Former Tiki Torcher Commits Suicide Before Upcoming Drug Trial - FBI Assassination?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Teddy Joseph Von Nukem, one of the most prominent faces lit by the glow of tiki torches in what became the lasting image of the 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, killed himself as he was due to face criminal trial last month. The 35-year-old skipped out on his first day of trial for a drug trafficking charge in Arizona on the morning of Jan. 30, according to court records. At the very moment a federal judge was issuing a warrant for his arrest, Von Nukem was actually still at his home in Missouri, where he had walked out in the snow behind the hay shed and shot himself. “Suicide notes were found at the scene, left for law enforcement and his children, however handwriting was somewhat inconsistent,” the coroner’s report states.

Journalists, researchers, and anti-fascist activists spent months carefully examining photos and videos of the violence that day to identify white supremacists and hold them accountable. Molly Conger, an independent journalist in Charlottesville, identified Von Nukem as one of the men who attacked Deandre Harris in a parking garage. At the time, Von Nukem told the newspaper he supported Donald Trump and had adopted the white supremacist worldview that whites are now “disadvantaged.”

How do we know this guy killed himself? How are we so sure the FBI didn't kill this guy to prevent him from exposing them as being behind the whole Charlottesville protest, designed to make Conservatives look bad? We all know that those carrying those tiki torches; yelling "Jews will not replace us!" were all Antifa FBI operatives. So they got this guy on fake drug charges and now he is dead...what are they hiding? Did he know something about the planned train attack on Ohio? He is right, whites are disadvantaged, and he knows that the train attack was a coordinated attack on whites by the Biden admin. There needs to be a real investigation into the connections the FBI had with this train attack.

"Teddy Joseph Von Nukem, one of the most prominent faces lit by the glow of tiki torches in what became the lasting image of the 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, killed himself as he was due to face criminal trial last month. The 35-year-old skipped out on his first day of trial for a drug trafficking charge in Arizona on the morning of Jan. 30, according to court records. At the very moment a federal judge was issuing a warrant for his arrest, Von Nukem was actually still at his home in Missouri, where he had walked out in the snow behind the hay shed and shot himself. “Suicide notes were found at the scene, left for law enforcement and his children, however handwriting was somewhat inconsistent,” the coroner’s report states.

Journalists, researchers, and anti-fascist activists spent months carefully examining photos and videos of the violence that day to identify white supremacists and hold them accountable. Molly Conger, an independent journalist in Charlottesville, identified Von Nukem as one of the men who attacked Deandre Harris in a parking garage. At the time, Von Nukem told the newspaper he supported Donald Trump and had adopted the white supremacist worldview that whites are now “disadvantaged.”

How do we know this guy killed himself? How are we so sure the FBI didn't kill this guy to prevent him from exposing them as being behind the whole Charlottesville protest, designed to make Conservatives look bad? We all know that those carrying those tiki torches; yelling "Jews will not replace us!" were all Antifa FBI operatives. So they got this guy on fake drug charges and now he is dead...what are they hiding? Did he know something about the planned train attack on Ohio? He is right, whites are disadvantaged, and he knows that the train attack was a coordinated attack on whites by the Biden admin. There needs to be a real investigation into the connections the FBI had with this train attack.
What evidence you got, that he didn't? Pure conjecture? You go investigate and get back to us. The rest of us glad he is gone and doubt he will be missed, as not exactly what you would call a good citizen to have around, and does appear to be his choice, rather than stand trial for his crimes, that he was bound to be found guilty on, and get locked up. He saved us money and won't be missed in general, except by family, KKK and other white supremacists.
What evidence you got, that he didn't? Pure conjecture? You go investigate and get back to us. The rest of us glad he is gone and doubt he will be missed, as not exactly what you would call a good citizen to have around, and does appear to be his choice, rather than stand trial for his crimes, that he was bound to be found guilty on, and get locked up. He saved us money and won't be missed in general, except by family, KKK and other white supremacists.

