Former Keystone Pipeline worker says US energy crisis is result of Biden's policies: 'We tried to warn you'

He wasn't the only one who warned you.

John Kerry and his purchased cult of anti-American idiots have done more damage to U.S National Security than N Korea or others have.

All those convincing their own citizens that energy independence is bad for the environment, but shipping industries to high polluting nations and buying oil from despots is good policy, are a gift to those who wish to, and may succeed, in destroying America.

The corporate media schleps who have become nothing more than an extension of the alt-left of late have no clue about world issues or National Security. Truly clueless as they repeat the same genuises who have been wrong about everything for thirty years.

A former Keystone XL pipeline worker said the energy industry "tried to warn" President Biden against policies hindering U.S. oil and gas production – policies the worker said have caused the country's growing energy crisis.

"We tried to warn this administration back when they canceled the Keystone Pipeline" that it was also "canceling national security, foreign policy and energy," Neal Crabtree told Fox News. "They all kinda go hand-in-hand."

The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the U.S. hit a record high this week, as oil neared $130 per barrel. Biden announced Tuesday that he was banning Russian oil and gas imports, which he said targets the "main artery of Russia’s economy."
He wasn't the only one who warned you.

John Kerry and his purchased cult of anti-American idiots have done more damage to U.S National Security than N Korea or others have.

All those convincing their own citizens that energy independence is bad for the environment, but shipping industries to high polluting nations and buying oil from despots is good policy, are a gift to those who wish to, and may succeed, in destroying America.

The corporate media schleps who have become nothing more than an extension of the alt-left of late have no clue about world issues or National Security. Truly clueless as they repeat the same genuises who have been wrong about everything for thirty years.

A former Keystone XL pipeline worker said the energy industry "tried to warn" President Biden against policies hindering U.S. oil and gas production – policies the worker said have caused the country's growing energy crisis.

"We tried to warn this administration back when they canceled the Keystone Pipeline" that it was also "canceling national security, foreign policy and energy," Neal Crabtree told Fox News. "They all kinda go hand-in-hand."

The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the U.S. hit a record high this week, as oil neared $130 per barrel. Biden announced Tuesday that he was banning Russian oil and gas imports, which he said targets the "main artery of Russia’s economy."
He wasn't the only one who warned you.

John Kerry and his purchased cult of anti-American idiots have done more damage to U.S National Security than N Korea or others have.

All those convincing their own citizens that energy independence is bad for the environment, but shipping industries to high polluting nations and buying oil from despots is good policy, are a gift to those who wish to, and may succeed, in destroying America.

The corporate media schleps who have become nothing more than an extension of the alt-left of late have no clue about world issues or National Security. Truly clueless as they repeat the same genuises who have been wrong about everything for thirty years.

A former Keystone XL pipeline worker said the energy industry "tried to warn" President Biden against policies hindering U.S. oil and gas production – policies the worker said have caused the country's growing energy crisis.

"We tried to warn this administration back when they canceled the Keystone Pipeline" that it was also "canceling national security, foreign policy and energy," Neal Crabtree told Fox News. "They all kinda go hand-in-hand."

The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the U.S. hit a record high this week, as oil neared $130 per barrel. Biden announced Tuesday that he was banning Russian oil and gas imports, which he said targets the "main artery of Russia’s economy."
Oil prices are determined by global supply and demand. Global consumption is about 95 million barrels a day. The Keystone XL would increase supply only .8%. Since the cost of refining is higher than light crude and it yields less gasoline, the effect on gas prices would not be more than one or two cents a gallon. Considering the damage to the environment, the XL extension is not in our best interest.
The United States now leads the world in oil production, surpassing Russia and Saudi Arabia. Yet the United States still imports about 7 million barrels of crude oil each day, causing some to question why we should repeal the ban on exporting American crude oil.
Products are often both exported and imported when it makes economic sense. For example, the United States is also the world’s leading producer and exporter of corn, yet in 2014, we still imported 635,000 metric tons of corn.

Oil prices are determined by global supply and demand. Global consumption is about 95 million barrels a day. The Keystone XL would increase supply only .8%. Since the cost of refining is higher than light crude and it yields less gasoline, the effect on gas prices would not be more than one or two cents a gallon. Considering the damage to the environment, the XL extension is not in our best interest.
What "damage to the environment?" Who put you in charge of deciding whether it's worth it?
He wasn't the only one who warned you.

