Four RINO's Who Breast-Feed From Dems

B. Kidd

Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2010
Western Lands
According to the 'Center for Public Integrity', four Republicans that voted against and bashed the stimulus bill, lined up to ask for stimulus money once the bill passed.
How do John Ensign, Mitch McConnell, Scott Brown, and Michele Bachmann explain this? Seeing the stimulus as bad policy, why do they want any part of it?

This is a glaring example of how Congressional members of both parties continue to contribute to the crashing and eventual burning of this country.
Whyyyyyy.......if there is money to be had, they have a responsibility to see their folks back home get a piece of da pie!
According to the 'Center for Public Integrity', four Republicans that voted against and bashed the stimulus bill, lined up to ask for stimulus money once the bill passed.
How do John Ensign, Mitch McConnell, Scott Brown, and Michele Bachmann explain this? Seeing the stimulus as bad policy, why do they want any part of it?

This is a glaring example of how Congressional members of both parties continue to contribute to the crashing and eventual burning of this country.

Might it be that their constituents are paying for the stimulus bill through taxes, and are deserving of the benefits. That wasn't so hard to understand, no?
That pork is some highly addictive stuff. Congress critters just can't keep their hands off of it.
According to the 'Center for Public Integrity', four Republicans that voted against and bashed the stimulus bill, lined up to ask for stimulus money once the bill passed.
How do John Ensign, Mitch McConnell, Scott Brown, and Michele Bachmann explain this? Seeing the stimulus as bad policy, why do they want any part of it?

This is a glaring example of how Congressional members of both parties continue to contribute to the crashing and eventual burning of this country.

Might it be that their constituents are paying for the stimulus bill through taxes, and are deserving of the benefits. That wasn't so hard to understand, no?

That is my view also. If your constituents are gonna be shafted into paying for it, it is their representative's responsibility to ensure they get a few bangs for their bucks. This is possibly above the intellectual capacity of the drooling hordes to grasp.
Whyyyyyy.......if there is money to be had, they have a responsibility to see their folks back home get a piece of da pie!

The point you make is a disingenuous one. Their prime responsibility is to politically act in accordance with their political principles.
Whyyyyyy.......if there is money to be had, they have a responsibility to see their folks back home get a piece of da pie!

The point you make is a disingenuous one. Their prime responsibility is to politically act in accordance with their political principles.

If their constituents are expected to pay for it, they are entitled to benefit from it. As a stick with which to beat your political 'enemies', it's a fail.
According to the 'Center for Public Integrity', four Republicans that voted against and bashed the stimulus bill, lined up to ask for stimulus money once the bill passed.
How do John Ensign, Mitch McConnell, Scott Brown, and Michele Bachmann explain this? Seeing the stimulus as bad policy, why do they want any part of it?

This is a glaring example of how Congressional members of both parties continue to contribute to the crashing and eventual burning of this country.

Hogs at the trough
Whyyyyyy.......if there is money to be had, they have a responsibility to see their folks back home get a piece of da pie!

The point you make is a disingenuous one. Their prime responsibility is to politically act in accordance with their political principles.

If their constituents are expected to pay for it, they are entitled to benefit from it. As a stick with which to beat your political 'enemies', it's a fail.

All constituents in all states HAVE to equally pay for it, as its not an expectational choice. If a main purpose of the Fed. Govt.'s existence anymore is to provide never-ending multi-billions in 'stimulus' to states inequitably (based on who wields Congressional and Executive power) and to select corporations, then those who are entitled to benefit from it, obviously benefit inequitably, state to state.
If Fed. stimulus bills become the norm, which they very well could, then I'll be for dissolving the Fed., as the possibility of principled politicians on that level becomes totally extinct.
When that happens, then we might as well replace the Fed. with 7 or 8 regional confederacies.
Whyyyyyy.......if there is money to be had, they have a responsibility to see their folks back home get a piece of da pie!