Wait you're a moderator shouldn't you be moving the thread to conspiracy and how can you not know this is a trolling thread?
What evidence you got, that he didn't? Pure conjecture? You go investigate and get back to us. The rest of us glad he is gone and doubt he will be missed, as not exactly what you would call a good citizen to have around, and does appear to be his choice, rather than stand trial for his crimes, that he was bound to be found guilty on, and get locked up. He saved us money and won't be missed in general, except by family, KKK and other white supremacists.
He's trying to be "funny"....He failed yet again.
Hopefully his poor children didn't change their names to Von Nukem, sounds like this racist had some serious mental problems, as many Trump supporters are known to have.

Other report say he committed suicide.

Sad for his family.

"Teddy Joseph Von Nukem, one of the most prominent faces lit by the glow of tiki torches in what became the lasting image of the 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, killed himself as he was due to face criminal trial last month. The 35-year-old skipped out on his first day of trial for a drug trafficking charge in Arizona on the morning of Jan. 30, according to court records. At the very moment a federal judge was issuing a warrant for his arrest, Von Nukem was actually still at his home in Missouri, where he had walked out in the snow behind the hay shed and shot himself. “Suicide notes were found at the scene, left for law enforcement and his children, however handwriting was somewhat inconsistent,” the coroner’s report states.

Journalists, researchers, and anti-fascist activists spent months carefully examining photos and videos of the violence that day to identify white supremacists and hold them accountable. Molly Conger, an independent journalist in Charlottesville, identified Von Nukem as one of the men who attacked Deandre Harris in a parking garage. At the time, Von Nukem told the newspaper he supported Donald Trump and had adopted the white supremacist worldview that whites are now “disadvantaged.”

How do we know this guy killed himself? How are we so sure the FBI didn't kill this guy to prevent him from exposing them as being behind the whole Charlottesville protest, designed to make Conservatives look bad? We all know that those carrying those tiki torches; yelling "Jews will not replace us!" were all Antifa FBI operatives. So they got this guy on fake drug charges and now he is dead...what are they hiding? Did he know something about the planned train attack on Ohio? He is right, whites are disadvantaged, and he knows that the train attack was a coordinated attack on whites by the Biden admin. There needs to be a real investigation into the connections the FBI had with this train attack.
Well when you legally change your name to comport your identity with a video game character, you aren't the brightest bulb on the tree to begin with.
Wait you're a moderator shouldn't you be moving the thread to conspiracy and how can you not know this is a trolling thread?
Because he sees right-wingers actually believing this type of bullshit everyday....

Like I said, mocking right-wingers is literally the easiest thing to do...
Wait you're a moderator shouldn't you be moving the thread to conspiracy and how can you not know this is a trolling thread?
Any thread on a current event, it's interpretation, OP position, etc, might to some be considered a trolling thread, if you feel you are part of group injured or insulted by the thread.
Current event forum is for discussion of current events in the news nationally or if somebody on this fairly vast board of views/contributors comes across something of interest or concern, not widely already commonly known, they feel worth bringing to the board.
This is fairly new news, to be discussed. The thought the OP expresses, shows paranoia of the times, to be sure. Still, not the duty of MOD staff (at least in my opinion) to shield the board members from the opinion (unsupported in this case) proposed, by moving the thread (in my opinion) directly to the Conspiracy Forum, labeling the OP thread by MOD action, pejoratively at first glance.
I personally expressed my skepticism at the proposal in my response. Others likewise. I suggest you are just fine, expressing your opinion, and the thread presence in current forum harms nobody. As you know, we get people forwarding unfounded claims all the time. Like in this case, they are consistently met with calls for proof. Insisting on proof is your function, and you should make your voice heard, (not to call a referee of truth, as that isn't our function), but to point to the flaws in OP positions, based on facts, facts missing, evidence, logic and all the other aspects of debate and discussion.
Welcome to the USMB where your voice Counts and in fact shapes discussion on a daily basis.:cool:
How is that different from other criminals who don't want to face justice? IOW, why a racial angle? IMO, if I discovered I was terminally ill and the prognosis was a short existence with intractable pain, I'd do the same. BTW, did he KILL ANYONE in Charlottesville?

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