Follow The Science? No, Follow The HYPOCRITES! Yet Another Mask Edict Tyrant Caught Violating Their Own Order


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Another Marxist-Wannabe Liberal Extremist Socialist Democrat Tyrant gets BUSTED Breaking Her Own EDICT Imposed Upon The Unwashed, 'Deplorable' Masses.....

Democrat mayor breaks her own mask mandate, parties in packed club

Democrat mayor breaks her own mask mandate, parties in packed club

Maskless San Francisco mayor breaks health order, seen partying with BLM co-founder at nightclub

'Do as you are ORDERED peasant, NOT what I do.'

More evidence that the COVID-19 fearmongering is a hoax - no where near as deadly as told, a tool being used to keep Americans locked down, conditioning them to give up their freedoms when told to.

If there was a serious chance of contracting COVID-19 and dying, we would not see all of these high-ranking elitist Democrats blowing off the edicts they impose on their constituents and partying with wealthy, liberal elitists...and domestic terrorists.

It's getting closer and closer to the time for Americans to f* off! :finger3:

Their game plan is as transparent as a pane of glass - they intend to drag this shit out until next November so they can do a repeat performance of the last election.

Follow orders?
Follow Democrat edicts?
Follow the Science Democrats are ignoring?

Screw that - FOLLOW THE HYPOCRITES. Ignore their mandates and edicts, go do what these criminal hypocrites are doing: Take your mask off, go enjoy your freedom, rights, and your life ... like your self-proclaimed rulers are doing.
What's really cool is when scumbag Democrats turn "Follow The Science" into "Follow Whatever Fauci Says". They prove everyday they are out to destroy this country.
My issue is that they follow the 'science'(?) right up until they don't follow the science with transgenders.
Isnt it interesting how the BIGGEST hypocrites live in the MOST blue areas?

The sheep who slurp this shit up are disgusting.

If you wear a mask, and give your left wing communist overlords a pass for NOT following their own laws, you should fuck a running blender.
Mask mandate bullshit is political theater and nothing else. It's a way for people to exercise their authority or perceived authority and nothing else.

All the masks have ever done, at their very best, is marginally slow the spread of covid. Even if every person on the planet wore one 24 hours a day everyone would still be infected by it whether they presented symptoms or not. Only difference is masks 24/7 would make it take 3 or 4 years for everyone to get it vs 1 to 2 years to get it.

But the more people are willing to blindly obey the easier it is for them accept being controlled.

My grandma always warned me that every bad things that happens always starts small.
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She's the mayor San Francisco wants, so apparently they don't care about electing hypocrites. I mean, if the marauding bands of homeless people leaving needles in the streets and shitting on their doorsteps can't change their voting habits why would this?
Guys guys!

Its ok for left wing RULING elites to not follow their own rules because ORANGE MAN BAD!

Lefty communist cucks love being told what to do by elitists who do not follow the rules they enforce.

Its a bizarre masochistic existence.
She's the mayor San Francisco wants, so apparently they don't care about electing hypocrites. I mean, if the marauding bands of homeless people leaving needles in the streets and shitting on their doorsteps can't change their voting habits why would this?

The Jo Jorgensen fanboi makes a great point.

Left wing communist cuck assholes dont mind used needles and feces al lover their streets…so why would they mind their SO CALLED leaders no follwoing their own rules?
This won't sit well with some, but a big part of the reason leftists have dumbed down so far is they're supporting women for congress. The women they're supporting are not rational thinkers but lead by emotion parroting how other idiots feel, which unfortunately, leftists are the same way.

So we end up with a shit pile of AOC, Omar, Tlaib types, the opposite of leadership.


President Donald Trump, center, arrives at a campaign rally at Harrisburg International Airport, Saturday, Sept. 26, 2020, in Middletown, Pa. Steve Ruark/AP Photo


President Donald Trump tosses a cap to supporters at a campaign rally at Duluth International Airport in Duluth, Minnesota



I can go on, but the Readers understand that those above who call out the Mayor of San Francisco, the Gov. of CA and the Speaker of the House for one episode calling them hypocrites are themselves the biggest hypocrites.

This thread and its author deserve to be moved to the Rubber Room!
Dems just laugh and roll their eyes when we point out their double standards, lies and hypocrisy. Instead just give Dems the finger anytime they try to tell us what to do. Here you go Dems :fu:
View attachment 542734

View attachment 542736
President Donald Trump, center, arrives at a campaign rally at Harrisburg International Airport, Saturday, Sept. 26, 2020, in Middletown, Pa. Steve Ruark/AP Photo

View attachment 542738
President Donald Trump tosses a cap to supporters at a campaign rally at Duluth International Airport in Duluth, Minnesota

View attachment 542739
View attachment 542742
I can go on, but the Readers understand that those above who call out the Mayor of San Francisco, the Gov. of CA and the Speaker of the House for one episode calling them hypocrites are themselves the biggest hypocrites.

This thread and its author deserve to be moved to the Rubber Room!
Trump didn’t mandate face diapers, shitforbrains.

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