protect the President.

One of the Fox News hosts who ran with the rumor was Dave Gallagher. Gallagher said he went on a "tirade" against the Obama administration based on the India trip myth. Last Friday Gallagher hosted Wallace for an interview concerning the stories of the day. When Gallagher told Wallace that he believed the $200 million figure Wallace could not believe it, and stated "You're an idiot. You thought it was $200 million-a-day? You really did believe that?" In response all Gallagher could say was "that's what my producer told me."

Chris Wallace calls Fox News co-worker an 'idiot' for believing India trip rumor - National Political Buzz |

HUMM they say that the naval deployment was debunked?
"We obviously have some support role for presidential travel ... but I will take the liberty this time of dismissing as absolutely absurd, this notion that somehow we are deploying 10 percent of the Navy, some 34 ships and an aircraft carrier in support of the president's trip to Asia -- that's just comical"

Do you honestly think that DOD is going to give any truthful information in regards to what it does and the reason it does it? If you do believe it I have a bridge for sale.

Chris you are trying to hard to defend the wasteful spending of the obama’s. Give it up obama is like king Louis and Michelle is like Marie Antoinette
That would be Ronnie and Nancy. I'll never forget the bash they gave for an inaugural and the many extravagances after that. Then there were the designer gowns from James Galanos and more.
Wretched Excess.

I know it and you know but others might not realize you're lying
Fox news is the Obama administration. All part of the big scam. Maybe we can argue about how much Obama is spending while the corporations that control Fox and CNN get rich off government policies.

You think they might just be working together to keep us fighting, its been done before. Its an old trick. As long as we fight the corporations win.
Fox news is the Obama administration. All part of the big scam. Maybe we can argue about how much Obama is spending while the corporations that control Fox and CNN get rich off government policies.

You think they might just be working together to keep us fighting, its been done before. Its an old trick. As long as we fight the corporations win.

You and george soros think alike
Fox news is the Obama administration. All part of the big scam. Maybe we can argue about how much Obama is spending while the corporations that control Fox and CNN get rich off government policies.

You think they might just be working together to keep us fighting, its been done before. Its an old trick. As long as we fight the corporations win.

You and george soros think alike

How do you know.
Fox news is the Obama administration. All part of the big scam. Maybe we can argue about how much Obama is spending while the corporations that control Fox and CNN get rich off government policies.

You think they might just be working together to keep us fighting, its been done before. Its an old trick. As long as we fight the corporations win.

You and george soros think alike

How do you know.

A little birdie told me
OH sorry I had you mistaken for someone else.
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You and george soros think alike

How do you know.

A little birdie told me
OH sorry I had you mistaken for someone else.

George Soros most likely knows he can make money as long as the people fight and dont pay attention to what is actually happening.

Nothing insightful to contemplate Fox news is not any different than CNN, just part of the plan to keep the americans fighting democrat/republican, thank god we elected republicans to save us, of course we elected the democrat to save us from bush, and we elected the republican bush to save us from clinton/gore, who saved us from the republicans, but this time the republicans will save us and we wont need the democrats to save us from the republicans because this time the will do whats right.
Yeah saw this earlier. Well, you know what they say about telling it enough times...

Yes but it looks like there is pushback to this ignorant story and hopefully any others won't be allowed to become false facts simply because Fox and Drudge readers repeated it enough times.

The Birth Certificate is another example of wingnut lunacy largely rejected but still they continue to escalate up to and including law suits.

Btw are these people using campaign contributions to further litigate some of their smears? That doesn't seem legal.
I happened to be in my car listening to G. Beck a few day back when he was going ballistic over the $200 million a DAY Obama was spending.

In the half hour or so I listened he must have repeated that number thirty times.

He was SO outraged I expected him to start blubbering and crying.

He manned up though and just managed to lie though his ass per instruction.

What a trooper that guy is, eh?

The show much go on!
Fox News host ran with a story that President Obama's India trip was going to cost taxpayers $200 million each day. That number sounded extraordinary by any measure, as the war in Afghanistan actually costs less than $200 million each day. The only support for that number was an anonymous source in an Indian newspaper. That did not keep Fox News hosts like Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck from quoting the figure as fact, and criticizing the Obama administration as a result. As it turns out, the $200 million figure was "wildly inflated." For instance, a Pentagon spokesperson debunked part of the myth which stated that 34 warships were being sent to India to protect the President.

One of the Fox News hosts who ran with the rumor was Dave Gallagher. Gallagher said he went on a "tirade" against the Obama administration based on the India trip myth. Last Friday Gallagher hosted Wallace for an interview concerning the stories of the day. When Gallagher told Wallace that he believed the $200 million figure Wallace could not believe it, and stated "You're an idiot. You thought it was $200 million-a-day? You really did believe that?" In response all Gallagher could say was "that's what my producer told me."

Chris Wallace calls Fox News co-worker an 'idiot' for believing India trip rumor - National Political Buzz |

HUMM they say that the naval deployment was debunked?
"We obviously have some support role for presidential travel ... but I will take the liberty this time of dismissing as absolutely absurd, this notion that somehow we are deploying 10 percent of the Navy, some 34 ships and an aircraft carrier in support of the president's trip to Asia -- that's just comical"

Do you honestly think that DOD is going to give any truthful information in regards to what it does and the reason it does it? If you do believe it I have a bridge for sale.

Chris you are trying to hard to defend the wasteful spending of the obama’s. Give it up obama is like king Louis and Michelle is like Marie Antoinette
That would be Ronnie and Nancy. I'll never forget the bash they gave for an inaugural and the many extravagances after that. Then there were the designer gowns from James Galanos and more.
Wretched Excess.

The Obamas pay their way. I don't think it's treasonous to lie about the president and his wife day after day but there should be something punative for Fox and Drudge continuing to encourage this disrespect.

Hateful. They used to have to prove a story is factual before printing or you'd lose credibility. They take low standards like this and wear it as a tribute to their success. :cuckoo:
Hahahah, but there should be something punative for Fox and Drudge continuing to encourage this disrespect.

Let me dig up some Olberbite and Maddcow when Bush was President.:lol:
Fox news is the Obama administration. All part of the big scam. Maybe we can argue about how much Obama is spending while the corporations that control Fox and CNN get rich off government policies.

You think they might just be working together to keep us fighting, its been done before. Its an old trick. As long as we fight the corporations win.

You and george soros think alike

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