Former Daily Kos writer, filmmaker: Eric Allen Bell sees the left for what it is.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
It all started off so innocently, progressive leftist Daily Kos writer, and filmmaker Eric Allen Bell was on a new project. He was going to produce a documentary that shed a positive light on Islam. However, the further he got into the project(which he is still finishing up), he threw out his preconceived notions and let reality settle in. When Eric refused to tow the party line, he found himself out of a job with the Daily Kos and shunned by the left.

Bell has seen what the left is really all about, while trying to make a non-biased documentary. Bell even stated that leftists are the most intolerant collection of self-righteous people around. They have zero tolerance for diversity, and if you do not tow the party line - you are out!!! Don't believe me, I will provide you with a link to the Geoff Metcalf show where Bell was interviewed. It is an hour long interview, but it is well worth listening to. Mad props to Bell for getting the wake up call!!

Genesis Communications Network -Geoff Metcalf Live Archives

In the archice, click hour #2 of 03/12/12

Here is Bell's website for his documentary.

Not Welcome Documentary - The Movie CAIR Does NOT Want You to See - By Eric Allen Bell
First off, the Kos was busted for fabricating polls awhile aback ago.

Second off, of course the left is intolerant - for they lost their roots of individualism. Instead, they see people as apart of groups and if you don't belong to theirs, then you are an enemy.

Liberalism is supposed to be about maximizing the liberty of the individual, not using false charades and party lines to accumulate power at the expense of the individual.

I have always been a liberal, but I support people like Paul and Johnson. While I disagree with Paul on his social conservative views, I don't find them that intransigence, since they are pushed to the state level. However, this is where modern day liberal goes astray. They need a father figure on the federal level, who usurps their tax dollars, in order to coerce others what they think is best for them (Don't get me wrong, Republicans do this shit all the time).

However, of course lefties are going to be intolerant. Any person will be intolerant when that person does not see people as individuals, but as either "one of us or not". I thought Bush and Cheney made this clear?
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Why should Daily Kos or anyone tolerate hate speech? Eric can talk crap to those who accept lumping all people together because some people are bad. Did anyone from the right condemn Limbaugh's diatribe against 98% of the women in America who use some form of contraception? The so called left has more moral courage than the right in this case and in most cases.

Daily Kos: Damn you Kossacks, Eric Allen Bell is miffed
Why should Daily Kos or anyone tolerate hate speech? Eric can talk crap to those who accept lumping all people together because some people are bad. Did anyone from the right condemn Limbaugh's diatribe against 98% of the women in America who use some form of contraception? The so called left has more moral courage than the right in this case and in most cases.

Daily Kos: Damn you Kossacks, Eric Allen Bell is miffed

there's your lump.
Why should Daily Kos or anyone tolerate hate speech?

And there is the problem.

Precisely what is "hate speech"? And precisely who gets to decide that?

The Left has decided that it is the lone judge & jury of "hate speech", and, by sheer coincidence, it has decided that it is never guilty. Unfortunately, it has succeeded in terrifying enough people that its methods are working. I keep thinking that I'm seeing signs that PC is beginning to falter, but I suspect it's just wishful thinking. Currently, "hate speech" is defined as "anything a lefty doesn't like", and they're getting away with it.

The Left does not get to decide what is "hate speech", and how those who dare to practice "hate speech" are to be punished.

Why should Daily Kos or anyone tolerate hate speech?

And there is the problem.

Precisely what is "hate speech"? And precisely who gets to decide that?

The Left has decided that it is the lone judge & jury of "hate speech", and, by sheer coincidence, it has decided that it is never guilty. Unfortunately, it has succeeded in terrifying enough people that its methods are working. I keep thinking that I'm seeing signs that PC is beginning to falter, but I suspect it's just wishful thinking.

The Left does not get to decide what is "hate speech", and how those who dare to practice "hate speech" are to be punished.


Let me give you a lesson in rhetoric.

The left calls things they don't like "hate speech".
The right calls things they don't like as "hating America", or "hating Christianity".

It's all bullshit.
Why should Daily Kos or anyone tolerate hate speech?

And there is the problem.

