Former President Trump is Launching TRUTH Social to Combat Tyranny of Big Tech's Twitter and Facebook Censorship

AWS booted them because parler was allowing incitement of violence without taking any measure to block those violations of ToS.
Parler has a new provider (skysilk?) host them, but it appears that parler has implemented measures to block the incitement of violence.
Funny as Twitter allows Hamas to post. An internationally recognized terrorist organization
I notice it is in the terms of service on that site that the orange pile of shit cannot be criticized.


But yeah... It's not a cult....
It is now but initially it was cancelled. I do not do social media so I would not know if it is shitty. My wife does em all. Spends hours.
I was on Parler before I found USMB. It was kind of clunky,, but I had fun. There was not as much of a variety of opinion as there is here. When they were deplatformed (cancelled, yes, they were), I found USMB. Parler was down for a while, and when they came back, it was different, and there were different rules.

Rules don't normally affect me, as I am civil and don't even cuss on-line, but it bothered me that they caved to woke pressure. If they had guts, they would have built a new platform from the ground up and did whatever the heck they wanted to, and I would have gained some loyalty to them.

USMB is another form of social media. It's fine if it doesn't meet your definition. They are all different. I can't stand most of them.

Here at USMB, I find there is intelligent discussion to be had, and most people are civil with me, as I strive to be to them, even if we drastically disagree. That is really enjoyable for me, and an impressive trait which probably only the most intelligent humans have mastered, and there seems to be plenty of them here.

Can't wait to see the excuses trumptards start making for why members of that site start getting banned.
The censorship that concerns me most is when scientific studies (such as mask/vaccine/ivermectin/hydroxycholoroquine/etc.) or when controversial speech is banned, such as stating that our four-Admiral Levine is a man.

I don't necessarily agree with all of these studies or controversial statements, but I want to be able to hear them or even post controversial statements myself.

The site is not even launched yet. The draft TOS simply says one cannot criticize the site or employees of the site. I will wait and see. I don't participate in highly-censored discussion boards.

AWS booted them because parler was allowing incitement of violence without taking any measure to block those violations of ToS.
Parler has a new provider (skysilk?) host them, but it appears that parler has implemented measures to block the incitement of violence.
I was on Parler daily. I didn't see any of that. I did see a lot of people say they were going to DC on Jan 6th, even from the West Coast. I saw no calls for insurrection, only to give a message to Congress that they need to do their job and possibly not certify the questionable results of certain states until things were resolved.

Most of the organizing for 1/6 was reportedly actually carried out on Facebook.

Where does one sign up?
Let’s see how libbies and MSM and Mandaters try and fuck with this free exchange of all ideas, opinions and experiences.’
I was on Parler before I found USMB. It was kind of clunky,, but I had fun. There was not as much of a variety of opinion as there is here. When they were deplatformed (cancelled, yes, they were), I found USMB. Parler was down for a while, and when they came back, it was different, and there were different rules.

Rules don't normally affect me, as I am civil and don't even cuss on-line, but it bothered me that they caved to woke pressure. If they had guts, they would have built a new platform from the ground up and did whatever the heck they wanted to, and I would have gained some loyalty to them.

USMB is another form of social media. It's fine if it doesn't meet your definition. They are all different. I can't stand most of them.

Here at USMB, I find there is intelligent discussion to be had, and most people are civil with me, as I strive to be to them, even if we drastically disagree. That is really enjoyable for me, and an impressive trait which probably only the most intelligent humans have mastered, and there seems to be plenty of them here.

The censorship that concerns me most is when scientific studies (such as mask/vaccine/ivermectin/hydroxycholoroquine/etc.) or when controversial speech is banned, such as stating that our four-Admiral Levine is a man.

I don't necessarily agree with all of these studies or controversial statements, but I want to be able to hear them or even post controversial statements myself.

The site is not even launched yet. The draft TOS simply says one cannot criticize the site or employees of the site. I will wait and see. I don't participate in highly-censored discussion boards.

I was on Parler daily. I didn't see any of that. I did see a lot of people say they were going to DC on Jan 6th, even from the West Coast. I saw no calls for insurrection, only to give a message to Congress that they need to do their job and possibly not certify the questionable results of certain states until things were resolved.

Most of the organizing for 1/6 was reportedly actually carried out on Facebook.

I have a hunch they'll be kicking out people bashing Trump.

As a user of the Site, you agree not to:
23. disparage, tarnish, or otherwise harm, in our opinion, us and/or the Site.
"Us" is defined in the TOS (post 88) as "Trump Media Tech, LLC." Trump is the founder and CEO of TMT.

If he did not allow criticism of himself, that would be quite hypocritical of him, so I would be surprised if he did that. It would turn me off greatly, even though I would likely not criticize him much at all.

Having that rule allows them to enforce it however they want. Of course, they could just make up rules as they go along, but as WEATHER53 said, we don't roll like that.

It would be wonderful if they actually allowed all speech and showed others how it is done. Trump's name and a promise for free speech will certainly appeal to a lot of people, even quite a few haters, I am sure.

If Trump makes it his sole platform for statements, that will naturally increase traffic and participation and the media loves to cover Trump.

Trump announces he is launching his own social media platform called TRUTH Social to 'stand up to the tyranny of big tech': Ex-president's enterprise will also create subscription video service​

  • Former President Donald Trump has plans to launch his own social media network, TRUTH Social, to compete with Silicon Valley
  • 'We live in a world where the Taliban has a huge presence on Twitter, yet your favorite American President has been silenced,' Trump said
  • The network will launch in early 2022 under a merger between Trump Media & Tech Group and Digital World Acquisitions Corp
  • The merged companies will also launch a subscription video service
  • It comes as Twitter and Facebook faced backlash for banning Trump following the January 6 Capitol Hill riot

Currently available for pre-order at the App store:

1. TRUTH Social Will Have a Limited Launch at First

2. TRUTH Social Is Valued at Up to $1.7 Billion

3. Donald Trump Jr. Says, ‘We’re Going to Cancel Cancel Culture’

4. Reaction to TRUTH Social Was Divided

5. A Few Details Have Come Out About Other People Involved in the Social Media Venture

I can't wait to see y'all's memes!




An oxymoron if there ever was one.
Of course they will. It's their safe space.
Actually, ideally, it will be a very unsafe space, where free ideas flow without a nanny telling us what we can say or read.

That's what free expression is about. Being unsafe and able to read controversial viewpoints without having an emotional breakdown.
If he did not allow criticism of himself, that would be quite hypocritical of him, so I would be surprised if he did that.
Are you joking right now? Trump has discarded people like used toilet paper over the merest slight. People close to him. How do you think he feels about random people he doesn't even know?


An oxymoron if there ever was one.
This may surprise you, but I think Trump is one of the most honest presidents ever.

A good measure of presidential honesty might be if they have tried to fulfill all of their campaign promises. By that measure, I would say that Trump is probably the most honest president I can recall. Trump made me lots of promises I never really expected him to keep, but in his first three years, he had already done his best to keep most of them with creative strategies, despite severe resistance. I can't think of another politician that is so effective at fulfilling his or her controversial promises.

He is so honest, that he speaks before even thinking. :) Think about that. He really does. He does not have to have everything sanitized and turned into a politically-correct talking point before saying it. And to heck with political correctness. Yes, he does come across harshly, even obnoxiously at times, but that is more honesty.

Remember this?...
"If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what... I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year."

And then there's Brandon.


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