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Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
This is a riot and I wish, in reality, it could work. I would consider it.

Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress:


Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress
By Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.
January 12, 2013
Subscribe to Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.'s posts

A group of like-minded patriots, bound together by pride in American exceptionalism, plan on building an armed community to protect their liberty.

The group, named Citadel, intends to purchase 2,000 to 3,000 acres for the project in western Idaho. The community will comprise of 3,500 to 7,000 families of patriotic Americans who "voluntarily choose to live together in accordance with Thomas Jefferson's ideal of Rightful Liberty."

According to the Citadel website, Rightful Liberty means that "neighbors keep their noses out of other neighbors' business, that neighbors live and let live."

Citadel explains that residents in the community will be bound by the following:

Pride in American Exceptionalism
Our proud history of Liberty as defined by our Founding Fathers, and
Physical preparedness to survive and prevail in the face of natural catastrophes --such as Hurricanes Sandy or Katrina -- or man-made catastrophes such as a power grid failure or economic collapse.


"Marxists, Socialists, Liberals and Establishment Republicans will likely find that life in our community is incompatible with their existing ideology and preferred lifestyles."

Read more: Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress | CNS News
I see no problems as long as they follow applicable laws. If they start deciding that certain laws don't apply to them, then they have problems.
If a group of like-minded people want to form their own community with their shared values, ethics, that's their right and their business. I don't see how they'll be able to skirt the federal government or laws and regulations from the State of Idaho, though.
I think it's sort of depressing that people feel there is a need for something like this, but at least they're free to give it a go. I'd probably be one of the first "citizens" kicked out due to my rebellious nature.:D
I see no problems as long as they follow applicable laws. If they start deciding that certain laws don't apply to them, then they have problems.

Yes, you are right. There will always be the "fringe" element but if there were a judicial system in place, that could deal with `em!!! "Shape up or ship out!" :badgrin:
If a group of like-minded people want to form their own community with their shared values, ethics, that's their right and their business. I don't see how they'll be able to skirt the federal government or laws and regulations from the State of Idaho, though.

I don't either, but am looking forward to more "details" on the idea....:D
I see no problems as long as they follow applicable laws. If they start deciding that certain laws don't apply to them, then they have problems.

Yes, you are right. There will always be the "fringe" element but if there were a judicial system in place, that could deal with `em!!! "Shape up or ship out!" :badgrin:

If this country continues down its current path these people aren't going to be the fringe for very long.
This is a riot and I wish, in reality, it could work. I would consider it.

Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress:


Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress
By Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.
January 12, 2013
Subscribe to Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.'s posts

A group of like-minded patriots, bound together by pride in American exceptionalism, plan on building an armed community to protect their liberty.

The group, named Citadel, intends to purchase 2,000 to 3,000 acres for the project in western Idaho. The community will comprise of 3,500 to 7,000 families of patriotic Americans who "voluntarily choose to live together in accordance with Thomas Jefferson's ideal of Rightful Liberty."

According to the Citadel website, Rightful Liberty means that "neighbors keep their noses out of other neighbors' business, that neighbors live and let live."

Citadel explains that residents in the community will be bound by the following:

Pride in American Exceptionalism
Our proud history of Liberty as defined by our Founding Fathers, and
Physical preparedness to survive and prevail in the face of natural catastrophes --such as Hurricanes Sandy or Katrina -- or man-made catastrophes such as a power grid failure or economic collapse.


"Marxists, Socialists, Liberals and Establishment Republicans will likely find that life in our community is incompatible with their existing ideology and preferred lifestyles."

Read more: Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress | CNS News
the States may follow similar suite !
I think it's sort of depressing that people feel there is a need for something like this, but at least they're free to give it a go. I'd probably be one of the first "citizens" kicked out due to my rebellious nature.:D

Well, we could make you a judge....???? :clap2: You enforce the rulz.
This is a riot and I wish, in reality, it could work. I would consider it.

Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress:


Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress
By Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.
January 12, 2013
Subscribe to Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.'s posts

A group of like-minded patriots, bound together by pride in American exceptionalism, plan on building an armed community to protect their liberty.

The group, named Citadel, intends to purchase 2,000 to 3,000 acres for the project in western Idaho. The community will comprise of 3,500 to 7,000 families of patriotic Americans who "voluntarily choose to live together in accordance with Thomas Jefferson's ideal of Rightful Liberty."

According to the Citadel website, Rightful Liberty means that "neighbors keep their noses out of other neighbors' business, that neighbors live and let live."

Citadel explains that residents in the community will be bound by the following:

Pride in American Exceptionalism
Our proud history of Liberty as defined by our Founding Fathers, and
Physical preparedness to survive and prevail in the face of natural catastrophes --such as Hurricanes Sandy or Katrina -- or man-made catastrophes such as a power grid failure or economic collapse.


"Marxists, Socialists, Liberals and Establishment Republicans will likely find that life in our community is incompatible with their existing ideology and preferred lifestyles."

