Former DNI Kash Patel Confirms Jack Teixeira Would Not Have Had Access to Documents He Leaked


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
As I said elsewhere, something isn't right.

We are being lied to.

On Breitbart News, Patel also described several methods by which Teixeira could have gained access to the information:
Patel said, first, the suspected leaker, Jack Teixeira, would not have had access to the information without someone within the Department of Defense (DOD) or the intelligence community giving it to him, providing it to him, or telling him it should be put out there. “It’s just not possible,” he said.

“You can be the biggest IT person in DOD, and you are still compartmented off of the actual information. Almost never does an IT person need to know, as we say, the substance of the intelligence. Their job is to provide the secure informations systems around it to protect any disclosures.”

Surprisingly, ABC News also published a story on Saturday citing defense officials who agreed that Teixeira’s job description does not equal “need to know.”
Defense officials told ABC News that having a TS-SCI clearance is typical for Air Force personnel who in order to provide IT support might need access to classified spaces, computers and networks so they could do their jobs.

But the fact that you have a clearance does not mean you have access to everything at that level. That access is based on your “need to know” the information for your job.

Some have argued that since Teixeira worked on the computer systems within a SCIF he would have had access to these documents and that perhaps the intelligence wing he supported possessed the work product of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Presidential Daily Brief. Patel says, no way:
“This is crazy sensitive stuff,” he said. “Ninety-nine percent of people who have a Top Secret/SCI clearance don’t have access to this information. And me, as the former deputy DNI and chief of staff of the DOD and publisher of the [Presidential Daily Brief], with the highest security classification, knows that, literally, there is not a lot of people in the U.S. that have access to this kind of intel. It’s done for a reason. So this doesn’t happen.”

“The amount of intelligence they got…Somebody’s giving them that type of documentation. It’s just not readily available,” he said about the reporting. “Where did they get that from? That doesn’t come from anyone who doesn’t have direct access at the end in the United States.”

As Patel said, in addition to the classification level and the “need to know” basis, there’s also the compartmentalization of information. While silo-ing of information within a corporate structure is a bad thing, within military intelligence it is vital.
As I have posted, this young man entered a briefing room that had TS documents LEFT IN THE ROOM. He took them and posted the contents which is clearly wrong. But the people who were entrusted with the TS documents are the ones truly at fault and should face the consequences. But of course they won't, they will set up the kid like the cowards they are.
As I have posted, this young man entered a briefing room that had TS documents LEFT IN THE ROOM. He took them and posted the contents which is clearly wrong. But the people who were entrusted with the TS documents are the ones truly at fault and should face the consequences. But of course they won't, they will set up the kid like the cowards they are.
So similsr to a cop leaving his gun in a washroom or something? If this is true he would certainly state what happened at trial right? In our instant gratification world of news we don't allow time for the process to run its course. It is all specu!ation at this point how he obtained it. He might even have been leaked it from a 3rd Party foreign mole who groomed him and knew he could be counted on to post it. People do get framed and misrepresented though of course, I know this very well...
So similsr to a cop leaving his gun in a washroom or something? If this is true he would certainly state what happened at trial right? In our instant gratification world of news we don't allow time for the process to run its course. It is all specu!ation at this point how he obtained it. He might even have been leaked it from a 3rd Party foreign mole who groomed him and knew he could be counted on to post it. People do get framed and misrepresented though of course, I know this very well...
Yes, if you have a TS clearance the prime directive is you NEVER NEVER leave classified material uncontrolled once it has been entrusted to you. You must either shred it or lock it up in classified cabinet.

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