Deconstructing Sara Lee: Origins of Evil [Violence/Debt]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Consumerism-consciousness may require a great deal of absolutism meditation.

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"As humans embraced figurines of feminine beauty such as Barbie and Scarlet Witch (Marvel Comics), consumerism took on very idol-like proportions (e.g., Green Giant, Lucky Charms, Aunt Jemima, etc.). Men wanted to feel sexy when they drove up to Wendy's fast-food drive-thru windows. This made for a very 'passionate capitalism'."


"However, gluttony opened the doors of the mind to the ominous and proverbial River Styx, a region of pure bloodlust and avarice and sometimes sloth. The River Styx represented all the wayward ideas of man when confronted with the lifestyle 'conveniences' of consumerism and the gluttony and lust they produced. Images of American Presidents guzzling down cheeseburgers reminded humanity of its own potential for complete escapism. This was the River Styx."


"The marketing of the iconic Sara Lee baked-goods company, found in most major American supermarkets, reflected a capitalism ideal regarding the 'purity' of merchandising lifestyle 'aesthetics' associated with consumption and foods. Sara Lee was to capitalism what the Statue of Liberty was to immigration. Properly 'placing' Sara Lee anthropologically would effectively help humanity understand/appreciate the moral value of commerce and traffic."


"The rise of symbolic modernism criminals such as Black Mask and the Manson Family reminded people in America of the 'reality' of a loss of moral hygiene in the face of convenience-immersion (e.g., television). How would the Home Shopping Network save mankind from the moral dangers of indulgence and anarchy --- e.g., Los Angeles Race Riots of 1992? The new age politician and policeman had to coordinate lifestyle values with traffic optimism."


"Portraits of vain gluttony, such as 'urban gentleman' porking down on pizzas, fries, soda, coffee, bagels, and ice-cream symbolized a new human consciousness --- one oriented towards consumption suffocation. Musicians talked about the 'vanity' of capitalism, and 9/11 awoke humanity to the reality that consumerism and commerce were not shielded from the insanity of apathetic governance. Would this imagination lead to violence?"


"Why would a Sara Lee consumer meditate on the 'ergonomics' of this grand modern commercial 'labyrinth' (or machine)? Was this a time to put down the capitalism-trumpet and pick up the consumerism-sword? Would the AntiChrist make himself known as a 'messenger' of wayward lifestyles? Why should consumers evaluate goods in terms of etiquette debt?"


"All over the Internet there were forms of 'graffiti' depicting a modern-day social 'frustration' with the flurry of commercial noise (e.g., MTV, Nickelodeon, Marlboro). Suddenly, comic book art was paralleling political cartoons, and Captain America (Marvel Comics) could be seen as a patriotism-propaganda tool to 'elevate' capitalism to masses of consumers hungry for something...innocent. The River Styx could be 'felt' in the daily buzz of traffic, as youngsters embraced a sort of 'filth-masquerade'."


"An attractive airline stewardess named Elsa was involved in narcotics-smuggling and pornography, even though she worked for the prestigious Finland Air. Elsa was arguably the Whore of Babylon, and she 'helped' men forget about the ills of the River Styx. Suddenly, there was a tangible 'beauty' to the chaos of avarice. The River Styx overflowed and corrupted humanity's sense of basic etiquette."


"Satan, the adversary of man and Jesus Christ, took the form of a lethal mayhem-messenger named Carnage. Carnage was a being of fury and mischief, and he wanted pedestrians to dread the anniversary of 9/11 and even the comforts of Carnage wanted capitalism to become a 'cauldron' for false hope. Would he win?"


GOD: Why do you tamper with civilization?
SATAN: Consumerism makes for great mischief!
GOD: Are you an advocate of Black Mask?
SATAN: What's wrong with a little folklore?
GOD: We shouldn't deify anti-social behaviors.
SATAN: The River Styx is as real as Noah's Flood.
GOD: To avoid temptation, we keep faith with ideals.
SATAN: Is capitalism an ideal?
GOD: Commerce promotes peace.
SATAN: Why was the World Trade Center destroyed?
GOD: Governance will restore scars on global traffic.
SATAN: Maybe humanity is basically 'juvenile.'
GOD: The requirement for guidance does not hype vice.
SATAN: Why do kids love water-guns?
GOD: As governments negotiate about etiquette, teachers promote hygiene.
SATAN: Let's go watch Brewster's Millions on Netflix!



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