Precisely what is "hate speech"? And precisely who gets to decide that?

The Left has decided that it is the lone judge & jury of "hate speech", and, by sheer coincidence, it has decided that it is never guilty. Unfortunately, it has succeeded in terrifying enough people that its methods are working. I keep thinking that I'm seeing signs that PC is beginning to falter, but I suspect it's just wishful thinking.

The Left does not get to decide what is "hate speech", and how those who dare to practice "hate speech" are to be punished.


Let me give you a lesson in rhetoric.

The left calls things they don't like "hate speech".
The right calls things they don't like as "hating America", or "hating Christianity".

It's all bullshit.

The problem is that the two sides react so differently.

When the righties simplistically scream that a lefty is "hating America", that's pretty much as far as it goes. They then start chanting "USA! USA!" until their throats are sore, they thump their chests a few times and then they go grab a Budweiser.

When the lefties have decided that something is to be labeled as "hate speech", they go after the evil perpetrator with everything they have. They do absolutely everything possible to destroy that terrible person for having the sheer gall to utter something with which they disagree. Or, more accurately, for saying something the Left is afraid too many people may agree with.

I get the point, but the two sides' reactions and behaviors are clearly different.

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And there is the problem.

Precisely what is "hate speech"? And precisely who gets to decide that?

The Left has decided that it is the lone judge & jury of "hate speech", and, by sheer coincidence, it has decided that it is never guilty. Unfortunately, it has succeeded in terrifying enough people that its methods are working. I keep thinking that I'm seeing signs that PC is beginning to falter, but I suspect it's just wishful thinking.

The Left does not get to decide what is "hate speech", and how those who dare to practice "hate speech" are to be punished.


Let me give you a lesson in rhetoric.

The left calls things they don't like "hate speech".
The right calls things they don't like as "hating America", or "hating Christianity".

It's all bullshit.

The problem is that the two sides react so differently.
I don't see a big difference in the way the two sides react at all.

When the righties simplistically scream that a lefty is "hating America", that's pretty much as far as it goes. They then start chanting "USA! USA!" until their throats are sore and then they go grab a beer.

When the lefties have decided that something is to be labeled as "hate speech", they go after the evil perpetrator with everything they have. They do absolutely everything possible to destroy that terrible person for having the sheer gall to utter something with which they disagree. Or, more accurately, for saying something the Left is afraid too many people may agree with.
I get the point, but the two sides' reactions and behaviors are clearly different.


Except that's not how it actually is. Feel free to check out some of the birther threads right here on this message board, if you're curious as to how far people on your side are willing to take things.

It's a matter of only seeing the bad in the other side, and only the good in your own.

The two "sides" are nothing more than artificial groups. Both sides are made up of individual people, who each have responsibility for their own actions.
Let me give you a lesson in rhetoric.

The left calls things they don't like "hate speech".
The right calls things they don't like as "hating America", or "hating Christianity".

It's all bullshit.

The problem is that the two sides react so differently.
I don't see a big difference in the way the two sides react at all.

When the righties simplistically scream that a lefty is "hating America", that's pretty much as far as it goes. They then start chanting "USA! USA!" until their throats are sore and then they go grab a beer.

When the lefties have decided that something is to be labeled as "hate speech", they go after the evil perpetrator with everything they have. They do absolutely everything possible to destroy that terrible person for having the sheer gall to utter something with which they disagree. Or, more accurately, for saying something the Left is afraid too many people may agree with.
I get the point, but the two sides' reactions and behaviors are clearly different.


Except that's not how it actually is. Feel free to check out some of the birther threads right here on this message board, if you're curious as to how far people on your side are willing to take things.

It's a matter of only seeing the bad in the other side, and only the good in your own.

The two "sides" are nothing more than artificial groups. Both sides are made up of individual people, who each have responsibility for their own actions.

Oh no, now I'm a righty. Speaking of checking out other threads, you may want to sample a few in which I'm called a lefty in no uncertain terms. I'm giggling in my coffee. Not everyone is one or the other.

And if you don't see a difference between the hardcore right and the hardcore left (outside of their blank zealotry), we'll have to just disagree.

