For All the Snowflakes Who Keep Demanding The Same Links Over And Over...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
(* Hey Mods, can we pin this thread up permanently on the 1st page of Politics so the snowflakes can / will finally stop demanding the same links over and over again in their pathetic attempted defense of the DNC's FELON 2016 Presidential Candidate?)

Now We Know: FBI Ignored Lawbreaking To Exonerate Hillary Clinton | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Gross Negligence -even absent of any intent – is a violation of the law.

The FBI’s final report on the Hillary server contained the words ‘Gross Negligence’ 110 times, before FBI Director James Comey and FBI Agent Strzok altered the report, stripping the document of the term. During FBI Director Comey’s Press Conference he declared to the world that Hillary Clinton had violated laws but was too stupid to know she was doing so. He openly admitted that Clinton was guilty of crimes, offered ignorance of the law, which is lot a legal defense for committing crimes, as her defense, and described Gross Negligence to a ‘T’.

FBI agent dismissed from Mueller probe changed Comey description of Clinton - CNNPolitics

The FBI did NOT ‘investigate the destruction of government documents, despite the fact that Clinton clearly didn't keep all her work-related emails, and contrary to claims from Comey that the agency had investigated whether she'd violated the law.’

‘Democrats dismiss these new revelations as nothing more than "Republicans' outsized obsession with Hillary Clinton's emails two years after the fact," as Rep. Jerrold Nadler put it.

This is standard operating procedure for Democrats. Deny any wrongdoing. Stonewall investigators. Count on mainstream reporters not to lift a finger to do any investigative reporting on their own. Then claim it's all old news.’

The revelation here is not that the Democrats engaged in their standard array of ‘lie, deny, justify, stall, and use the media to try to make a HUGE story seem to be insignificant. The REAL revelation uncovered, and identified in the US IG’s report, was the criminal bias and acts perpetrated by the leadership and members of Obama’s Federal Bureau of investigation in an effort to keep Hillary Clinton out of jail.

The FBI went further, taking a page out of Hillary Clinton’s own crime book, by ‘losing’ all of their files related to the case / investigation from start up to that point, declaring they were UN-recoverable. ‘Amazingly’ enough, a special IT team went in and found the ‘permanently deleted’ files in less than 48 hours.

From there, the FBI Leadership, who have been identified as having broken laws and even recommended the indictment of the Deputy Director (which still has not happened YET), the Special Counsel, and the Deputy Director of the Department of justice have and continue to break the law by refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena to hand over everything on the investigation. The ‘Investigators looking for crimes’ are committing Obstruction DAILY. They have also claimed that their mandate / authorization as well as key evidence can not be seen, can not be turned over ‘due to national security’…how convenient. Several Congressmen analyzed the blacked-out / redacted documents and found that some of the information being withheld has nothing to do with national security and everything to do with protecting members of the FBI and others involved in the Obama administration’s Conspiracy.

Clinton Broke Federal Rules With Email Server, Audit Finds

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton violated federal records rules through her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, a State Department audit has concluded.”

“At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department issues before leaving government service,” says an audit by the State Department Inspector General.”

Because she did not do so, she did not comply with the [State] Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act."

“A federal law requires the preservation of government records”.

Hillary Clinton VIOLATED THE Freedom OF Information Act and the Federal Records, according to the FBI, more than 15,000 times EACH.

§ 793 Of Title 18 Of The US Code: Anyone who willfully retains, transmits or causes to be transmitted, national security information, can face up to ten years in prison.

Hillary Clinton Violated A NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT she signed when she became Sec. of State.

Hillary Clinton signed an NDA which legally prevented her from retaining classified data, transmitting classified data, or causes classified data to be transmitted. Classified data from TOP SECRET programs she had been ‘read-out of’ was found on her server. Again, once she stepped down and was read out of those TS compartmentalized programs she could not legally possess any classified material related to those programs, could not discuss those programs, and could not transmit any of that information.

- She did…and by doing so she broke the law and compromised national security.
§ 1924 Of Title 18 Of The US Code: Anyone who removes classified information “ with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location," can face up to a year in prison.

Hillary Clinton used her own personal UN-Authorized, UN-encrypted, UN-secured server to store TOP SECRET information that she had ILLEGALLY in her possession.

