Fordham U rejects Coulter, embraces infanticide and bestiality....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
A progressive wetdream:

"After effectively barring conservative columnist Ann Coulter from speaking on campus last week, the Jesuit college Fordham University welcomed infanticide and bestiality advocate Peter Singer for a panel discussion on Friday.
According to Fordham’s media relations website, Singer, a tenured Princeton bioethics professor, spoke from 4 to 6 p.m. in a panel the university promised “will provoke Christians to think about other animals in new ways.”
Singer has long lamented the societal stigma against having sex with animals."

Read more: Fordham University, after barring Ann Coulter from campus, welcomes infanticide advocate Peter Singer | The Daily Caller"
Peter Singer, the hero of the left:

“Occasionally mutually satisfying activities may develop” when humans have sex with their pets, he claimed.
In addition to supporting bestiality and immediately granting equal legal rights to animals, Singer has also advocated euthanizing the mentally ill and aborting disabled infants on utilitarian grounds.
In his 1993 essay “Taking Life,” Singer, in a section called “Justifying Infanticide and Non-Voluntary Euthanasia,” wrote that “killing a disabled infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person.”

Read more: Fordham University, after barring Ann Coulter from campus, welcomes infanticide advocate Peter Singer | The Daily Caller
Must be why they made Coulter stay away. Can't have a coherent panel discussion if EVERYBODY is playing "Ride the Horsey".

Regards from Rosie
The dirty little secret is that every high profile conservative speaker (including Ann Coulter) has been a victim of assault on a college campus at at least one time in their career. Left wing professors have been teaching mind numbed victims of the union based US education system that throwing a pie in the face of (only) conservative speakers is an expression of free speech rather than an example of criminal assault. Institutes of higher learning used to be sanctuaries for liberal exchange of ideas and philosophies but now they have become closed minded centers for left wing bigotry, political correctness and extremism.
good thing "the Daily Caller" jumped right on this front page story :thup:

BTW- speaking of universities, what university did you attend kg? :)
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A progressive wetdream:

"After effectively barring conservative columnist Ann Coulter from speaking on campus last week, the Jesuit college Fordham University welcomed infanticide and bestiality advocate Peter Singer for a panel discussion on Friday.
According to Fordham’s media relations website, Singer, a tenured Princeton bioethics professor, spoke from 4 to 6 p.m. in a panel the university promised “will provoke Christians to think about other animals in new ways.”
Singer has long lamented the societal stigma against having sex with animals."

Read more: Fordham University, after barring Ann Coulter from campus, welcomes infanticide advocate Peter Singer | The Daily Caller"

So Peter Singer, advocate for legalizing sex with animals, wants to have sex with Ann Coulter, you say?

Man, he is a freaky kinda guy, isn't he?

Forham probably wanted to protect ANN from this pro-beastiality wanker's unwanted advances.
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Well, some could consider Coulter a 'bitch', so...

jus' playin' wit chuss!

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