Former executive editor of the NYT admits anti-Trump bias....once again Trump is right

Does your little article state where lies were peddled?
Former NY Times editor rips Trump coverage as biased

We all knew it and we know that the left will continue to deny it, but once again Trump was right. The new york slimes has been against him from day one and now we have the proof.
It's like looking at someone and seeing their eyes are blue, and then having them tell us, yes, my eyes are blue... well... ya... WE ALREADY KNEW THAT.

Same thing with the NY SLIMES. We already know they're rabid, Trump bashing, leftist filth. They're a premier member of the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING.
So tell me, what lies were peddled during that editor's tenure?

Oh they are everywhere.

Trump: NY Times ‘Caught in a Big Lie’ Over Patriots Photos

How the New York Times Lies About Lies: Obama v. Trump as Example

Outright lies from the New York Times: What you need to know about the dangerous new phase in the Ukraine crisis

Here is a list of dozens:

The New York Times controversies - Wikipedia

In 2003, the Times admitted that Jayson Blair, one of its reporters, had committed repeated journalistic fraud over a span of several years.
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Funny those mistakes were never made in Trumps favor.

Once is a mistake, twice is a habit. Dozens of times is a bias.
So she hasn't been an employee since long before Trump was even a candidate, and has a book to sell at the same time? Seems legit.
Former NY Times editor rips Trump coverage as biased

We all knew it and we know that the left will continue to deny it, but once again Trump was right. The new york slimes has been against him from day one and now we have the proof.

If anything, the Times is too lenient on the President

No other politician would get away with the offensive behaviors Trump does
obama has set the standard for what you can get away with.
and what you call lies are always in fact, lies?

if a "newspaper" makes that many mistakes, there's a huge issue. period.
Does your little article state where lies were peddled?
Everyone lies-you have to be more specific.
"Everyone" doesn't lie. Only Trump.

So what lies were peddled by the NY Times?

That is what the OP is suggesting, is it not?

So tell me, what lies were peddled during that editor's tenure?

LMAO out of 7Bil+ people only Trump lies. Thanks Mark. Ha ha ha aha ha ha ahahhahahahahaha

This coming from the Far Left. Rich. Marc just go away and never come back.

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