The point you make is a disingenuous one. Their prime responsibility is to politically act in accordance with their political principles.

Really? I thought there job was to represent the wants and needs of the people of the state and the state. When they run for election, they advertise thier political principles and get elected based on them, but their job is to represent the folks who elected them, not haul off and do what THEY want. Do some? Yes. But it isn't their job.
Whyyyyyy.......if there is money to be had, they have a responsibility to see their folks back home get a piece of da pie!

The point you make is a disingenuous one. Their prime responsibility is to politically act in accordance with their political principles.

no, their prime responsibility is to represent their constituents.

this isn't real complicated. that's why one chamber is called the house of representatives.

According to the 'Center for Public Integrity', four Republicans that voted against and bashed the stimulus bill, lined up to ask for stimulus money once the bill passed.
How do John Ensign, Mitch McConnell, Scott Brown, and Michele Bachmann explain this? Seeing the stimulus as bad policy, why do they want any part of it?

This is a glaring example of how Congressional members of both parties continue to contribute to the crashing and eventual burning of this country.

Might it be that their constituents are paying for the stimulus bill through taxes, and are deserving of the benefits. That wasn't so hard to understand, no?

Sounds like Socialism to me....
Lordy, lordy, these states are always at the trough. The red states are in a state of perpetual support by the blue states. The liberal states make the money, and the Conservative states set back in their single wides, and drink up that money.
Lordy, lordy, these states are always at the trough. The red states are in a state of perpetual support by the blue states. The liberal states make the money, and the Conservative states set back in their single wides, and drink up that money.

Bullshit! I'm a conservative from a red state (OK) and I drive past stimulus paid street projects every day. We're sizzling the bacon here like everyone else.
According to the 'Center for Public Integrity', four Republicans that voted against and bashed the stimulus bill, lined up to ask for stimulus money once the bill passed.
How do John Ensign, Mitch McConnell, Scott Brown, and Michele Bachmann explain this? Seeing the stimulus as bad policy, why do they want any part of it?

This is a glaring example of how Congressional members of both parties continue to contribute to the crashing and eventual burning of this country.

Might it be that their constituents are paying for the stimulus bill through taxes, and are deserving of the benefits. That wasn't so hard to understand, no?

Sounds like Socialism to me....

No, Socialism is when you take money from Fred and give it to Mary because Mary has $.01 less than Fred.
Might it be that their constituents are paying for the stimulus bill through taxes, and are deserving of the benefits. That wasn't so hard to understand, no?

Sounds like Socialism to me....

No, Socialism is when you take money from Fred and give it to Mary because Mary has $.01 less than Fred.

And these Republicans taking money from the Freds in some states and giving it to the Marys in their states is different how?
Lordy, lordy, these states are always at the trough. The red states are in a state of perpetual support by the blue states. The liberal states make the money, and the Conservative states set back in their single wides, and drink up that money.

Bullshit! I'm a conservative from a red state (OK) and I drive past stimulus paid street projects every day. We're sizzling the bacon here like everyone else.

Now read what I posted carefully. That is exactly what I said.

TaxProf Blog: Red States Feed at Federal Trough, Blue States Supply the Feed

The report shows that of the 32 states (and the District of Columbia) that are "winners" -- receiving more in federal spending than they pay in federal taxes -- 76% are Red States that voted for George Bush in 2000. Indeed, 17 of the 20 (85%) states receiving the most federal spending per dollar of federal taxes paid are Red States. Here are the Top 10 states that feed at the federal trough (with Red States highlighted in bold):
Might it be that their constituents are paying for the stimulus bill through taxes, and are deserving of the benefits. That wasn't so hard to understand, no?

Sounds like Socialism to me....

No, Socialism is when you take money from Fred and give it to Mary because Mary has $.01 less than Fred.

OK. I agree. So why are you Conservatives such Socialists? I mean, why do we in the Blue states have to continually support your lazy asses?

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