for the few of you that don't understand what OWS is all about...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Most Americans including those on this forum absolutely KNOW what OWS is about i.e. that the majority of those involved DON'T HAVE A CLUE!
Most of the OWS protestors are involved cause it makes them feel good!
They feel they are part of a group as they by being there repeating like automatons the words and chants give their efforts some meaning.

A few are out right criminals. No doubt!
Some protestors are very disgusted with the filth,the feces,the garbage!

A few really feel they are doing something moral. Something good.

Some are out right dumb! I mean having millionaires and billionaires, "Moore, Simmons,Soros" helping these OWS financially and speaking with them how totally naive some of these dumb protesters must BE!
The very 1% they supposedly decry HAVE MADE MILLIONS of them while laughing all the way to the bank!

BUT there are a few that are out to destroy our way of life.

These few are extremely well organized and have been living and training all their lives for this massive disruption of the majority of Americans way of life!

No, this was not the meeting of any traditional influence on Wall Street. These are the leaders of Occupy Wall Street (OWS).
1// Adbusters
Canada's Adbusters collective has made anti-consumerism hip through a glossy magazine and a wealth of stylish web materials; the organization co-issued the original Occupy Wall Street call to arms.

2// Anonymous
The loosely organized Anonymous collective, who co-issued Occupy Wall Street's original call to arms, are "legion" and have risen from their 4chan roots to become one of the internet's most impressive activist organizations.

3// Jed Brandt
Brandt, a veteran communist-leaning journalist from New York, spearheaded the Occupy Wall Street Journal's $50,000 fundraising drive on Kickstarter.

4// Patrick Bruner
Occupy Wall Street's pointman for media has become a regular presence in the mainstream media.

5// Day of Rage
Aiming to "reclaim democracy," the Day of Rage collective were one of the co-organizers of Occupy Wall Street.

6// DC 37
New York's largest municipal employees union has thrown its weight behind Occupy Wall Street, guaranteeing massive local turnout of day-tripping city employees to protests.

7// David Graeber
Graeber, a prominent anthropologist and anarchist activist, played a key part in helping formulate the tactics that made Occupy Wall Street so successful.

8// Richard Ianucci
Ianucci, the president of the powerful New York State United Teachers union, was responsible for much of the turnout to Wednesday's megamarch.

9// New York City General Assembly
The actual "leaders" of Occupy Wall Street, the General Assembly are a collective who make the decisions that make the large protest flow.

Inside the Orwellian machinations in Occupy Wall Street « Hot Air

Soros and the protesters deny any connection. But Reuters did find indirect financial links between Soros and Adbusters, an anti-capitalist group in Canada which started the protests with an inventive marketing campaign aimed at sparking an Arab Spring type uprising against Wall Street. Moreover, Soros and the protesters share some ideological ground.

To those few of you that naively feel akin with very sad you are supportive of a group of people akin to you i.e. unable to understand YOU ARE BEING DUPED!!!

There are 1/10th of 1% of OWS that are running this anarchy for one reason.. SO THEY CAN RUN THE SHOW!
Look, we have seen the distribution of wealth move from the working poor and middle class to the very wealthy for over 30 years. And nutbars like you have been telling us what a good thing that is.

Well, in 2008, we saw exactly what you people wanted for us. And none of us like it.

The OWS movement is made up of many people with many political philosophies. The one thing that unites them is the fact that they have been had by the oligarchs, and their sycophants such as you.

For the last thirty years the fellow on the factory floor has been constantly increasing his productivity, while seeing the wagers declining in real terms. Time to change the trajectory of the re-distribution of wealth in this nation.
Look, we have seen the distribution of wealth move from the working poor and middle class to the very wealthy for over 30 years. And nutbars like you have been telling us what a good thing that is.

Well, in 2008, we saw exactly what you people wanted for us. And none of us like it.

The OWS movement is made up of many people with many political philosophies. The one thing that unites them is the fact that they have been had by the oligarchs, and their sycophants such as you.

For the last thirty years the fellow on the factory floor has been constantly increasing his productivity, while seeing the wagers declining in real terms. Time to change the trajectory of the re-distribution of wealth in this nation.

You realize what happened on 9/18/2008?
Maybe you should look at the financial support for OWS i.e. Adbusters/Soros!

You evidently have NO knowledge of the FACT Soros lead a economic terrorist attack with the hedge funds by withdrawing $500 billion from money market funds which in turn almost caused the collapse of the WORLD's total economic system!

Here Read first, THEN respond as there is a total linkage with your evidently lack of real knowledge as to the current crisis!

The near economic collapse on Thursday (Sept 18,2008), at 11am the Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous draw-down of money market accounts in the U.S., to the tune of $550 billion was being drawn out in the matter of an hour or two. The Treasury opened up its window to help and pumped a $105 billion in the system and quickly realized that they could not stem the tide. We were having an electronic run on the banks. They decided to close the operation, close down the money accounts and announce a guarantee of $250,000 per account so there wouldn’t be further panic out there. If they had not done that, their estimation is that by 2pm that afternoon, $5.5 trillion would have been drawn out of the money market system of the U.S., would have collapsed the entire economy of the U.S., and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed.
It would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it.

Zero Hedge: How The World Almost Came To An End At 2PM On September 18

Since you can't handle more then 30 second sound bites.. I'll follow up with more of the linkage when you can handle it!

