For Cyprus' North And South, A Reversal Of Fortunes


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
Just a few years ago, Cyprus was considered a wealthy country, though that referred mostly to the Greek Cypriots on the southern part of the divided island. When Cyprus entered the eurozone in 2008, analysts were wondering what would become of the much poorer north, which has been occupied by Turkey since a 1974 war.

Now, the Turks in northern Cyprus have the booming economy, while Greek Cypriots, crippled by exposure to ailing Greek banks, are waiting for final approval on what will be the fourth sovereign bailout of a eurozone country.

Greek Cyprus President Demetris Christofias broke down in tears during a speech to delegates of the PEO trade union while commenting on new austerity measures, according to a Cyprus Mail online report yesterday.
ECONOMICS - Christofias sheds tears during trade union speech
On 7th march 2014 construction of water-infrastructure will be completed.
North-Cyprus will receive 75 million cubic-meter of water a year with a pipline through Mediteranean.
Construction is ongoing. - KKTC Su Temin Projesi - Asrin Projesi


New optic fiber-cables to keep up with data and telecomunnication developments.

The yellow-line is the current active line with 4 cables.
The red-line will be the new line with 24 cables.

Renewal of North-Cyprus' data-infrastructure will cost 2,2 Billion TL ( 1,2 Billion DOLLAR)
Türkiye ile KKTC denizalti -


Still, even with Turkey's help, North Cyprus is an impoverished dilapidated backwater, a drain on the Turkish economy and a thorn in Turkey's diplomatic ass. Good luck with that.
There are more than 40,000 university students in six universities in Northern Cyprus: Near East University, Girne American University, Middle East Technical University, European University of Lefke, Cyprus International University, Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), all, except METU, established since 1974.
Education in Cyprus and North Cyprus in Cyprus and North Cyprus

The person you'll meet in North-Cyprus is either a Student, a Tourist or a UN- or Turkish soldier on leave. North-Cyprus has strictly service-based economy with hotels, bars and casinos.
Their bigger investment needs is being provided by Turkey and as this thread proves there's increasingly more money available for North-Cyprus.

Still, even with Turkey's help, North Cyprus is an impoverished dilapidated backwater, a drain on the Turkish economy and a thorn in Turkey's diplomatic ass. Good luck with that.
Greek-Cyprus has junk credit-rating and needs EU bailout.
BBC News - Cyprus's credit rating cut to junk status by Fitch

They're as much a FAIL as Greece is.
Doesn't matter, both Greece and Cyprus are already so far ahead of Turkey and the truncation it calls Northern Cyprus. I mean so many years on and the planned availability of drinkable water and a communication system that is not a relic of the 70s is a talking point?! Another $100 billion US over another 50 years, Northern Cyprus might come close to the Cypriot Republic today. Turkey, a perennial economic basket case cannot afford it, as the eastern halve of the country is still practically in the Stone Age anyway.

Get real!
I have the luxury of being a citizen of two first world nations, neither of which is a shit hole, have few Kurds and are not surrounded by enemies. Eat your heart out there Mustafa!

Btw, Turks should stick to food. After all, it is their only contribution to humanity.
There are takers and makers.
Greeks only make Feta and Olive-Oil, but they took a shitload of money as debt.

"Game over" and bankrupt.


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