Forward questions for Donald Trump to ask GOP candidates

Which fucking questions shold Donald Trump ask?

  • Newt, why the fuck did you leave your sick wife while she was sick in the hospital?

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Newt, when you take bribes from Fannie, you're selling something, you coxucker

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Mitt, No one is that perfect in business, you suck you smart fuck

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Michele Bachman, you are one dumb fucking bimbo, you do look almost as hot as Palin, stop in

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ron Paul, you old fuck, get the fuck out, you make me puke, you're fired.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ricky Santorum, I hear you get about 2% of the voters, you were fired yesterday, stupid fuck.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Where's that fat fuck Christie? Mother-fucker dropped out, coxucker thinks he can beat me in 2016

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Where's that token Jeb Bush? Another joker for 2016, bring a lunch

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rick Perry, I hear you are one dumb fuck. Pop quiz, what state is Texas in?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Huntsman, maybe the Koch Brothers can buy your campaig, come back when you can ante up

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Donald Trump will moderate a GOP presidential debate on 12/27/11 in Iowa. I'm going to forward a few questions for The Donald to ask

Please vote on which questions you support, or post new ones
Anyone going to show up? Seems like something that could backfire in a big way.
Upon further research it seems that it may actually happen, there is going to be comedy gold here. I demand he asks nothing but birther questions the entire time, because it is the only question voters have on their minds.
I think it's going to be great! Probably alot more entertaining than others! I hear Ron Paul isn't going to be there...what a weanie! And of course...Newt will be the one on top :)
Donald Trump will moderate a GOP presidential debate on 12/27/11 in Iowa. I'm going to forward a few questions for The Donald to ask

Please vote on which questions you support, or post new ones

I doubt Donald Trump is going to take any of your QUESTIONS--because most of them are lies or distortions and half-truths.

EXA: Newt Gingrich never had ANY business dealings with Fannie Mae--and I seriously doubt Donald Trump is going to ask ANYONE about personal relationships with wives or others--LOL

Nice Try LIBERAL and now Ron Paul supporter---:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Has anyone considered just how badly this could go? The incredible potential for disaster? Putting all those campaigns in the hands of a loose canon like Trump? Doesn't it scare you just a little?
I doubt 'the hair' will ask any questions the way they are posted here :)
I think it's going to be great! Probably alot more entertaining than others! I hear Ron Paul isn't going to be there...what a weanie! And of course...Newt will be the one on top :)

Now why wouldn't Ron Paul want to meet face to face with Donald Trump---:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Has anyone considered just how badly this could go? The incredible potential for disaster? Putting all those campaigns in the hands of a loose canon like Trump? Doesn't it scare you just a little?

Nope doesn't scare me in the least--I imagine we're going to hear an awful lot about China and how they have been ripping us off for decades.
Donald Trump will moderate a GOP presidential debate on 12/27/11 in Iowa. I'm going to forward a few questions for The Donald to ask

Please vote on which questions you support, or post new ones

I doubt Donald Trump is going to take any of your QUESTIONS--because most of them are lies or distortions and half-truths.

EXA: Newt Gingrich never had ANY business dealings with Fannie Mae

Nice Try LIBERAL and now Ron Paul supporter---

Freddie/Fannie, the point is Newt took $1,600,000 to peddle influence and fuck the taxpayers. Newt said Dodd should be in jail, Newt and others who took bribes should be there too, in the next cells, maybe next to Rostenkowski...
Gingrich Said to Be Paid About $1.6 Million by Freddie Mac - Bloomberg
Question proposal:

Why did you accept this invitation? Have you no respect for the dignity of the office of President?
I would fire one back at Donald, “Can you pass along that trick where you had four bankruptcies but it gets sugar-coated as ‘Debt Restructuring’ and you’re able to make sweet deals? Everyday Americans who can't get a bank to restructure their home loans would love to know that one.”
Newt, when you take bribes from Fannie, you're selling something, you coxucker

Although I woud've worded it something like: "Newt, why should you be trusted to lead a nation after you profited financially from your direct contribution to said nation's housing/financial crisis?"
How about a question for all of them....

Why do you support an agenda that marginalizes American working people for the excesses of wealthy Corporations?

Why is it that it never occurs to ANY of you that a strong working and Middle Class has EVERYTHING to do with our economic recovery and pandering to Corporate interests are detrimental?
Newt, when you take bribes from Fannie, you're selling something, you coxucker

Although I woud've worded it something like: "Newt, why should you be trusted to lead a nation after you profited financially from your direct contribution to said nation's housing/financial crisis?"

Much better wording. I tried for more humor by Donald saying Fannie instead of Freddie. Someone is going to fry Newt sooner or later, either Mitt or Barry.
How about a question for all of them....

Why do you support an agenda that marginalizes American working people for the excesses of wealthy Corporations?

Why is it that it never occurs to ANY of you that a strong working and Middle Class has EVERYTHING to do with our economic recovery and pandering to Corporate interests are detrimental?

My friend, your question makes perfect sense, however, my perception of Donald is that he is a Billionaire and his perspective would be decidedly not worker friendly. Donald is the ultimate Corporate insider, I'd bet Donald and VP Dick Cheney would have the same world-view. My fear is that the GOP candidate will be forced to toe-the-line for the wealthy and get beaten by BO again.
Donald Trump will moderate a GOP presidential debate on 12/27/11 in Iowa. I'm going to forward a few questions for The Donald to ask

Please vote on which questions you support, or post new ones

Who would let that psycho moderate anything.

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