Forsaken and Forgotten - How would You respond?

Mrs. M.

Man Feed Guest Writer
Nov 2, 2015

Why did the US State Department delay the issue of a statement condemning the murder of US citizen, Ezra Shwartz, who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist last Thursday in Israel? It has been reported that the State Dept. Spokesman never mentioned the American victim by name when making a statement about the terror attack. The 18 year old student was in Israel to further his education. Ezra Shwartz was a wonderful young man who was known for his compassion and fun-loving good nature.

Saturday evening, hundreds of weeping Israeli friends accompanied the body of the slain young man to Ben-Gurion airport. This is a very sad story and not the first of its kind.

As of today, a new petition has been launched, demanding that the US government and President Obama acknowledge the death of US citizen, 18 year old Ezra Shwartz. The petition also demands that President Obama confront the Palestinian Authority for falsely reporting the Arab victim (in the same attack) was killed by Israeli gunfire. He was not. Thus far, there has been no response from President Obama. How many signatures on a petition will it take, for him to do, what any honorable world leader would have already done?

This was one of our American citizens! Why does the President, the US State Department and the US news media refuse to acknowledge 18 year old Ezra Shwartz from Massachusetts, murdered in cold blood by a Palestinian terrorist in Israel? The silence is deafening!

President Obama made a statement almost immediately after the news of the terrorist attack on France.

Who will weep and mourn with the Jews? On 9/11, the Jews wept for America while Palestinian people danced in the streets and handed out candy.

Israel has been the target of Islamic terrorism since 1948. While the Palestinians claim that these terror attacks are over the settlements, there were no settlements in 1948.

There has been a serious escalation in terrorist attacks on the citizens of Israel in recent months. The knife intifada is ongoing and yet the world remains silent. IDF soldiers and Israeli police have been targeted as well as ordinary citizens. These attacks are random, vicious, and sudden.

If you saw the world pour out compassion and sympathy for every other nation but your own how would you respond?

Would you want to know why they react vociferously to terrorist attacks on the French, the Americans and the Indians of Mumbai while not expressing any outrage for the deaths of your own loved ones? Even forsaking their own citizens who become victims of terror on Israeli soil?

Wouldn't it make you wonder if the world had lost its mind?

After the terror attack on France, a Hollywood actress tweeted, What about Lebanon? She made a point of saying she was praying for both nations. That's great! What about Israel? No one mentioned they would be praying for Israel. No one mentioned they were mourning for Israeli victims of terror.

I am wondering how I would respond to an apology, given in the aftermath of such deafening silence to my sorrow and mourning, to so much hatred, ridicule, accusations and propaganda written about me. If only I were an Israeli, perhaps I would know. I cannot pretend to know how they feel. All I can say is, I'm sorry that it takes a petition for you to receive the acknowledgment, that other nations receive, without one. This double standard must end. That is my response.

What is yours?


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I should keep my mouth shut. While I'm not Jewish I have a deep love and respect for them - it was a Rabbi and his congregation who came to my rescue when I was in a lot of religious pain. I attended Synagogue for a pretty good while thereafter. My HS graduating class was probably close to 40-50% Jewish and there was no sneers of any kind - they were smart, actively engaged in school activities and very friendly. Some were from wealthier families than others but there was never any one-up-manship from any classmates, Jewish or not. I think Obama has made his contempt for Israeli Prime Minister quite public over and over again. If all this anti-Christianity business continues, I fully feel the Jews will be next. I fear for them. I really do.
I do miss the news from time to time and it's most unfortunate that a life was cut short, but no other nation on earth is looked after more closely by us than Israel.

We can only do so much to protect one nation on earth, even more so than we look after ourselves.

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