Foolish Ideas of Many GOPs Causing Red States To Go Blue


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Some red states and House districts went blue in the 2018 midterms. In some cases, like Arizona I believe, was because of cheating. In others, Like Florida, the cheating wasn't enough to overturn the real results, which put Republicans in the Senate and governorship.

But even where Republicans won, it was close, and there is no way that it should have been. Sure, there's cheating big time on the Democrat side, with elections supervisors coming up with make- believe votes, illegal aliens voting heavily for Democrats (look at a voting map of Texas), and Black Panthers intimidating voters.

But, even with all these things happening, Republicans should be able to win elections easily because of common sense on issues like immigration, Islam, affirmative action, guns, gay rights, the economy, etc. There's one big problem (and Republicans need to take a good hard look at it). That problem is foolishness and selfishness. Having talked to lots of independents (which I used to be before registering Republican in 2016), I'm hearing quite a bit of anti-Republican talk about "tax cuts for the rich", and minimum wage.

Looks like congressional Republicans have been giving away some of their popularity (and votes) to Democrats by taking some unpopular positions. These might also include the insane ideas I recently saw in a thread about massive housing rent increases (600%), which some so-called conservatives actually voiced support for. Now there a vote loser for you. And globalism ? Outsourcing ? And calling that conservative ? Lot of bad ideas floating around. Elections are tough enough without giving them away. Red states going blue.
It also has a lot to do with republicans being little more than controlled opposition jobbers in states like Minnesota.
"controlled opposition jobbers" ? Sounds like you might have a good point here, but could you clarify, a little ?
Some red states and House districts went blue in the 2018 midterms. In some cases, like Arizona I believe, was because of cheating. In others, Like Florida, the cheating wasn't enough to overturn the real results, which put Republicans in the Senate and governorship.

But even where Republicans won, it was close, and there is no way that it should have been. Sure, there's cheating big time on the Democrat side, with elections supervisors coming up with make- believe votes, illegal aliens voting heavily for Democrats (look at a voting map of Texas), and Black Panthers intimidating voters.

But, even with all these things happening, Republicans should be able to win elections easily because of common sense on issues like immigration, Islam, affirmative action, guns, gay rights, the economy, etc. There's one big problem (and Republicans need to take a good hard look at it). That problem is foolishness and selfishness. Having talked to lots of independents (which I used to be before registering Republican in 2016), I'm hearing quite a bit of anti-Republican talk about "tax cuts for the rich", and minimum wage.

Looks like congressional Republicans have been giving away some of their popularity (and votes) to Democrats by taking some unpopular positions. These might also include the insane ideas I recently saw in a thread about massive housing rent increases (600%), which some so-called conservatives actually voiced support for. Now there a vote loser for you. And globalism ? Outsourcing ? And calling that conservative ? Lot of bad ideas floating around. Elections are tough enough without giving them away. Red states going blue.

Did republicans voice suport for 600% rent increases or did they voice opposition to the gov't controlling rent and meddling in the pricing of rental properties? There is a vast difference.
Did republicans voice suport for 600% rent increases or did they voice opposition to the gov't controlling rent and meddling in the pricing of rental properties? There is a vast difference.
Oh God! Who left the cage door open ? So I get trolled again. What else is new ?

They voiced support for 600% rent increases (while hiding behind the "free market" cloak) Now go troll somebody else.
Did republicans voice suport for 600% rent increases or did they voice opposition to the gov't controlling rent and meddling in the pricing of rental properties? There is a vast difference.
Oh God! Who left the cage door open ? So I get trolled again. What else is new ?

They voiced support for 600% rent increases (while hiding behind the "free market" cloak) Now go troll somebody else.

I am not trolling. I asked a simple question. Having been a participant in the thread you referenced, I did not see anyone voice support for 600% rent increases.

I did, however, see numerous people voicing support for limiting gov't interference in what a person does with their own property. I also saw numerous people supporting the free market. It is not something anyone was hiding behind. It is the point of their arguments. And quite simply, I defy you to show a single post supporting a 600% rent increase.
It also has a lot to do with republicans being little more than controlled opposition jobbers in states like Minnesota.
"controlled opposition jobbers" ? Sounds like you might have a good point here, but could you clarify, a little ?
Sure...In the particular case I'm citing, the state GOP is weak and borderline ineffective on purpose.....Their timidity keeps them from running any candidates who are clear and unambiguous choice...They kowtow to what they perceive as the leftist bent of the state's populace, and try to split the difference....In the course of playing "I'm the same but different" they end up watering down the entire party, leaving those who crave a real difference out in the cold.
Did republicans voice suport for 600% rent increases or did they voice opposition to the gov't controlling rent and meddling in the pricing of rental properties? There is a vast difference.
Oh God! Who left the cage door open ? So I get trolled again. What else is new ?

