For Northwestern: Wright is wrong but Jerry's not so scary


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Universities must be hard up to find decent speakers for graduation....or perhaps this is just reflective of the downward spiral of education today.

I certainly would not want either Wright or Springer at my commencement ceremony...coupla kooks...

For Northwestern: Wright is wrong but Jerry's not so scary
May 2, 2008

Northwestern University, which plans to have alum Jerry Springer give its law school commencement address, yanked its offer to award an honorary doctoral degree to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright at the school's main graduation ceremony next month.

The controversy surrounding Barack Obama's former pastor proved too much for the school to stomach, and it rescinded its commencement invite and the degree -- apparently for the first time in school history.

"It does not appear that this has occurred previously," Northwestern spokesman Alan K. Cubbage said Thursday.

So it will be Jer-ry! Jer-ry! Jer-ry! But no Wright.

"That's definitely bizarre," said Northwestern freshman T.J. Spalty, a history major from Kansas City, Mo. "Just because one makes a spectacle of it on television and the other espouses his beliefs in a church setting doesn't mean they should be put on a different playing field."

Wright was selected for his degree by a faculty committee. He was not scheduled to address the crowd. A student group with school approval picked Springer to speak. Some students have objected to the selection of Springer, who runs a trashy TV show and had to resign from the Cincinnati City Council in 1974 after getting caught writing a personal check to a prostitute.

Cubbage declined to comment on the Springer-Wright contrast, and let a statement he issued speak for the Wright move.

"Commencement at Northwestern is a time of celebration of the accomplishments of Northwestern's graduating students and their families," the statement read. "In light of the controversy around Dr. Wright and to ensure that the celebratory character of commencement not be affected, the university has withdrawn its invitation to Wright.",CST-NWS-wright02.article
Pretty sad when Jerry Springer is more marketable than Barack Obama's mentor.

And Bill Ayers wife, Bernadette Dohrn is a law professor there, though she's never been granted a law license, due to her obvious disregard for the law. She's never applied to the Illinois Bar Association, but that hasn't kept NWU from having her serve as an associate professor.
And Bill Ayers wife, Bernadette Dohrn is a law professor there, though she's never been granted a law license, due to her obvious disregard for the law. She's never applied to the Illinois Bar Association, but that hasn't kept NWU from having her serve as an associate professor.

She can't get a law license. She's got felonies on her record.

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