Read more: Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress | CNS News
the States may follow similar suite !

Really! lol. I think we are onto something here. I would have to have my own house with no outside noise. lol...Doubtful that...
This is a riot and I wish, in reality, it could work. I would consider it.

Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress:


Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress
By Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.
January 12, 2013
Subscribe to Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.'s posts

A group of like-minded patriots, bound together by pride in American exceptionalism, plan on building an armed community to protect their liberty.

The group, named Citadel, intends to purchase 2,000 to 3,000 acres for the project in western Idaho. The community will comprise of 3,500 to 7,000 families of patriotic Americans who "voluntarily choose to live together in accordance with Thomas Jefferson's ideal of Rightful Liberty."

According to the Citadel website, Rightful Liberty means that "neighbors keep their noses out of other neighbors' business, that neighbors live and let live."

Citadel explains that residents in the community will be bound by the following:

Pride in American Exceptionalism
Our proud history of Liberty as defined by our Founding Fathers, and
Physical preparedness to survive and prevail in the face of natural catastrophes --such as Hurricanes Sandy or Katrina -- or man-made catastrophes such as a power grid failure or economic collapse.


"Marxists, Socialists, Liberals and Establishment Republicans will likely find that life in our community is incompatible with their existing ideology and preferred lifestyles."

Read more: Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress | CNS News
the States may follow similar suite !

Really! lol. I think we are onto something here. I would have to have my own house with no outside noise. lol...Doubtful that...

IMO, something like this could work, but not necessarily on this scale. You find 3500 with "like mined" thinking and eventually the majority are going to be riding the backs of the minority.

I'm all for having defensible neighborhoods. In fact, I think there may come a time when it is necessary, especially after such disasters like Katrina and Sandy. Just think how much better off those people would be if they could defend themselves and support themselves while the government got their asses together and figured out what they were doing? Of course, then some guardsmen would have been shot when they tried to take people's guns away, but that's another story.

And yes, I think if I'm in a well defended neighborhood that can provide for itself, I would shoot before I would allow the government to take away my guns and leave me and my neighbors at the mercy of the looters. Now the question is, given our 2nd amendment, if the people in Katrina had fought back and shot the national guard rather than give up their weapons, would they be doing jail-time now?
If a group of like-minded people want to form their own community with their shared values, ethics, that's their right and their business. I don't see how they'll be able to skirt the federal government or laws and regulations from the State of Idaho, though.

Um....:idea: let's put Meister on this one...he lives in Idaho. One reason why that state is so great.
This is a riot and I wish, in reality, it could work. I would consider it.

Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress:


Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress
By Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.
January 12, 2013
Subscribe to Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.'s posts

A group of like-minded patriots, bound together by pride in American exceptionalism, plan on building an armed community to protect their liberty.

The group, named Citadel, intends to purchase 2,000 to 3,000 acres for the project in western Idaho. The community will comprise of 3,500 to 7,000 families of patriotic Americans who "voluntarily choose to live together in accordance with Thomas Jefferson's ideal of Rightful Liberty."

According to the Citadel website, Rightful Liberty means that "neighbors keep their noses out of other neighbors' business, that neighbors live and let live."

Citadel explains that residents in the community will be bound by the following:

Pride in American Exceptionalism
Our proud history of Liberty as defined by our Founding Fathers, and
Physical preparedness to survive and prevail in the face of natural catastrophes --such as Hurricanes Sandy or Katrina -- or man-made catastrophes such as a power grid failure or economic collapse.


"Marxists, Socialists, Liberals and Establishment Republicans will likely find that life in our community is incompatible with their existing ideology and preferred lifestyles."

Read more: Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress | CNS News

I think the CC&R's list would be huge! I am also not sure where they would find space large enough for that many families and support businesses.

Could it work? ... on paper i think it would work, but not sure how it would work in real life.
This is a riot and I wish, in reality, it could work. I would consider it.

Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress:


Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress
By Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.
January 12, 2013
Subscribe to Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.'s posts

A group of like-minded patriots, bound together by pride in American exceptionalism, plan on building an armed community to protect their liberty.

The group, named Citadel, intends to purchase 2,000 to 3,000 acres for the project in western Idaho. The community will comprise of 3,500 to 7,000 families of patriotic Americans who "voluntarily choose to live together in accordance with Thomas Jefferson's ideal of Rightful Liberty."

According to the Citadel website, Rightful Liberty means that "neighbors keep their noses out of other neighbors' business, that neighbors live and let live."

Citadel explains that residents in the community will be bound by the following:

Pride in American Exceptionalism
Our proud history of Liberty as defined by our Founding Fathers, and
Physical preparedness to survive and prevail in the face of natural catastrophes --such as Hurricanes Sandy or Katrina -- or man-made catastrophes such as a power grid failure or economic collapse.


"Marxists, Socialists, Liberals and Establishment Republicans will likely find that life in our community is incompatible with their existing ideology and preferred lifestyles."

