Foreign student visa program


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Importing cheap highly skilled foreign labor with family unification. Supported by Republicans and opposed by Democrats in favor of illegal alien highly skilled labor already here. Neither of them make any sense in helping U.S. student and graduates and unemployment and economic recovery. We have highly skilled U.S. college graduates that cannot find those jobs Republicans and Democrats claim are available. Skilled foreign labor still take jobs from skilled U.S. labor. Why don’t Congress pass a bill that makes it easier for U.S. students to attend college and placed in those jobs. The economy will never recover with importing foreign labor, skilled or unskilled and will do nothing for unemployment rate of Americans. If we have foreign students here we need to send them home to build their economy so they will not have to come here and compete with our own. If foreign countries does well they are not competing with us but are complementing us because we do not get their poor and uneducated.

Republicans and Democrats are fighting over who gets student visas and jobs, legal foreign students or illegal foreign students. WTF? When we got Americans who cannot afford to go to college and those that can graduate with $50,000 in students loans and cannot find those jobs available to foreign legal and illegal students. If these students can do so much for us, how much more can our own do for us? I say again, WTF is wrong with our leaders?

Our leaders are accommodating corporations with cheap highly skilled and unskilled labor that displaces all American workers. These highly skilled foreign workers will each create 4 American jobs? If we have a shortage of highly skilled american workers we need to find out why and fix it.
Highly skilled American students don't have a problem finding a job. They are recruited right out of college. We just don't have many that are highly skilled or educated. We have plenty with degrees, but not many in degrees that require skill.
why is it assumed by our leaders that every foreign student, legal or illegal, will start a business and create jobs is mind boggling to me.
Highly skilled American students don't have a problem finding a job. They are recruited right out of college. We just don't have many that are highly skilled or educated. We have plenty with degrees, but not many in degrees that require skill.

Absolute nonsense. WTF are you talking about? All college degrees require skilles. Unless you mean skilled in picking lettuce. :confused:
Importing cheap highly skilled foreign labor with family unification. Supported by Republicans and opposed by Democrats in favor of illegal alien highly skilled labor already here. Neither of them make any sense in helping U.S. student and graduates and unemployment and economic recovery. We have highly skilled U.S. college graduates that cannot find those jobs Republicans and Democrats claim are available. Skilled foreign labor still take jobs from skilled U.S. labor. Why don’t Congress pass a bill that makes it easier for U.S. students to attend college and placed in those jobs. The economy will never recover with importing foreign labor, skilled or unskilled and will do nothing for unemployment rate of Americans. If we have foreign students here we need to send them home to build their economy so they will not have to come here and compete with our own. If foreign countries does well they are not competing with us but are complementing us because we do not get their poor and uneducated.

Republicans and Democrats are fighting over who gets student visas and jobs, legal foreign students or illegal foreign students. WTF? When we got Americans who cannot afford to go to college and those that can graduate with $50,000 in students loans and cannot find those jobs available to foreign legal and illegal students. If these students can do so much for us, how much more can our own do for us? I say again, WTF is wrong with our leaders?

Our leaders are accommodating corporations with cheap highly skilled and unskilled labor that displaces all American workers. These highly skilled foreign workers will each create 4 American jobs? If we have a shortage of highly skilled american workers we need to find out why and fix it.

You don't have the first clue what you are talking about, you stupid old sack of dust.

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