“a new letter from the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) reveals Clinton’s secret server contained intelligence from the U.S. government’s most secretive and highly classified programs. According to sworn statements from two intelligence agencies, “several dozen emails” contain classified information, including information beyond Top Secret with material on “special access programs.”

Again, Clinton did not have the legal authority to have ACCESS to this information let alone legal authorization to have such national security-compromising data on a personal un-authorized, un-encrypted, and un-secured server.
STATE DEPARTMENT REGULATION 12 FAM 531: "Classified material should not be stored at a facility outside the chancery, consulate, etc., merely for convenience."

STATE DEPARTMENT REGULATION 12 FAM 533.2: “Each employee, irrespective of rank must certify” that classified information “is not in their household or personal effects.”

“Clinton’s server was “physically located on her property,” according to a statement released by her office. In 2013,
Platte River Networks took her server from her residence to New Jersey. Hillary has infamously credited her decision to exclusively use a private email server for official business as a matter of convenience.”

Despite not having the legal authority to have classified, Clinton not only took TOP SECRET PLUS data home and placed it on her personal server, not only was that data / server illegally entrusted to a small IT firm who did not have the security clearance necessary to have it in their possession and stored it in an unsecure BATHROOM, but all of Hillary’s most classified files / e-mails were ILLEGALLY forwarded to Humab Abedin’s personal laptop at home that sat upon the naked junk of her pedophile husband who also used the laptop to sext minors. (WTF?)

THE FACT THAT HILLARY CLINTON WILLFULLY BROKE LAWS AND REGULATIONS is UNDENIABLE…but idiots on the left continue to try to do so in the face of overwhelming evidence.
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12 FAM 536.1-3, U.S. Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual: Classified information at the State Department can only be accessed in an approved facility at a Foreign Affairs agency or contractor facility

“Yet, in July 2015, the State Department arranged for a safe to be installed in the office of Hillary Clinton’s lawyers to hold a thumb drive of Clinton’s email, many of which contained classified information. The thumb drive was turned over to the FBI in August 2015.

The State Department has since conceded that Clinton’s lawyers did not have a secure-enough method for storing Clinton’s emails, which are stipulated in detail in the National Industrial Security Program’s
Queasy goes OFF THE RAILS...........I love it........LOL
Freedom of Information / Federal Records Act:

‘Federal regulations required that Clinton hand over all work-related emails upon leaving the State Department.’ PERIOD. ‘In 2009 (Clinton’s first year as Secretary), regulations were updated to specifically address the storage of email records not sent on official systems’.

‘While Clinton has repeatedly claimed that she turned over all work related emails, the State Department revealed in June 2015 that it had not received “all or part of 15 work-related emails” from Clinton.’

UNDENIABLY, this is evidence that Hillary violated both laws at least 15 times each for a total of 30 criminal counts. Oh, but wait – it gets much ‘better’. After being given a Federal Subpoena mandating she turn in ALL documents, e-mails, her server, all of her devices, the sim cards, etc…Hillary Clinton refused to comply, wiped her server, deleted thousands of documents, destroyed devices, removed and kept sim cards, and claimed all this was done to destroy ‘personal files’. The FBI finally took ownership of the server and recovered the files / records Hillary had destroyed….REVEALING she had lied – she had obstructed justice by attempting to destroy thousands of pieces of criminal evidence against her. In the FBI’s press conference they stated they had recovered more than 15,000 official documents she never turned in as she was required to by the Federal Records Act and Freedom of information Act….constituting over 30,000 criminal counts, not to mention each one of those also being a criminal count of Obstruction – that’s more than 45,000 criminal counts against Hillary regarding the documents she illegally had no her server and never turned in.

“Using forensics, the FBI recovered from computer drives and other witnesses about 17,500 emails from Mrs. Clinton's private account that dealt with government business, most that had not been turned over by her or her aides.”

That means Hillary is also guilty of more than 15,000 FELONIES:

"Each email transmission of a government document that was not preserved or turned over to the State Department from Mrs. Clinton's tenure could theoretically be considered a violation of the Federal Records Act, the main law governing preservation of government records and data.

