Former Green Beret / GOP Candidate Who Refused To Be J6 Informant Still A Political Prisoner In DC Gitmo After 2 YEARS

huh I don't get it; You can;t even admit Trump lost the election

Of course Trump lost the election what are you, some kind of f*ing retard who has to make shit up in an attempt to 'win' a false, manufactured argument?!

I never said Trump did not lose the election. Stating the fact that there were incidents of election fraud is not the sane thing as saying 'Trump did not lose the election'.

I stopped reading your ignorant, false accusations and bullshit at this point.
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Kari Lake presented a list of over 100 Democrat Election Deniers. The J6 Committee was led by a Democrat Election Denier and had several more on the Committee. The Democrats just elected an Election Denier who believes Biden is a sexual assaulter who should be seriously investigated.

You are literally calling ithers who Democrats have proven themselves to be and accusing them of doing what Democrats have done / do...

...while doing your best to completely ignore the fact that J6 happened because Democrats refused to call on the National Guard, which wpuld have stopped J6 from happening at all....

...and the FBI testified under oath it ran 3 seperate operations prior to and during J6 to set up / incite / arrest US citizens, involving no less than 28 undercover FBI agents involved in what the FBI rep called 'entrapment schemes'.

I am in no way attempting to justify the violent protest that occurred, even if incited / baited into violence. I believe, unlike Democrats, in accountability, which they believe they are above.

People can't trespass, break windows, and cause danage without being held accountable (unless they are BLM / Antifa)

... but being held for 2 YEARS without a charges filed or a trial, being beaten, being locked in solitary confinement for excessive periods, being denied necessary medical attention ... THIS type of treatment for some US citizens who have only been charged with 'Parading', is criminal, 3rd World Country political.prisoner bullshit. If you can't admit that you are partisan blind and your opinion means nothing.

The Democrats' and FBI's priority begore and during J6 seemed more to be about setting up and taking down Trump supporters than actually protecting the Capitol and preventing such a violent protest.

You seem to want to assign blame one side rather than objectively see the events and actions on both sides that made J6 possible.

Tbat's blind, misguided partisanship.

The FBI's investigation into January 6th were unsurprisingly focused on the crimes commited on January 6th.

The assault on police, the insurrection to prevent the peaceful passage of power, the attack on the capitol, the sedition and seditious conspiracy.

Not your silly Big Lie for which your ilk still can't provide credible evidence, even given 2 years to collect.
The FBI's investigation into January 6th were unsurprisingly focused on the crimes commited on January 6th.

The assault on police, the insurrection to prevent the peaceful passage of power, the attack on the capitol, the sedition and seditious conspiracy.

Not your silly Big Lie for which your ilk still can't provide credible evidence, even given 2 years to collect.

The 'silly big lie'?

You mean the fact that the Democrats refused to call in the National Guard, which would have prevented J6 from ever happening ...

...and instead spending the several weeks prior to J6 not planning how to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol but on planning, organizing, recruiting imbedded spies, and executing 3 admitted seperate FBI 'Entrapment Scheme' operations Aagainst US citizens.

You're a special kind of stupid.
The 'silly big lie'?

You mean the fact that the Democrats refused to call in the National Guard, which would have prevented J6 from ever happening ...

...and instead spending the several weeks prior to J6 not planning how to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol but on planning, organizing, recruiting imbedded spies, and executing 3 admitted seperate FBI 'Entrapment Scheme' operations Aagainst US citizens.

You're a special kind of stupid.
The big lie being your sundry attempts to justify the insurrection, the attacks on police, the attacks on the capitol, sedition and seditious conspiracy.

Your silly nonsense about the election being stolen.

Your laughably conspiracy about Ray Epps.

And now your bizarre condemnation of the FBI investigating the crimes committed on January 6th.

Laughing......never underestimate a conservative's ability to consider himself the victim.
huh I don't get it

You can;t even admit Trump lost the election despite having no evidence of fraud at all, losing all court cases and audits, and AG Barr saying there was no fraud.

Now the OP post a blatant lie thread, leaving out key facts as to why this MAGA trash is in prison

Everything MAGA is a joke and a lie.
ANy dem lie pales in comparison to the massive GOP lies told everyday, including the worst one of all, the Big Lie...

Your opinion is noted.

The big lie being your sundry attempts to justify the insurrection, the attacks on police, the attacks on the capitol, sedition and seditious conspiracy.

With SELFIE STICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Were they the big, scary, black fully automatic SELFIE STICKS?
They must have been. Certainly no America-loving democrat could possibly believe otherwise.



The big lie being your sundry attempts to justify the insurrection, the attacks on police, the attacks on the capitol, sedition and seditious conspiracy.

There was no 'insurrection'. It was a violent protest.

Idiots like you claim THIS was a 'mostly peaceful protest'


Looting, rioting, defacing, burning, destroying communities, murdering people, killing cops, attempting to burn US / federal agents alive inside US govt buildings, firebombing police cars....

Yet when the proven criminal / treasonous FBI admits under oath it spent weeks prior to J6 planning, recruiting, and executing 3 seperate 'Entrapment Ops' schemes against US citizens instead of planning how to PREVENT J6 and PROTECT the Capitol you want to give them a pass and blame only one side for J6.

There was no 'insurrection'. It was a violent protest.

Idiots like you claim THIS was a 'mostly peaceful protest'

View attachment 733338

Looting, rioting, defacing, burning, destroying communities, murdering people, killing cops, attempting to burn US / federal agents alive inside US govt buildings, firebombing police cars....

Yet when the proven criminal / treasonous FBI admits under oath it spent weeks prior to J6 planning, recruiting, and executing 3 seperate 'Entrapment Ops' schemes against US citizens instead of planning how to PREVENT J6 and PROTECT the Capitol you want to give them a pass and blame only one side for J6.


There was absolutely an insurrection, as Trump faithful attacked the capitol in order to prevent the peaceful transition of power. Violence against cops, sedition and seditious conspiracies.

And laughably, you condemn the FBI for investigating any of it, insisting they should have focused on Ray Epps or the national guard. All while making hapless excuses for the violence of your ilk and their attack on our democracy.

Um, no.
The big lie being your sundry attempts to justify the insurrection, the attacks on police, the attacks on the capitol, sedition and seditious conspiracy.

Your silly nonsense about the election being stolen.

Your laughably conspiracy about Ray Epps.

And now your bizarre condemnation of the FBI investigating the crimes committed on January 6th.

Laughing......never underestimate a conservative's ability to consider himself the victim.
We never fail to consider people like you to be assholes.
A note, again he was charged with non J6 related crimes. Illegal weapons, illegally possessing government secret documents...
WITH SELFIE STICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Says you, desperately trying to justify the violence of your ilk against cops. The police themselves had a different take entirely:

"Her recollections of the day spotlighted the police officers who fought for hours as a violent mob of pro-Trump rioters, some armed with pipes, bats and bear spray, charged into the Capitol, quickly overrunning the overwhelmed police force. More than 100 police officers were injured, many beaten, bloodied and bruised."

Why would ignore an officer on the ground on how police were attacked by you MAGA faithful, and instead believe you?

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