CDZ For the 3rd world, Is sterilization inhumane?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
For impoverished families WHO ALREADY HAVE CHILDREN, is it inhumane to require them to have vasectomies/tubal ligation in exchange for food relief and general health services? Or is it inhumane to provide the food and health services to impoverished families and not require sterilization?

I would argue the latter given the horrific life these children endure living in dirt and squalor and wondering if they will get anything to eat or drink. And what kind of life is it for the parents who live with the cries of their children from morning til night and not being able to ease their pain? I would like to hear the counter to his argument because I can see no virtue in doing nothing to curb the crisis of poverty in 3rd world countries.

Everyone should be allowed to experience having a family, but there should be a limit when you have shown your inability to provide for them.
Like the old saying goes: "If ya can't feed 'em, don't breed 'em."
For every lovely on the dole,
Mandatory birth control.

Problem solved. No coercion. Everybody wins. Simple as pie. Will never happen.
a very hard discussion------forced sterilization--------always an atrocity. ------there are other ways.
For impoverished families WHO ALREADY HAVE CHILDREN, is it inhumane to require them to have vasectomies/tubal ligation in exchange for food relief and general health services? Or is it inhumane to provide the food and health services to impoverished families and not require sterilization?

I would argue the latter given the horrific life these children endure living in dirt and squalor and wondering if they will get anything to eat or drink. And what kind of life is it for the parents who live with the cries of their children from morning til night and not being able to ease their pain? I would like to hear the counter to his argument because I can see no virtue in doing nothing to curb the crisis of poverty in 3rd world countries.

Everyone should be allowed to experience having a family, but there should be a limit when you have shown your inability to provide for them.
For one thing, they have a higher death rate, so they need to have a higher birth rate to ofset it. Otherwise, you're just contributing to genocide.
For impoverished families WHO ALREADY HAVE CHILDREN, is it inhumane to require them to have vasectomies/tubal ligation in exchange for food relief and general health services? Or is it inhumane to provide the food and health services to impoverished families and not require sterilization?

I would argue the latter given the horrific life these children endure living in dirt and squalor and wondering if they will get anything to eat or drink. And what kind of life is it for the parents who live with the cries of their children from morning til night and not being able to ease their pain? I would like to hear the counter to his argument because I can see no virtue in doing nothing to curb the crisis of poverty in 3rd world countries.

Everyone should be allowed to experience having a family, but there should be a limit when you have shown your inability to provide for them.
For one thing, they have a higher death rate, so they need to have a higher birth rate to ofset it. Otherwise, you're just contributing to genocide.

don't push it K-girl. ---------your comment made me ITCH
For impoverished families WHO ALREADY HAVE CHILDREN, is it inhumane to require them to have vasectomies/tubal ligation in exchange for food relief and general health services? Or is it inhumane to provide the food and health services to impoverished families and not require sterilization?

I would argue the latter given the horrific life these children endure living in dirt and squalor and wondering if they will get anything to eat or drink. And what kind of life is it for the parents who live with the cries of their children from morning til night and not being able to ease their pain? I would like to hear the counter to his argument because I can see no virtue in doing nothing to curb the crisis of poverty in 3rd world countries.

Everyone should be allowed to experience having a family, but there should be a limit when you have shown your inability to provide for them.
For one thing, they have a higher death rate, so they need to have a higher birth rate to ofset it. Otherwise, you're just contributing to genocide.

don't push it K-girl. ---------your comment made me ITCH

History of Forced Sterilization and Current U.S. Abuses - Our Bodies Ourselves
For impoverished families WHO ALREADY HAVE CHILDREN, is it inhumane to require them to have vasectomies/tubal ligation in exchange for food relief and general health services? Or is it inhumane to provide the food and health services to impoverished families and not require sterilization?

I would argue the latter given the horrific life these children endure living in dirt and squalor and wondering if they will get anything to eat or drink. And what kind of life is it for the parents who live with the cries of their children from morning til night and not being able to ease their pain? I would like to hear the counter to his argument because I can see no virtue in doing nothing to curb the crisis of poverty in 3rd world countries.

