Fox should re-hire Megyn Kelly


VIP Member
Jun 2, 2013
They wouldn't find a more grateful TV personality. Not saying give her her old show back. Give her like a weekly show, not a daily one. Everyone loves a comeback story and the Fox crowd would warm up to it. The return of prodigal child resonates with us for a reason
No way.

She was a smart ass.... she thought Clinton would win.....she made her move to NBC..... she also treated President Trump terribly......too is a gamble and she lost

She should stay home and bake cookies now.
Doubtful. She was a big meanie to candidate Trump and his ardent supporters will likely never forgive her.
Doubtful. She was a big meanie to candidate Trump and his ardent supporters will likely never forgive her.

A lot of foxnews pundits are anti trump

I agree... and thanks heaven's for the handful that are not anti-Trump

Like Lou Dobbs and Laura and Tucker and Hannity..:thup:

That's all I watch in Fox News,
Naw. He really has no journalistic talents, she's eye candy to the retirement age folks, her personality comes over as insincere plus she has a lot of public baggage. She might give the Kardashians a ratings boost by staring on that show. Or maybe they have an opening for her on the Weather Channel.
They wouldn't find a more grateful TV personality. Not saying give her her old show back. Give her like a weekly show, not a daily one. Everyone loves a comeback story and the Fox crowd would warm up to it. The return of prodigal child resonates with us for a reason

I'm not really into women with sagging earlobes, but she'd make a good Sugar baby.
They wouldn't find a more grateful TV personality. Not saying give her her old show back. Give her like a weekly show, not a daily one. Everyone loves a comeback story and the Fox crowd would warm up to it. The return of prodigal child resonates with us for a reason

only if she wears 'black face' the entire first show & gives her first 6 months of salary to charities

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