The problem is that the two sides react so differently.
I don't see a big difference in the way the two sides react at all.

When the righties simplistically scream that a lefty is "hating America", that's pretty much as far as it goes. They then start chanting "USA! USA!" until their throats are sore and then they go grab a beer.

When the lefties have decided that something is to be labeled as "hate speech", they go after the evil perpetrator with everything they have. They do absolutely everything possible to destroy that terrible person for having the sheer gall to utter something with which they disagree. Or, more accurately, for saying something the Left is afraid too many people may agree with.
I get the point, but the two sides' reactions and behaviors are clearly different.


Except that's not how it actually is. Feel free to check out some of the birther threads right here on this message board, if you're curious as to how far people on your side are willing to take things.

It's a matter of only seeing the bad in the other side, and only the good in your own.

The two "sides" are nothing more than artificial groups. Both sides are made up of individual people, who each have responsibility for their own actions.

Oh no, now I'm a righty. Speaking of checking out other threads, you may want to sample a few in which I'm called a lefty in no uncertain terms. I'm giggling in my coffee. Not everyone is one or the other.

And if you don't see a difference between the hardcore right and the hardcore left (outside of their blank zealotry), we'll have to just disagree.


Apologies for jumping to conclusions. :redface:

And there are plenty of differences between the hardcore right and the hardcore left - the hardcore left generally tends to be younger, for instance.

There's no difference in the way both sides act, though.
Why should Daily Kos or anyone tolerate hate speech? Eric can talk crap to those who accept lumping all people together because some people are bad. Did anyone from the right condemn Limbaugh's diatribe against 98% of the women in America who use some form of contraception? The so called left has more moral courage than the right in this case and in most cases.

Daily Kos: Damn you Kossacks, Eric Allen Bell is miffed

Speaking of intolerant liberals, here's one now.

About Bell: Liberalism can't tolerate a collision with reality.
Conservatives are very tolerant. Liberals are very intolerant.
When a Republican starts voting for liberal crap he gets labeled a RINO and that's pretty much it.
When a Democrat starts voting conservative he gets labeled an enemy and is drummed out of the party. See, Lieberman, Joe.
And there is the problem.

Precisely what is "hate speech"? And precisely who gets to decide that?

The Left has decided that it is the lone judge & jury of "hate speech", and, by sheer coincidence, it has decided that it is never guilty. Unfortunately, it has succeeded in terrifying enough people that its methods are working. I keep thinking that I'm seeing signs that PC is beginning to falter, but I suspect it's just wishful thinking.

The Left does not get to decide what is "hate speech", and how those who dare to practice "hate speech" are to be punished.


Let me give you a lesson in rhetoric.

The left calls things they don't like "hate speech".
The right calls things they don't like as "hating America", or "hating Christianity".

It's all bullshit.

The problem is that the two sides react so differently.

When the righties simplistically scream that a lefty is "hating America", that's pretty much as far as it goes. They then start chanting "USA! USA!" until their throats are sore, they thump their chests a few times and then they go grab a Budweiser.

When the lefties have decided that something is to be labeled as "hate speech", they go after the evil perpetrator with everything they have. They do absolutely everything possible to destroy that terrible person for having the sheer gall to utter something with which they disagree. Or, more accurately, for saying something the Left is afraid too many people may agree with.

I get the point, but the two sides' reactions and behaviors are clearly different.


Ask Valerie Plame about how the right treats those who speak out.

You're way off base here.
Conservatives are very tolerant. Liberals are very intolerant.
When a Republican starts voting for liberal crap he gets labeled a RINO and that's pretty much it.
When a Democrat starts voting conservative he gets labeled an enemy and is drummed out of the party. See, Lieberman, Joe.

Let me give you a lesson in rhetoric.

The left calls things they don't like "hate speech".
The right calls things they don't like as "hating America", or "hating Christianity".

It's all bullshit.

The problem is that the two sides react so differently.

When the righties simplistically scream that a lefty is "hating America", that's pretty much as far as it goes. They then start chanting "USA! USA!" until their throats are sore, they thump their chests a few times and then they go grab a Budweiser.