They voiced support for 600% rent increases (while hiding behind the "free market" cloak) Now go troll somebody else.

I am not trolling. I asked a simple question. Having been a participant in the thread you referenced, I did not see anyone voice support for 600% rent increases.

I did, however, see numerous people voicing support for limiting gov't interference in what a person does with their own property. I also saw numerous people supporting the free market. It is not something anyone was hiding behind. It is the point of their arguments. And quite simply, I defy you to show a single post supporting a 600% rent increase.
Trolling, trolling, trolling. Gotta keep on trolling
Did republicans voice suport for 600% rent increases or did they voice opposition to the gov't controlling rent and meddling in the pricing of rental properties? There is a vast difference.
Oh God! Who left the cage door open ? So I get trolled again. What else is new ?

They voiced support for 600% rent increases (while hiding behind the "free market" cloak) Now go troll somebody else.

I am not trolling. I asked a simple question. Having been a participant in the thread you referenced, I did not see anyone voice support for 600% rent increases.

I did, however, see numerous people voicing support for limiting gov't interference in what a person does with their own property. I also saw numerous people supporting the free market. It is not something anyone was hiding behind. It is the point of their arguments. And quite simply, I defy you to show a single post supporting a 600% rent increase.
Trolling, trolling, trolling. Gotta keep on trolling

And how, pray tell, is my post trolling? I started with a question to clarify the topic of the OP and to point out what actually happened in the thread that was referenced by it. Then I continued by asserting what was actually said in the thread.

Not trolling at all. Of course, if the OP does not want to actually address the issue (and maintain his lie) the easiest way to avoid it is to dismiss valid questions as trolling.
Some red states and House districts went blue in the 2018 midterms. In some cases, like Arizona I believe, was because of cheating.

That's what a lot of crazy people believe.

But even where Republicans won, it was close, and there is no way that it should have been.

A lot of crazy people believe that too.

But, even with all these things happening, Republicans should be able to win elections easily because of common sense on issues like immigration, Islam, affirmative action, guns, gay rights, the economy, etc.

Maybe if you didn't have such an offensive president.
Did republicans voice suport for 600% rent increases or did they voice opposition to the gov't controlling rent and meddling in the pricing of rental properties? There is a vast difference.
Oh God! Who left the cage door open ? So I get trolled again. What else is new ?

They voiced support for 600% rent increases (while hiding behind the "free market" cloak) Now go troll somebody else.

I am not trolling. I asked a simple question. Having been a participant in the thread you referenced, I did not see anyone voice support for 600% rent increases.

I did, however, see numerous people voicing support for limiting gov't interference in what a person does with their own property. I also saw numerous people supporting the free market. It is not something anyone was hiding behind. It is the point of their arguments. And quite simply, I defy you to show a single post supporting a 600% rent increase.
Trolling, trolling, trolling. Gotta keep on trolling

And how, pray tell, is my post trolling? I started with a question to clarify the topic of the OP and to point out what actually happened in the thread that was referenced by it. Then I continued by asserting what was actually said in the thread.

Not trolling at all. Of course, if the OP does not want to actually address the issue (and maintain his lie) the easiest way to avoid it is to dismiss valid questions as trolling.

Classic trolling. I'm going to list your trolling in the wikipedia definition of trolling
A lot of crazy people believe that too.

But, even with all these things happening, Republicans should be able to win elections easily because of common sense on issues like immigration, Islam, affirmative action, guns, gay rights, the economy, etc.

Maybe if you didn't have such an offensive president.
A lot of crazy people believe that too.
It also has a lot to do with republicans being little more than controlled opposition jobbers in states like Minnesota.
"controlled opposition jobbers" ? Sounds like you might have a good point here, but could you clarify, a little ?
I'll give you another example...So-called "conservatives" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) who say; "Yes, I'm a conservative, BUT....", followed by a litany of leftist drivel.
I am not trolling. I asked a simple question. Having been a participant in the thread you referenced, I did not see anyone voice support for 600% rent increases.