John Kerry and his purchased cult of anti-American idiots have done more damage to U.S National Security than N Korea or others have.

All those convincing their own citizens that energy independence is bad for the environment, but shipping industries to high polluting nations and buying oil from despots is good policy, are a gift to those who wish to, and may succeed, in destroying America.

The corporate media schleps who have become nothing more than an extension of the alt-left of late have no clue about world issues or National Security. Truly clueless as they repeat the same genuises who have been wrong about everything for thirty years.

A former Keystone XL pipeline worker said the energy industry "tried to warn" President Biden against policies hindering U.S. oil and gas production – policies the worker said have caused the country's growing energy crisis.

"We tried to warn this administration back when they canceled the Keystone Pipeline" that it was also "canceling national security, foreign policy and energy," Neal Crabtree told Fox News. "They all kinda go hand-in-hand."

The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the U.S. hit a record high this week, as oil neared $130 per barrel. Biden announced Tuesday that he was banning Russian oil and gas imports, which he said targets the "main artery of Russia’s economy."
The purpose of the Keystone XL pipeline is to transport tar sand oil. which is more expense to collect, transport, and process than crude oil. It is also an environmental nightmare. The processing, byproducts and runoffs kills everything for miles beyond the facility. It's estimated that the cost of producing a gallon of gasoline from Canadian tar sands would be approximately 40 cents a gallon higher than Texas crude and the cost of cleanup after the facility is closed would be more than the revenue of all the oil removed. And someday someone is going have to cleanup this mess of miles of surface and groundwater contamination. This may explain why Exxon Mobil has declared a loss on the original value of its oil sands assets, and Chevron has pulled out of Canadian oil and gas entirely. Other oil majors like Shell and BP are selling off their oil sands assets, leaving it largely to Canadian oil companies and the Canadian government to forge ahead.

Unlike conventional crude oil, which occurs as a liquid within the pore spaces of solid rock, oil sands are a mixture of semi-solid oil, sand, clay, and water. The viscous crude, called bitumen, can’t just be pumped like an oil well; extraction methods use more energy and more water and are much more costly than conventional oil drilling. For deposits near the land surface, the sand-plus-oil mixture is strip-mined, then processed with hot water and solvents to release the bitumen. For deeper deposits, the “in-situ” process too is complex: Steam must be injected underground to allow the bitumen to flow into extraction wells. Bitumen then has to mixed with solvents so if will flow through the pipeline.

Below is picture the Fort McMurray, Alberta - Operation Shadow Facility.

He wasn't the only one who warned you.

John Kerry and his purchased cult of anti-American idiots have done more damage to U.S National Security than N Korea or others have.

All those convincing their own citizens that energy independence is bad for the environment, but shipping industries to high polluting nations and buying oil from despots is good policy, are a gift to those who wish to, and may succeed, in destroying America.

The corporate media schleps who have become nothing more than an extension of the alt-left of late have no clue about world issues or National Security. Truly clueless as they repeat the same genuises who have been wrong about everything for thirty years.

A former Keystone XL pipeline worker said the energy industry "tried to warn" President Biden against policies hindering U.S. oil and gas production – policies the worker said have caused the country's growing energy crisis.

"We tried to warn this administration back when they canceled the Keystone Pipeline" that it was also "canceling national security, foreign policy and energy," Neal Crabtree told Fox News. "They all kinda go hand-in-hand."

The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the U.S. hit a record high this week, as oil neared $130 per barrel. Biden announced Tuesday that he was banning Russian oil and gas imports, which he said targets the "main artery of Russia’s economy."

First of all, nobody 'shut down the Keystone pipeline', it's been flowing like gangbusters for several years now. If you can't grasp that fact, then by all means get a frigging lobotomy, because no other facts are going to matter in your fantasy rants.
First of all, nobody 'shut down the Keystone pipeline', it's been flowing like gangbusters for several years now. If you can't grasp that fact, then by all means get a frigging lobotomy, because no other facts are going to matter in your fantasy rants.
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