Read more: Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress | CNS News

I think the CC&R's list would be huge! I am also not sure where they would find space large enough for that many families and support businesses.

Could it work? ... on paper i think it would work, but not sure how it would work in real life.

Well, darlin` there will be problems but there is a solution to them all. One might be getting the heck out of there....:rofl:

We need more details!!!! Inquiring minds and all...
This is a riot and I wish, in reality, it could work. I would consider it.

Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress:


Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress
By Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.
January 12, 2013
Subscribe to Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.'s posts

A group of like-minded patriots, bound together by pride in American exceptionalism, plan on building an armed community to protect their liberty.

The group, named Citadel, intends to purchase 2,000 to 3,000 acres for the project in western Idaho. The community will comprise of 3,500 to 7,000 families of patriotic Americans who "voluntarily choose to live together in accordance with Thomas Jefferson's ideal of Rightful Liberty."

According to the Citadel website, Rightful Liberty means that "neighbors keep their noses out of other neighbors' business, that neighbors live and let live."

Citadel explains that residents in the community will be bound by the following:

Pride in American Exceptionalism
Our proud history of Liberty as defined by our Founding Fathers, and
Physical preparedness to survive and prevail in the face of natural catastrophes --such as Hurricanes Sandy or Katrina -- or man-made catastrophes such as a power grid failure or economic collapse.


"Marxists, Socialists, Liberals and Establishment Republicans will likely find that life in our community is incompatible with their existing ideology and preferred lifestyles."

Read more: Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress | CNS News

I think the CC&R's list would be huge! I am also not sure where they would find space large enough for that many families and support businesses.

Could it work? ... on paper i think it would work, but not sure how it would work in real life.

eh, it could work, I mean the Amish already do it, although their communities are not near as large as they used to be.

The key is though the Amish do so within the legal parameters set by the state they live in as well as the federal government.

These people will be fine unless they try to make a point by ignoring laws they don't like.
This is a riot and I wish, in reality, it could work. I would consider it.

Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress:


Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress
By Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.
January 12, 2013
Subscribe to Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.'s posts

A group of like-minded patriots, bound together by pride in American exceptionalism, plan on building an armed community to protect their liberty.

The group, named Citadel, intends to purchase 2,000 to 3,000 acres for the project in western Idaho. The community will comprise of 3,500 to 7,000 families of patriotic Americans who "voluntarily choose to live together in accordance with Thomas Jefferson's ideal of Rightful Liberty."

According to the Citadel website, Rightful Liberty means that "neighbors keep their noses out of other neighbors' business, that neighbors live and let live."

Citadel explains that residents in the community will be bound by the following:

Pride in American Exceptionalism
Our proud history of Liberty as defined by our Founding Fathers, and
Physical preparedness to survive and prevail in the face of natural catastrophes --such as Hurricanes Sandy or Katrina -- or man-made catastrophes such as a power grid failure or economic collapse.


"Marxists, Socialists, Liberals and Establishment Republicans will likely find that life in our community is incompatible with their existing ideology and preferred lifestyles."

Read more: Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress | CNS News

I think the CC&R's list would be huge! I am also not sure where they would find space large enough for that many families and support businesses.

Could it work? ... on paper i think it would work, but not sure how it would work in real life.

eh, it could work, I mean the Amish already do it, although their communities are not near as large as they used to be.

The key is though the Amish do so within the legal parameters set by the state they live in as well as the federal government.

These people will be fine unless they try to make a point by ignoring laws they don't like.

The amish are a religious group and are protected as such. They do however work within the laws.

I see it working more or less like a gated community.... Disney did something like this called Celebration in FL. Just a different theme so to speak.

I think the CC&R's list would be huge! I am also not sure where they would find space large enough for that many families and support businesses.

Could it work? ... on paper i think it would work, but not sure how it would work in real life.

eh, it could work, I mean the Amish already do it, although their communities are not near as large as they used to be.

The key is though the Amish do so within the legal parameters set by the state they live in as well as the federal government.

These people will be fine unless they try to make a point by ignoring laws they don't like.

The amish are a religious group and are protected as such. They do however work within the laws.

I see it working more or less like a gated community.... Disney did something like this called Celebration in FL. Just a different theme so to speak.

If the Amish were toting guns around and screaming about the injustices of the federal government their classification as a religious group would be gone in a heart beat. Look at a group like David Koresh's . They Claimed to be a religious organization, but the government treated them like the threat they were.

This group will get the same as whichever of those two groups they more closely emulate.
If the Amish were toting guns around and screaming about the injustices of the federal government their classification as a religious group would be gone in a heart beat. Look at a group like David Koresh's . They Claimed to be a religious organization, but the government treated them like the threat they were.

This group will get the same as whichever of those two groups they more closely emulate.

The Waco incident left a lot of dead mothers and children in the compound after the flame-thrower lit the place up. They really must have been a threat to someone. There were trials due to the actions taken at Waco.

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