I did, however, see numerous people voicing support for limiting gov't interference in what a person does with their own property. I also saw numerous people supporting the free market. It is not something anyone was hiding behind. It is the point of their arguments. And quite simply, I defy you to show a single post supporting a 600% rent increase.

Sure...In the particular case I'm citing, the state GOP is weak and borderline ineffective on purpose.....Their timidity keeps them from running any candidates who are clear and unambiguous choice...They kowtow to what they perceive as the leftist bent of the state's populace, and try to split the difference....In the course of playing "I'm the same but different" they end up watering down the entire party, leaving those who crave a real difference out in the cold.
I think you are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT, and this is similar to what I'm talking about. They espouse bad ideas, thinking that these will keep them in good graces with 'center" people (independents), when what they should be doing, is boldy state what they believe, and when it makes sense, the people will agree and follow them.

But they're too timid and weak. They should take an example from President Trump who is tough and outspoken.
I am not trolling. I asked a simple question. Having been a participant in the thread you referenced, I did not see anyone voice support for 600% rent increases.

I did, however, see numerous people voicing support for limiting gov't interference in what a person does with their own property. I also saw numerous people supporting the free market. It is not something anyone was hiding behind. It is the point of their arguments. And quite simply, I defy you to show a single post supporting a 600% rent increase.

View attachment 231121

Here is a link to the thread in question, if anyone wants to see for themselves: Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

I see you cannot find any quotes from the thread that show anyone supporting a 600% increase in rent. Not surprising.

You started a thread whining about the need for rent control (after you laughingly claimed to be a conservative). I don't think there was a single person who agreed with you. You got mad, threw a temper tantrum, and now you lie about what was actually said.

If pointing out the actual truth is trolling, I'm fine with the title.
Some red states and House districts went blue in the 2018 midterms. In some cases, like Arizona I believe, was because of cheating. In others, Like Florida, the cheating wasn't enough to overturn the real results, which put Republicans in the Senate and governorship.

But even where Republicans won, it was close, and there is no way that it should have been. Sure, there's cheating big time on the Democrat side, with elections supervisors coming up with make- believe votes, illegal aliens voting heavily for Democrats (look at a voting map of Texas), and Black Panthers intimidating voters.

But, even with all these things happening, Republicans should be able to win elections easily because of common sense on issues like immigration, Islam, affirmative action, guns, gay rights, the economy, etc. There's one big problem (and Republicans need to take a good hard look at it). That problem is foolishness and selfishness. Having talked to lots of independents (which I used to be before registering Republican in 2016), I'm hearing quite a bit of anti-Republican talk about "tax cuts for the rich", and minimum wage.

Looks like congressional Republicans have been giving away some of their popularity (and votes) to Democrats by taking some unpopular positions. These might also include the insane ideas I recently saw in a thread about massive housing rent increases (600%), which some so-called conservatives actually voiced support for. Now there a vote loser for you. And globalism ? Outsourcing ? And calling that conservative ? Lot of bad ideas floating around. Elections are tough enough without giving them away. Red states going blue.
Can you cite the evidence you have of this widespread cheating?

Please and thanks.
Did republicans voice suport for 600% rent increases or did they voice opposition to the gov't controlling rent and meddling in the pricing of rental properties? There is a vast difference.
Oh God! Who left the cage door open ? So I get trolled again. What else is new ?

They voiced support for 600% rent increases (while hiding behind the "free market" cloak) Now go troll somebody else.

I am not trolling. I asked a simple question. Having been a participant in the thread you referenced, I did not see anyone voice support for 600% rent increases.

I did, however, see numerous people voicing support for limiting gov't interference in what a person does with their own property. I also saw numerous people supporting the free market. It is not something anyone was hiding behind. It is the point of their arguments. And quite simply, I defy you to show a single post supporting a 600% rent increase.
Trolling, trolling, trolling. Gotta keep on trolling
When the truth isn't something that supports their hopes and lies, they just make shit up, like this thread. It makes them feel better, and when you're a mongrel democrat that's angry 99% of the time, it's nice to feel good once and awhile... even if you have to lie to yourself to do it.

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