When the lefties have decided that something is to be labeled as "hate speech", they go after the evil perpetrator with everything they have. They do absolutely everything possible to destroy that terrible person for having the sheer gall to utter something with which they disagree. Or, more accurately, for saying something the Left is afraid too many people may agree with.

I get the point, but the two sides' reactions and behaviors are clearly different.


Ask Valerie Plame about how the right treats those who speak out.

You're way off base here.

There are always going to be exceptions to every rule. That does not make the rule wrong.

If the argument here is that there is no difference between the way the Left and the Right react to speech they don't like, I think that's abject denial. I can give you examples pretty much every freakin' day of the Left trying to nail a righty for someone he or she said. Not just whining, I'm talking taking specific and direct action to silence that person. It's ongoing. It's a strategy.

Political Correctness is a tactic of the Left.

We'll never agree on this one.

Why should Daily Kos or anyone tolerate hate speech? Eric can talk crap to those who accept lumping all people together because some people are bad. Did anyone from the right condemn Limbaugh's diatribe against 98% of the women in America who use some form of contraception? The so called left has more moral courage than the right in this case and in most cases.

Daily Kos: Damn you Kossacks, Eric Allen Bell is miffed
"Hate speech"


What a tool you are.
I may have to revise my comment, I cannot find and that is agree, with the reason Kos banned him? It seems he went from 'far left' to 'far right' but I'd like to see the evidence myself. At this point I am unsure what to make of this incident.

Here's a point of view that is sure to offend some?

"Here’s a summary of the Western media discussion of what motivated U.S. Staff Sgt. Robert Bales to allegedly kill 16 Afghans, including 9 children: he was drunk, he was experiencing financial stress, he was passed over for a promotion, he had a traumatic brain injury, he had marital problems, he suffered from the stresses of four tours of duty, he “saw his buddy’s leg blown off the day before the massacre,” etc.

Here’s a summary of the Western media discussion of what motivates Muslims to kill Americans: they are primitive, fanatically religious, hateful Terrorists."

Discussing the motives of the Afghan shooter -

"We first kill people with our minds, before we kill them with weapons. Whatever the conflict, the enemy is always the destroyer. We're on God's side; they're barbaric. We're good, they're evil. War gives us a feeling of moral clarity that we lack at other times." Sam Keen
Let me give you a lesson in rhetoric.

The left calls things they don't like "hate speech".
The right calls things they don't like as "hating America", or "hating Christianity".

It's all bullshit.

The problem is that the two sides react so differently.

When the righties simplistically scream that a lefty is "hating America", that's pretty much as far as it goes. They then start chanting "USA! USA!" until their throats are sore, they thump their chests a few times and then they go grab a Budweiser.

When the lefties have decided that something is to be labeled as "hate speech", they go after the evil perpetrator with everything they have. They do absolutely everything possible to destroy that terrible person for having the sheer gall to utter something with which they disagree. Or, more accurately, for saying something the Left is afraid too many people may agree with.

I get the point, but the two sides' reactions and behaviors are clearly different.


Ask Valerie Plame about how the right treats those who speak out.

You're way off base here.

Was Valerie Plame called a ****, a whore, a bimbo or any of the other things libs heaped on Sarah Palin and others on the Right?
Hmm, major fail on your part.
Let me give you a lesson in rhetoric.

The left calls things they don't like "hate speech".
The right calls things they don't like as "hating America", or "hating Christianity".

It's all bullshit.

The problem is that the two sides react so differently.

When the righties simplistically scream that a lefty is "hating America", that's pretty much as far as it goes. They then start chanting "USA! USA!" until their throats are sore, they thump their chests a few times and then they go grab a Budweiser.

When the lefties have decided that something is to be labeled as "hate speech", they go after the evil perpetrator with everything they have. They do absolutely everything possible to destroy that terrible person for having the sheer gall to utter something with which they disagree. Or, more accurately, for saying something the Left is afraid too many people may agree with.

I get the point, but the two sides' reactions and behaviors are clearly different.


Ask Valerie Plame about how the right treats those who speak out.

You're way off base here.

Amen. Valerie can tell 'em about how she got Linda Tripped by those nasty folks on the right.

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