Sorry you are so stuck in that old,cliched Meme.. Workers UNITE!!!
Totally a JOKE!
Look, we have seen the distribution of wealth move from the working poor and middle class to the very wealthy for over 30 years. And nutbars like you have been telling us what a good thing that is.

Well, in 2008, we saw exactly what you people wanted for us. And none of us like it.

The OWS movement is made up of many people with many political philosophies. The one thing that unites them is the fact that they have been had by the oligarchs, and their sycophants such as you.

For the last thirty years the fellow on the factory floor has been constantly increasing his productivity, while seeing the wagers declining in real terms. Time to change the trajectory of the re-distribution of wealth in this nation.

By the way.. "distribution of wealth"???
A) NOT ONE billionaire in the 1900s had what almost everyone of the poor and OWS protesters had.. CELL PHONE!
B) NOT ONE billionaire in 1900s had what many poor and most of OWS protestors a laptop, iPad or COMPUTER!
C) NOT ONE billionaire in 1900s had the federal government provide:
1) Retirement income 2) free health care 3) free food 4) free rent!

So tell me again about "distribution of wealth"?
Look, we have seen the distribution of wealth move from the working poor and middle class to the very wealthy for over 30 years. And nutbars like you have been telling us what a good thing that is.

Well, in 2008, we saw exactly what you people wanted for us. And none of us like it.

The OWS movement is made up of many people with many political philosophies. The one thing that unites them is the fact that they have been had by the oligarchs, and their sycophants such as you.

For the last thirty years the fellow on the factory floor has been constantly increasing his productivity, while seeing the wagers declining in real terms. Time to change the trajectory of the re-distribution of wealth in this nation.

Maybe being the "worker" you are you've not had the chance to read frequently!!!
Maybe you should read what this renowned economist and in the famous words of Obama said this in June 2008......And did I mention the economist.. he’s black?

"Eighty percent (80%) of poor households have air conditioning.
Nearly three-fourths (75%) have a car or truck,
and 31 percent have two or more.
Two-thirds 66% of the poort have cable or satellite TV.
Half have one or more computers.
Forty-two percent own their homes.
The average poor American has more living space than the typical non-poor person in Sweden, France or the U.K. Ninety-six percent of poor parents stated that their children were never hungry during the year because they couldn't afford food.

What about the concentration of wealth? In 1918, John D. Rockefeller's fortune accounted for more than half of 1 percent of total private wealth.
To compile the same half of 1 percent of the total private wealth in the United States today, you'd have to combine the fortunes of Microsoft's Bill Gates ($59 billion) and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg ($19 billion), but with 10 other multibillionaires in between.

Poverty in America? by Walter E. Williams on - A Syndicate Of Talent

So again... WHAT about this "disparity" issue????
Myth, you are one dumb ass. No such thing as free. Someone, somewhere is paying for it. Whether it is 'free' foodstamps for some poor worker whose factory has been shipped overseas, or subsidies for oil companies raking in billions in profits per quarter.

As for the rest of your nonsense, get real. That just shows what an idiot you truly are.
This is 2011, not 1910. Now I have lived as they lived in 1910. I don't like much of it. And do not intend to go back to it, nor to force others, as you seem to want, to go back to it.

Go ahead and defend the increasing gap between the wealthy and the working man. It demonstrates what you are. But while you are kissing that ass, you must remember they will not associate with you afterwards. That certain odor, you know. And the rest of us notice it, also.
"occupy" part of the world socialist/communist movement....

here is TODAY'S "occupy" artwork....

...very similar to YESTERDAY'S...the original piece by Soviet sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich (1908-1974)....called "Swords into Ploughshares"....He was a prominent representative of the Socialist Realism style and was awarded with the Lenin Prize in 1970, the Stalin Prize (1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950), Order of Lenin (twice), Order of the Patriotic War (2nd degree), Hero of Socialist Labor (1967) and People's Artist of the USSR (1959).

Myth, you are one dumb ass. No such thing as free. Someone, somewhere is paying for it. Whether it is 'free' foodstamps for some poor worker whose factory has been shipped overseas, or subsidies for oil companies raking in billions in profits per quarter.

As for the rest of your nonsense, get real. That just shows what an idiot you truly are.

So I see an 1/2 page ad today's paper.."
A Free Cell Phone And Free Monthly Minutes For Florida Residents"

And you call me a "DUMB ASS!"

Are you a total idiot if YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THE WORD FREE!!

Obviously you then DON'T have ANY understanding of what previous comments which DIDN"T apply to you as you are ONE of those majority OWS sheeple that really believe all that Communist Workers Unit CRAP!

By the way I bet YOU never did as I have WORKED in a closed UNION Shop and saw how selfish the UNION leaders not the rank and file and money grabbers these gangsters are!

I and my family paid for YEARS union dues that were funneled to the mob and to the Democrats one and the same!
While their crony stooges sat on their butts while WE did their work !
I have absolutely NO sympathy for UNION LEADERS that depend on legislation to KEEP members paying DUES of which 90% of the UNIONs donations go to Democrats!

Again dicks like you are such sheeple following these union organizers who's ONLY agenda is raising money for themselves and they keep sheeple like you deep in manure and in the dark!

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