Other federal laws make it a felony to intentionally conceal, remove or destroy federal records as defined under the act, punishable with a fine and imprisonment of up to three years. "

Again, the evidence makes this UNDENIABLE.
Former FBI Director James Comey told the world that Hillary Clinton broke laws but should not be held accountable because she was so stupid she did not know she was doing it.



- “Was informed in 2009 that she had an obligation under the records law to forward any government-related records contained in private email to a new record preservation system known as SMART but chose not to do so because her office wanted to keep control over "sensitive" messages.”

- “Wanted to keep her private Blackerry email service because of fears a government email address would be subject to public scrutiny under the Freedom of Information Act.”

- Sent out a State Department memo world-wide urging all State Department Employees to STOP using private e-mail.

FBI found extensive evidence Hillary emails violated federal records laws

FBI testimony to the contrary shoots to hell Comey’s claim that there was NO CRIMINAL INTENT to violate the FOIA and Federal Records Act!

According to their testimony, Hillary and her team CHOSE NOT TO COMPLY with federal law...

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A lot of good information. Now we have one source we can reference when liberals try to pretend Clinton did nothing wrong. With overwhelming evidence, liberals say clinton is innocent like a bird in the tree.

With NO evidence at all, they say Trump should be impeached for a non-crime of "collusion."

Yep, partisan hackery at its best.
Over and over and over snowflakes ask for the same links, the same articles, the same laws, the same regulations, the same evidence...and if you refuse to give it to them every ingle time they ask for it they call you a liar. It really is an annoying tactic. but it proves they KNOW just as much as anyone what the truth is. They just prefer to ignore it and make up their own reality.

I was challenged last night to provide these the same snowflake who asked last time.

Perhaps you snowflakes should copy these down and save them so you don't have to play stupid' anymore in the future.

Hillary Clinton is GUILTY AS HELL of crimes she DID commit...and the whole world knows it...based on the EVIDENCE (something Mueller and snowflakes know nothing about)!
A lot of good information. Now we have one source we can reference when liberals try to pretend Clinton did nothing wrong. With overwhelming evidence, liberals say clinton is innocent like a bird in the tree.

With NO evidence at all, they say Trump should be impeached for a non-crime of "collusion."

Yep, partisan hackery at its best.

He won't be impeached for collusion. If impeached, the charges would likely include Obstruction of Justice and possibly conspiracy.

But since you like one source for information...

Committee to Investigate Russia
Already been asked for the same links / information again today.......for the Lazy Libs - here ya go...again.
(* Hey Mods, can we pin this thread up permanently on the 1st page of Politics so the snowflakes can / will finally stop demanding the same links over and over again in their pathetic attempted defense of the DNC's FELON 2016 Presidential Candidate?)

Now We Know: FBI Ignored Lawbreaking To Exonerate Hillary Clinton | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Gross Negligence -even absent of any intent – is a violation of the law.

The FBI’s final report on the Hillary server contained the words ‘Gross Negligence’ 110 times, before FBI Director James Comey and FBI Agent Strzok altered the report, stripping the document of the term. During FBI Director Comey’s Press Conference he declared to the world that Hillary Clinton had violated laws but was too stupid to know she was doing so. He openly admitted that Clinton was guilty of crimes, offered ignorance of the law, which is lot a legal defense for committing crimes, as her defense, and described Gross Negligence to a ‘T’.

FBI agent dismissed from Mueller probe changed Comey description of Clinton - CNNPolitics

The FBI did NOT ‘investigate the destruction of government documents, despite the fact that Clinton clearly didn't keep all her work-related emails, and contrary to claims from Comey that the agency had investigated whether she'd violated the law.’

‘Democrats dismiss these new revelations as nothing more than "Republicans' outsized obsession with Hillary Clinton's emails two years after the fact," as Rep. Jerrold Nadler put it.

This is standard operating procedure for Democrats. Deny any wrongdoing. Stonewall investigators. Count on mainstream reporters not to lift a finger to do any investigative reporting on their own. Then claim it's all old news.’

The revelation here is not that the Democrats engaged in their standard array of ‘lie, deny, justify, stall, and use the media to try to make a HUGE story seem to be insignificant. The REAL revelation uncovered, and identified in the US IG’s report, was the criminal bias and acts perpetrated by the leadership and members of Obama’s Federal Bureau of investigation in an effort to keep Hillary Clinton out of jail.