Everyone should be allowed to experience having a family, but there should be a limit when you have shown your inability to provide for them.
For one thing, they have a higher death rate, so they need to have a higher birth rate to ofset it. Otherwise, you're just contributing to genocide.

don't push it K-girl. ---------your comment made me ITCH

History of Forced Sterilization and Current U.S. Abuses - Our Bodies Ourselves

yeah----touchy history
That's the road where the alt-right and xenophobic nationalists are headed down, folks
Er, no, it's not. It's a progressive thing. We think the welfare needs to be turned off altogether. Have as many kids as you want.
That's the road where the alt-right and xenophobic nationalists are headed down, folks
Er, no, it's not. It's a progressive thing. We think the welfare needs to be turned off altogether. Have as many kids as you want.
Your alt-right OP brought it up, and you subsequently agreed with him. I didn't know you were a progressive.
I didn't agree with it, you idiot.

Have you heard the term "disorganized thinking"? You exhibit the symptoms.

Thought disorder - Wikipedia
That's the road where the alt-right and xenophobic nationalists are headed down, folks
Er, no, it's not. It's a progressive thing. We think the welfare needs to be turned off altogether. Have as many kids as you want.
Your alt-right OP brought it up, and you subsequently agreed with him. I didn't know you were a progressive.
I didn't agree with it, you idiot.

Have you heard the term "disorganized thinking"? You exhibit the symptoms.

Thought disorder - Wikipedia

Drinking so early? Here looky:
For impoverished families WHO ALREADY HAVE CHILDREN, is it inhumane to require them to have vasectomies/tubal ligation in exchange for food relief and general health services? Or is it inhumane to provide the food and health services to impoverished families and not require sterilization?

I would argue the latter given the horrific life these children endure living in dirt and squalor and wondering if they will get anything to eat or drink. And what kind of life is it for the parents who live with the cries of their children from morning til night and not being able to ease their pain? I would like to hear the counter to his argument because I can see no virtue in doing nothing to curb the crisis of poverty in 3rd world countries.

Everyone should be allowed to experience having a family, but there should be a limit when you have shown your inability to provide for them.
For one thing, they have a higher death rate, so they need to have a higher birth rate to ofset it. Otherwise, you're just contributing to genocide.
For impoverished families WHO ALREADY HAVE CHILDREN, is it inhumane to require them to have vasectomies/tubal ligation in exchange for food relief and general health services? Or is it inhumane to provide the food and health services to impoverished families and not require sterilization?

I would argue the latter given the horrific life these children endure living in dirt and squalor and wondering if they will get anything to eat or drink. And what kind of life is it for the parents who live with the cries of their children from morning til night and not being able to ease their pain? I would like to hear the counter to his argument because I can see no virtue in doing nothing to curb the crisis of poverty in 3rd world countries.

Everyone should be allowed to experience having a family, but there should be a limit when you have shown your inability to provide for them.

Yes. It is inhumane. The way you lower population rates...capitalism and prosperity. Wealthy people have fewer children......

You get out of their way and allow these countries to industrialize. And you don't cut off their access to energy .........the way the green fascists want to do to them...
That's the road where the alt-right and xenophobic nationalists are headed down, folks

You do realize the only ones who actually did these thing s already are the left wing socialists....they are the nes who believe in mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing...........
Yes, it is inhumane to sterilize.
Also it is inhumane to send them money to continue to breed.
let nature take it's course.

OP may possible be gay.
Don't keep sending the food,. I never give a dime to people who won't learn or help themself, Haiti being prime example.
I have not read a compelling argument for why it is inhumane to sterilize people that already have a family and have also demonstrated their inability to care for that family. Don't tell me about what some group has done before, that is irrelevant. I did not say deny them aid, they desperately need help. But to just hand them aid and not do something to stop further procreation is itself inhumane IMO. Let's hear an argument for why, given the conditions I've stated, it is inhumane to sterilize.

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