Foreign Aid Money Spent on $23 Million Art Ceiling at U.N. Human Rights Council


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
We are.. yes we are.

Foreign Aid Money Spent on $23 Million Art Ceiling at U.N. Human Rights Council

The U.N. Human Rights Council, frequently accused of coddling some of the world's most repressive governments, threw itself a party in Geneva Tuesday that featured the unveiling of a $23 million mural paid for in part with foreign aid funds.

In a ceremony attended by U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Spanish artist Miquel Barcelo told the press that his 16,000-square-foot ceiling artwork reminded him of "an image of the world dripping toward the sky" — but it reminded critics of money slipping out of relief coffers.

"In Spain there's a controversy because they took money out of the foreign aid budget — took money from starving children in Africa — and spent it on colorful stalactites," said Hillel Neuer, executive director of U.N. Watch. - Foreign Aid Money Spent on $23 Million Art Ceiling at U.N. Human Rights Council - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News
Absolutely crazy....this just reinforces why we should give our money to Governmental Organizations to provide aid to people in need.
And.....lest we forget.....

Bush and Co. were busy toasting each other all night during the G20 convention with 500 DOLLAR A BOTTLE WINE!!!!!!!!

I mean shit......didn't we already chew out AIG for their little soiree? And now our own president is doing this.

I can't wait until that fucker is gone..........
Exactly right Gunny....that is exactly where it should be going.
You know....I've been thinking about something concerning this whole mess.....

If the idiot companies hadn't been giving away all those golden parachutes and bonuses, we wouldn't be in this mess.

I'll bet that if you added up the bonuses and golden parachutes over the past 5 years, it would probably come close to 700 Billion.
I wouldn't even consider that art....


They needed $23 million to splotch paint everywhere?? Hell, they could've hired my little cousin, she would've done it for a piece of candy. Total cost: 50 cents.

I mean seriously... wtf is that shit?
I wouldn't even consider that art....


They needed $23 million to splotch paint everywhere?? Hell, they could've hired my little cousin, she would've done it for a piece of candy. Total cost: 50 cents.

I mean seriously... wtf is that shit?

Interesting story I heard on CNN the other day.......

It seems that some of these Wall St. types who bought paintings like that for obscene amounts of money were going back to the studio to try to sell it back for what they'd bought it for.

Know what the artist told them?

He was broke too!:razz:
Public money should NOT be spent on fucking "art"

Public buildings should be strictly utilitarian structures. the offices of public servants should have bare linoleum floors, those olive green metal desks and matching chairs, black metal filing cabinets, those ultra bright fluorescent lights. the thermostat should be set at 65 in the winter and 78 in the summer.

No more opulent desks, 30,000 dollar curtains, leather furniture or expensive art for the walls.

In short to our public servants
"Shut up and do your fucking job."
Public money should NOT be spent on fucking "art"

Public buildings should be strictly utilitarian structures. the offices of public servants should have bare linoleum floors, those olive green metal desks and matching chairs, black metal filing cabinets, those ultra bright fluorescent lights. the thermostat should be set at 65 in the winter and 78 in the summer.

No more opulent desks, 30,000 dollar curtains, leather furniture or expensive art for the walls.

In short to our public servants
"Shut up and do your fucking job."


Wanna make 'em feel like they're in the military eh? BTW Skull, your squadron emblem that's your avatar......CAG 7 right?

Wanna make 'em feel like they're in the military eh? BTW Skull, your squadron emblem that's your avatar......CAG 7 right?

Actually its my dad's

VA 34 Blue Blasters

Dad flew a Douglas A4 Skyhawk. He was killed when his plane went down. I was 2.

This is the UN we're talking about. We are here to serve them.

Who pays for it?

If we do, fuck 'em, fuck the artwork, fuck the luxuries.

23 million on a piece of crap painting and people have to ask what's wrong with government. Or the fucking UN or the fucking world for that matter.

Here's a little chestnut that we should remind our government and other governments of for that matter.


If you want to be trusted with public money, SHOW us that you are trustworthy. Wasting money on so called art and superfluous luxuries is not the way to do it.
Don't sugar coat it Skull.....tell us how ya REALLY feel!

I agree by the way......way too much money is spent to impress visitors with how the company looks, rather than how it does things.

Matter of fact, on my first ship, there was an HT (Hull Technician), who knew probably more about that ship with the exception of the leading Chief and the Engineer. His uniform was generally dirty and streaked with grease and he looked like a soup sandwich. He drank, and sometimes got into trouble.

However.....if something broke, the first person they went to was him. Not for what he looked like but for what he was able to do.

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