Former President Trump is Launching TRUTH Social to Combat Tyranny of Big Tech's Twitter and Facebook Censorship

In what the rest of us call "reality", it will be a place where unhinged right wingers can exchange insanity that is unacceptable on other platforms.
I'm completely fine with that. Why isn't everyone else? Words hurt? What's next, banning Dr. Seuss? :)

You seem to enjoy USMB, and it allows exactly what you describe, so I would say that by your own admission, you might like sites like the proposed TRUTH Social site, even though you don't realize it.

>Fort Fun said:
>Are you joking right now? Trump has discarded people like used toilet paper over the merest slight. People close to him. How do you think he feels about random people he doesn't even know?

No, I was not joking. When I said it would be hypocritical of him to not allow criticism of himself, I was referring to the fact that the launching announced that TRUTH would cancel cancel culture and not do what Twitter does.
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Trump announces he is launching his own social media platform called TRUTH Social to 'stand up to the tyranny of big tech': Ex-president's enterprise will also create subscription video service​

  • Former President Donald Trump has plans to launch his own social media network, TRUTH Social, to compete with Silicon Valley
  • 'We live in a world where the Taliban has a huge presence on Twitter, yet your favorite American President has been silenced,' Trump said
  • The network will launch in early 2022 under a merger between Trump Media & Tech Group and Digital World Acquisitions Corp
  • The merged companies will also launch a subscription video service
  • It comes as Twitter and Facebook faced backlash for banning Trump following the January 6 Capitol Hill riot

Currently available for pre-order at the App store:

1. TRUTH Social Will Have a Limited Launch at First

2. TRUTH Social Is Valued at Up to $1.7 Billion

3. Donald Trump Jr. Says, ‘We’re Going to Cancel Cancel Culture’

4. Reaction to TRUTH Social Was Divided

5. A Few Details Have Come Out About Other People Involved in the Social Media Venture

I can't wait to see y'all's memes!



Dija know the company providing the front is a chinese company controlled by the Chinese government.

So Cap'n Cheeto's "Truth" will be controlled by the commies!

Didn't I dell you people Trump was just a China plan?

Here's the best part...
It's just another grift.
Watch for the IPO where "Truth" is priced at $20 a share and the Truminista line up to buy all they can afford.
Only to lose it all in another Trump bankruptcy.

Ignorant nonsense.

Tyranny is the sole purview of government – social media aren’t ‘government.’

Private social media exercising their right to freedom of association isn’t ‘tyranny.’

More demagoguery and lies from Trump.
Democrat hatred of free speech is but one of many similarities between them and the Nazis.

Truly, Democrats are the greatest danger this county has ever faced.
Ignorant nonsense.

Tyranny is the sole purview of government – social media aren’t ‘government.’

Private social media exercising their right to freedom of association isn’t ‘tyranny.’

More demagoguery and lies from Trump.
Excuse me, but if you are going to call me ignorant, you aren't going to get my attention in the future.

Social media, mainstream media, Google, universities even, etc. have all become propaganda arms of Leftist agenda, the Biden Admin, China, etc. I hope you can understand that.

They banned the President of the United States as part of that, for goodness sake.

I understand it might be a complicated subject for you to understand, but it is obvious to anyone of intelligence, so quit showing your own ignorance. Biden admin even announced publicly that it was tagging posts for Facebook.

Silencing free expression for political reasons is undoubtedly tyranny.


Have a good evening.
Excuse me, but if you are going to call me ignorant, you aren't going to get my attention in the future.

Social media, mainstream media, Google, universities even, etc. have all become propaganda arms of Leftist agenda, the Biden Admin, China, etc. I hope you can understand that.

They banned the President of the United States as part of that, for goodness sake.

I understand it might be a complicated subject for you to understand, but it is obvious to anyone of intelligence, so quit showing your own ignorance. Biden admin even announced publicly that it was tagging posts for Facebook.

Silencing free expression for political reasons is undoubtedly tyranny.


Have a good evening.

Twitter and Facebook are private just like this forum.. The government didn't censor Trump.. Private businesses did.
It was the Nazis tore down Germany - take note all Democrats.

No stupid, in 1933 Hitler purged the government of Socialists, Communists, Democrats and Jews.. He put them in Dachau. He was authoritarian, Fascist and conservative like Mussolini.
Thanks for a responsive reply. I think it's not wise of you to throw away your vote for Jorgensen, but I admire your convictions.

– Replaced NAFTA with USMCA.
– New trade deal with China, replacing TPP.
Not only did Trump fail to build the wall and make Mexico pay for it, the trade deficits with China and Mexico skyrocketed during his administration.

If that is your idea of a promise kept, then you are beyond gullible.
I'm completely fine with that. Why isn't everyone else? Words hurt? What's next, banning Dr. Seuss? :)

You seem to enjoy USMB, and it allows exactly what you describe, so I would say that by your own admission, you might like sites like the proposed TRUTH Social site, even though you don't realize it.
I have little doubt anyone who criticizes Trump will be gang-raped and booted from that site. The truth will have the survival rate of a snowball in hell.
Trump's "truth" will be Made in China, like his ties.

On Thursday, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings posted online revealed seemingly indirect connections to potential business in China. MeidasTouch News found Digital World chief executive Patrick Orlando was also listed as the CEO of China Yunhong Holdings Ltd.

The company, founded in 2019, is incorporated in the Cayman Islands—an offshore tax haven—and has its headquarters in the Chinese city of Wuhan in the country's central Hubei province.

According to Chinese-language financial and investment website MoneyDJ, Yunhong is a "blank check company" created with no specific business intent other than to engage in mergers as well as securities transactions, asset acquisitions and stock purchases.

The name sucks. TRUTH Social says nothing.

The site needs a name that describes Trump to a 'T'. Something like:

Douchebag Central.