Forget shutdown. Trump reopens farmer welfare office .

Remember when Trumps tarriff War totally screwed a bunch a farmers so he got a 12 billion dollar welfare bill passed to help his farmer buddies out ?

Well that got tied up in trumps gov shutdown. But don’t worry, he carved out an exception to hook up his flyover country crowd with some taxpayer welfare money .

As shutdown continues, government reopening Farm Service Agency offices for 3 days to help farmers with loans, taxes

If the ultimate outcome is to crush the Communist government of China, I support the methods in the short term.
Every week Trump calls back more and more people to work without pay till this is over to make sure there is no pain for anyone but the 800,000 not getting a check

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Farmer buddies? These are legitimate loans that farmers depend on every year to buy feed and cattle and equipment. Barry Hussein spent more money on freaking dying solar companies and the crazy angry left never complained.
Being the owner operator of a 460 acre farm, I find this thread hilarious.

Timmy starts the thread with farmer welfare. geeeze.

Our family farm is rented out now to a long time family friend who farms it. Nearly 950 acres of great ground.

As usual Timmy is clueless.

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