The FBI went further, taking a page out of Hillary Clinton’s own crime book, by ‘losing’ all of their files related to the case / investigation from start up to that point, declaring they were UN-recoverable. ‘Amazingly’ enough, a special IT team went in and found the ‘permanently deleted’ files in less than 48 hours.

From there, the FBI Leadership, who have been identified as having broken laws and even recommended the indictment of the Deputy Director (which still has not happened YET), the Special Counsel, and the Deputy Director of the Department of justice have and continue to break the law by refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena to hand over everything on the investigation. The ‘Investigators looking for crimes’ are committing Obstruction DAILY. They have also claimed that their mandate / authorization as well as key evidence can not be seen, can not be turned over ‘due to national security’…how convenient. Several Congressmen analyzed the blacked-out / redacted documents and found that some of the information being withheld has nothing to do with national security and everything to do with protecting members of the FBI and others involved in the Obama administration’s Conspiracy.


Poor little snowflake.

Still peddling your propaganda.
(* Hey Mods, can we pin this thread up permanently on the 1st page of Politics so the snowflakes can / will finally stop demanding the same links over and over again in their pathetic attempted defense of the DNC's FELON 2016 Presidential Candidate?)

Now We Know: FBI Ignored Lawbreaking To Exonerate Hillary Clinton | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Gross Negligence -even absent of any intent – is a violation of the law.

The FBI’s final report on the Hillary server contained the words ‘Gross Negligence’ 110 times, before FBI Director James Comey and FBI Agent Strzok altered the report, stripping the document of the term. During FBI Director Comey’s Press Conference he declared to the world that Hillary Clinton had violated laws but was too stupid to know she was doing so. He openly admitted that Clinton was guilty of crimes, offered ignorance of the law, which is lot a legal defense for committing crimes, as her defense, and described Gross Negligence to a ‘T’.

FBI agent dismissed from Mueller probe changed Comey description of Clinton - CNNPolitics

The FBI did NOT ‘investigate the destruction of government documents, despite the fact that Clinton clearly didn't keep all her work-related emails, and contrary to claims from Comey that the agency had investigated whether she'd violated the law.’

‘Democrats dismiss these new revelations as nothing more than "Republicans' outsized obsession with Hillary Clinton's emails two years after the fact," as Rep. Jerrold Nadler put it.

This is standard operating procedure for Democrats. Deny any wrongdoing. Stonewall investigators. Count on mainstream reporters not to lift a finger to do any investigative reporting on their own. Then claim it's all old news.’

The revelation here is not that the Democrats engaged in their standard array of ‘lie, deny, justify, stall, and use the media to try to make a HUGE story seem to be insignificant. The REAL revelation uncovered, and identified in the US IG’s report, was the criminal bias and acts perpetrated by the leadership and members of Obama’s Federal Bureau of investigation in an effort to keep Hillary Clinton out of jail.

The FBI went further, taking a page out of Hillary Clinton’s own crime book, by ‘losing’ all of their files related to the case / investigation from start up to that point, declaring they were UN-recoverable. ‘Amazingly’ enough, a special IT team went in and found the ‘permanently deleted’ files in less than 48 hours.

From there, the FBI Leadership, who have been identified as having broken laws and even recommended the indictment of the Deputy Director (which still has not happened YET), the Special Counsel, and the Deputy Director of the Department of justice have and continue to break the law by refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena to hand over everything on the investigation. The ‘Investigators looking for crimes’ are committing Obstruction DAILY. They have also claimed that their mandate / authorization as well as key evidence can not be seen, can not be turned over ‘due to national security’…how convenient. Several Congressmen analyzed the blacked-out / redacted documents and found that some of the information being withheld has nothing to do with national security and everything to do with protecting members of the FBI and others involved in the Obama administration’s Conspiracy.


Poor little snowflake.

Still peddling your propaganda.
Only a life-long, lying douche-bag like you can look at the laundry list of links, articles, laws, regulations, IG reports, etc and still try to claim it was 'propaganda' while never offering anything other than your own emotional rants, opinions, insults, and personal attacks.

Begone, bug - you have zero credibility.

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