For the Gals; How to Handle a Creep Who Wont Take No for an Answer.


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
OK, I have actually had some experience on this topic with aggressive women and a couple of gay men, (God these poor folks must have been truly desperate).

1. Be firm with the creep. If he grabs your butt or puts his hand on your thigh, remove it, look him in the eye and say with a smile, Dont do that again.

2. If they do it again, remove the offending member once again and this time say "If you do that again I will file charges for sexual assault" They should have stopped at step 1, that they did not shows they are willfully being ass hats and they deserve any shit that they get after this.

3. If they still continue, get up and leave and never visit or see them again if possible. If they are co-workers tell them to stay away from you. If necessary get a court order. These types of men are way too aggressive and will plausibly escalate this to out and out rape or assault.

4. In case of physical assault you must return violence with violence. If you are not trained to defend yourself, use the violence to get free of them and leave (RUN) and call the cops or get other help. Use vicious methods, like clawing them in their eyes, stab them in the hand with a fork or stick a steak knife in their ribs, then RUN! His size and strength are likely to overwhelm you if he catches you again. If you are bigger or equal to him in size, it is still a wise thing to separate and call the cops and others for help if you can.

5. Best advice; carry a small .38 loaded with hollow points and use it when you need to, when the creep attacks you.

These are just my opinions, and take them at your own risk, of course, but dont tolerate stupid bullshit from ass holes.

Good luck and God bless.
Step one ...


Step two (of Step one is unsuccessful)


Repeat as necessary.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what are guys supposed to do about girls who do not know how to take the word "No." for an answer?

God bless you and the male victims always!!!

Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what are guys supposed to do about girls who do not know how to take the word "No." for an answer?

God bless you and the male victims always!!!


Well probably stopping them before they have your cock in their mouths would be a good start.

Since the average man has about 30 lbs on the average woman, pretty much all a guy has to do is say no- and not let her unzip his pants.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what are guys supposed to do about girls who do not know how to take the word "No." for an answer?

God bless you and the male victims always!!!


Jump on their unicorn, and ride away, back into reality.
OK, I have actually had some experience on this topic with aggressive women and a couple of gay men, (God these poor folks must have been truly desperate).

1. Be firm with the creep. If he grabs your butt or puts his hand on your thigh, remove it, look him in the eye and say with a smile, Dont do that again.

2. If they do it again, remove the offending member once again and this time say "If you do that again I will file charges for sexual assault" They should have stopped at step 1, that they did not shows they are willfully being ass hats and they deserve any shit that they get after this.

3. If they still continue, get up and leave and never visit or see them again if possible. If they are co-workers tell them to stay away from you. If necessary get a court order. These types of men are way too aggressive and will plausibly escalate this to out and out rape or assault.

4. In case of physical assault you must return violence with violence. If you are not trained to defend yourself, use the violence to get free of them and leave (RUN) and call the cops or get other help. Use vicious methods, like clawing them in their eyes, stab them in the hand with a fork or stick a steak knife in their ribs, then RUN! His size and strength are likely to overwhelm you if he catches you again. If you are bigger or equal to him in size, it is still a wise thing to separate and call the cops and others for help if you can.

5. Best advice; carry a small .38 loaded with hollow points and use it when you need to, when the creep attacks you.

These are just my opinions, and take them at your own risk, of course, but dont tolerate stupid bullshit from ass holes.

Good luck and God bless.

Way too much trouble.

Just start scratching your crotch violently every time you see them.
OK, I have actually had some experience on this topic with aggressive women and a couple of gay men, (God these poor folks must have been truly desperate).

1. Be firm with the creep. If he grabs your butt or puts his hand on your thigh, remove it, look him in the eye and say with a smile, Dont do that again.

2. If they do it again, remove the offending member once again and this time say "If you do that again I will file charges for sexual assault" They should have stopped at step 1, that they did not shows they are willfully being ass hats and they deserve any shit that they get after this.

3. If they still continue, get up and leave and never visit or see them again if possible. If they are co-workers tell them to stay away from you. If necessary get a court order. These types of men are way too aggressive and will plausibly escalate this to out and out rape or assault.

4. In case of physical assault you must return violence with violence. If you are not trained to defend yourself, use the violence to get free of them and leave (RUN) and call the cops or get other help. Use vicious methods, like clawing them in their eyes, stab them in the hand with a fork or stick a steak knife in their ribs, then RUN! His size and strength are likely to overwhelm you if he catches you again. If you are bigger or equal to him in size, it is still a wise thing to separate and call the cops and others for help if you can.

5. Best advice; carry a small .38 loaded with hollow points and use it when you need to, when the creep attacks you.

These are just my opinions, and take them at your own risk, of course, but dont tolerate stupid bullshit from ass holes.

Good luck and God bless.

Good well thought out post jim, but drunk college girls won't listen ..

Obviously my previous message was left in the wrong chat.

God bless you and those who fall victim to female predators always!!!


P.S. I wasn't just referring to those who are raped. I was meaning all guys who get the rug ripped right out from underneath their feet in one way or another by females who think that they can do whatever they want to anyone and not suffer a price for it.
The never fail to send the creeps running.

"We should start discussing wedding plans because my mom wants to move in with us as soon as possible."

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