Fox is Reporting

Maybe the Protestors should be directed to the Upper West Side.... Hypocrite Central.
According to the left on this board if I go shoot my neighbor for being an ass and bury him it didn't happen if no one finds out.

You lefties take the cake. The Tea Party never left 2 million in trash laying around. They never disrupted businesses from conducting business. They always knew what they were there for. And they never shit, pissed and did drugs in the street.

These so called protesters are just a fucking bunch of low life idiots latching on to what they perceive as "cool". Will they pay to clean up their own mess? Hell no. They are costing local cities a fortune for what? Not a god damn thing. Most interviews these people have no clue what they want. They're just there to stick it to the man.

Go home and take a fucking shower for christs sake. This is pointless.

One example of how utterly fucking stupid these people are is that Spike Lee was one of the speakers trying to rally the troops against "corporations". Funny thing is HE OWNS A DEBIT CARD COMPANY. They are complete sheep being led by frauds who want to appear to be "one of you"

According to the left on this board if I go shoot my neighbor for being an ass and bury him it didn't happen if no one finds out.

You lefties take the cake. The Tea Party never left 2 million in trash laying around. They never disrupted businesses from conducting business. They always knew what they were there for. And they never shit, pissed and did drugs in the street.

These so called protesters are just a fucking bunch of low life idiots latching on to what they perceive as "cool". Will they pay to clean up their own mess? Hell no. They are costing local cities a fortune for what? Not a god damn thing. Most interviews these people have no clue what they want. They're just there to stick it to the man.

Go home and take a fucking shower for christs sake. This is pointless.

One example of how utterly fucking stupid these people are is that Spike Lee was one of the speakers trying to rally the troops against "corporations". Funny thing is HE OWNS A DEBIT CARD COMPANY. They are complete sheep being led by frauds who want to appear to be "one of you"

And not ONE TEA Partier was ever arrested during protest activities.
I have a big problem with this group costing the N.Y. City taxpayer 2million dollars and it keeps going up.
CNN is reporting it too. You'd know that if you read my previous posts.

Some of these idiots can't pull their heads out of Obamas ass long enough to see anything in the real world. Much less recognize the pros or cons of it. They're all paper ideologues.

where are the mass mobs storming? have they done it yet? I have gotten to this post and no one person has shown evidence they are "storming" anything.

Do you have a problem with people protesting on public property? Do you hate our laws?

Yes, I'm watching the news right now. They are in affluent neighborhoods protesting as we speak. One shot has a school bus completely surrounded. They are also being filmed intentionally trying to disrupt local businesses in DC.
CNN is reporting it too. You'd know that if you read my previous posts.

Some of these idiots can't pull their heads out of Obamas ass long enough to see anything in the real world. Much less recognize the pros or cons of it. They're all paper ideologues.

where are the mass mobs storming? have they done it yet? I have gotten to this post and no one person has shown evidence they are "storming" anything.

Do you have a problem with people protesting on public property? Do you hate our laws?

Also yes I would have a big fucking problem if hundreds of people clogged my neighborhood streets and sidewalks up. Our children should not have to be subjected to this bullshit.

Right now they are surrounding Rupert Murdochs house. So I guess the crash of 08 was his fault? This is just incredibly stupid and dangerous.
where are the mass mobs storming? have they done it yet? I have gotten to this post and no one person has shown evidence they are "storming" anything.

Do you have a problem with people protesting on public property? Do you hate our laws?

Yes, I'm watching the news right now. They are in affluent neighborhoods protesting as we speak. One shot has a school bus completely surrounded. They are also being filmed intentionally trying to disrupt local businesses in DC.

by doing what? Marching? You have mobs of people, things are going to stop till they clear out.

Anyone arrested? Anyone break any laws?

Till then you have nothing,

I do have something. COMMON SENSE. Having the right to display stupidity and to do stupid shit does not make it the right or safe thing to do.
Some of these idiots can't pull their heads out of Obamas ass long enough to see anything in the real world. Much less recognize the pros or cons of it. They're all paper ideologues.

where are the mass mobs storming? have they done it yet? I have gotten to this post and no one person has shown evidence they are "storming" anything.

Do you have a problem with people protesting on public property? Do you hate our laws?

Also yes I would have a big fucking problem if hundreds of people clogged my neighborhood streets and sidewalks up. Our children should not have to be subjected to this bullshit.

Right now they are surrounding Rupert Murdochs house. So I guess the crash of 08 was his fault? This is just incredibly stupid and dangerous.
Petulant children usually don't care when they're throwing a dangerous fussfit.
where are the mass mobs storming? have they done it yet? I have gotten to this post and no one person has shown evidence they are "storming" anything.

Do you have a problem with people protesting on public property? Do you hate our laws?

Yes, I'm watching the news right now. They are in affluent neighborhoods protesting as we speak. One shot has a school bus completely surrounded. They are also being filmed intentionally trying to disrupt local businesses in DC.

by doing what? Marching? You have mobs of people, things are going to stop till they clear out.

Anyone arrested? Anyone break any laws?

Till then you have nothing,

well, to date I think about 800 street shitters have been arrested. yep.. about 800
where are the mass mobs storming? have they done it yet? I have gotten to this post and no one person has shown evidence they are "storming" anything.

Do you have a problem with people protesting on public property? Do you hate our laws?

Also yes I would have a big fucking problem if hundreds of people clogged my neighborhood streets and sidewalks up. Our children should not have to be subjected to this bullshit.

Right now they are surrounding Rupert Murdochs house. So I guess the crash of 08 was his fault? This is just incredibly stupid and dangerous.

Ah so when the race marches happened you would have complained that the poor children shouldnt have seen it?

Protests clog things up. That is what marches do, until they break a law you have nothing. Stopping in front of a house and protesting on public streets is a right we have here in America. dont like this then move.

Yes, you have the Right to Intimidate People, that does not make it right. One day it will come back on you and bite you in the ass. Think about it.
CNN is reporting it too. You'd know that if you read my previous posts.

Some of these idiots can't pull their heads out of Obamas ass long enough to see anything in the real world. Much less recognize the pros or cons of it. They're all paper ideologues.

where are the mass mobs storming? have they done it yet? I have gotten to this post and no one person has shown evidence they are "storming" anything.

Do you have a problem with people protesting on public property? Do you hate our laws?
Why do you hate America?

(See, that's the better form of the question for effect, especially when you have nothing.)


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Ah so when the race marches happened you would have complained that the poor children shouldnt have seen it?

Protests clog things up. That is what marches do, until they break a law you have nothing. Stopping in front of a house and protesting on public streets is a right we have here in America. dont like this then move.

Yes, you have the Right to Intimidate People, that does not make it right. One day it will come back on you and bite you in the ass. Think about it.

intimidate? stop the hyperbole. They are marching and protesting. Something we as americans have the right to do.
Because you disagree with the message doesnt mean they are in the wrong here.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people? We have the right to Assemble of Public property regardless of our message.

This is why the KKK can freely speak and protest whatever they want without the government suppressing them.

To read some of you people, is to read some serious anti-american opinions. Shame on all of you.

soooo if neo nazis protested outside the chairman of apaks home that would be cool? or if the tea party had marched on say Jeff Zucker's home, we would be experiencing the same media coverage, in tone and tenor?

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