Flyer reveals Barack Obama headlined socialist event in 1996

And here we go.

The Rubes will never understand what this group really wants because it has the shiney tag of "socialist" on it.

Their master taught them this is a dirty word that means big scary monsters and dead babies
Why don't you tell us about just one Socialist policy that Obama has implemented.

This is where you don't answer and everyone realizes once again you have no clue what you're talking about.



When did the government take over the HMOs?

Is requiring that people get licenses to practice medicine..also socialism?

How about flying planes?

Drive cars? much socialism..

Obamacare, once implemented will smother out private insurance, and the ones who can hang on will be regulated out of business, leaving the government with a monopoly on the industry. Just because it has not happened yet does not mean that's not what is going to happen. You have to be living in reality to understand this, which is why alot of liberals cannot comprehend the end game of this legislation. It's two fold, one is a government monopoly, the other is if the individual mandate passes muster the government can effectively order you to buy anything that it wants you to. Basically the end of liberty as we know it in America.

Which part of obamacare is socialist? The part where he put more people on private insurance?

The part where I have to pay for someone elses healthcare.

Except you don't.

You do now.


So, obamacare is supposedly going to insure everyone in america, 310 Million people, with only about 149 million people paying for it. How then will the people not paying for it acquire their healthcare if people like me who are working and paying taxes into it are not paying for their healthcare?
Funny stuff; a bunch of Democrats talk to socialists and that makes them socialists, lol. So if I talk to a conservative, does that all of a sudden make me a conservative? Or if I talk to gay person, does that all of a sudden make me gay? LMAO!!!! This is funny shit.

You are obviously unaware that in his first run in Illinois Obama ran for the Socialist "New Party".

He didn't run as a Democrat.
Come on people, we all should know by now nothing about Obama's or any Democrats past matters..

only Gingrich's 20 year old divorce papers do
Romney's being a bully in high school does
Cain and his employers from 20 years ago do
Bush's military service did so much Dan Rather had to run out and get fake papers on it.
Social democracy is officially a reformist democratic socialist political ideology. Social democracy supports legal entitlements in social rights for citizens. These are made up of universal access to public services such as: education, health care, workers' compensation, and other services such as child care and care for the elderly. Social democracy is connected with the trade union labour movement and supports collective bargaining rights for workers. Contemporary social democracy advocates freedom from discrimination based on differences of: ability/disability, age, class, ethnicity, gender, language, race, religion, and sexual orientation. Most social democratic parties are affiliated with the Socialist International.

Social democracy in its current form was originally developed by revisionist Marxist Eduard Bernstein who criticized orthodox Marxism's emphasis on revolution and class conflict, claiming that socialism could be achieved through evolutionary means through representative democracy .

Our Constitution guarantee's us a Republic form of Government (Freedom from Government) , not a social democracy,(that Controls us by the Government).
Democratic Socialists of America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The DSA's ideas are greatly influenced by those of writer Michael Harrington, Chairman of the League for Industrial Democracy (1964) and member of the National Executive Board of the Socialist Party of America (1960-68). Opposed to capitalism and communism alike as cruel and anti-libertarian social systems, Harrington advocated working for a realignment of the U.S. Democratic Party, away from an amorphous amalgam of often contradictory ideas towards making it a principled party of the left.

Throughout his life, Harrington simultaneously embraced the thinking of Karl Marx while rejecting the "actually existing" Communist systems of the Soviet Union, China, and Eastern Europe. Harrington said:[3]

"Put it this way. Marx was a democrat with a small d. The Democratic Socialists envision a humane social order based on popular control of resources and production, economic planning...and racial equality. I share an immediate program with liberals in this country because the best liberalism leads toward socialism.... I want to be on the left wing of the possible."

Harrington made it clear that, even if the traditional Marxist vision of a marketless, stateless society was not possible, he did not understand why this needed to "result in the social consequence of some people eating while others starve."[29]
Before the collapse of the USSR, the DSA voiced opposition to that nation's bureaucratically managed economy and control exerted over its satellite states.[30] The DSA welcomed Mikhail Gorbachev's reforms in the Soviet Union. Sociologist Bogdan Denitch wrote in DSA's Democratic Left:[31]

"The aim of democrats and socialists should help the chances of successful reform in the Soviet bloc... While supporting liberalization and economic reforms from above, socialists should be particularly active in contacting and encouraging the tender shoots of democracy from below".

Today, the organization issues few statements about overriding principles while frequently commenting on matters of public policy. One primary leaflet detailing the group's official ideas, "What is Democratic Socialism? Questions and Answers from the Democratic Socialists of America," states that while "no country has fully instituted democratic socialism," nonetheless there are lessons to be learned from "the comprehensive welfare state maintained by the Swedes, from Canada’s national health care system, France’s nationwide childcare program, and Nicaragua’s literacy programs".[32] The "tremendous prosperity and relative economic equality" established by the Social Democratic Parties of the countries of Scandinavia and Western Europe is lauded.[32]

Are you proving that Dems are Socialists?
Funny stuff; a bunch of Democrats talk to socialists and that makes them socialists, lol. So if I talk to a conservative, does that all of a sudden make me a conservative? Or if I talk to gay person, does that all of a sudden make me gay? LMAO!!!! This is funny shit.

You are obviously unaware that in his first run in Illinois Obama ran for the Socialist "New Party".

He didn't run as a Democrat.



Which part of obamacare is socialist? The part where he put more people on private insurance?
The part of them MAKING us get it

Ahh I see, someone doesn't understand what the word Socialism means then. Just because you don't like something, that doesn't make it socialist.

For example: You wouldn't say please hold the socialist mayo on my burger. That's just dumb.

But it's how you sound when you use words that you don't understand.
Funny stuff; a bunch of Democrats talk to socialists and that makes them socialists, lol. So if I talk to a conservative, does that all of a sudden make me a conservative? Or if I talk to gay person, does that all of a sudden make me gay? LMAO!!!! This is funny shit.

You are obviously unaware that in his first run in Illinois Obama ran for the Socialist "New Party".

He didn't run as a Democrat.


Sounds good...let's make it a fact!
Funny stuff; a bunch of Democrats talk to socialists and that makes them socialists, lol. So if I talk to a conservative, does that all of a sudden make me a conservative? Or if I talk to gay person, does that all of a sudden make me gay? LMAO!!!! This is funny shit.

Being a supporting member is more than just talking to them. He spoke to them about state governments having a role in redistribution.

Told people he was born in Kenya

Eats Dogs


Surrendered his Law license

Never was a Constitutional Law Professor

Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years, as a Lecturer for four years (1992–1996), and as a Senior Lecturer for eight years (1996–2004).[62] During this time he taught courses in due process and equal protection, voting rights, and racism and law. He published no legal scholarship, and turned down tenured positions, but served eight years in the Illinois Senate during his twelve years at the university.[63]

And he didn't surrender his law license, he chose not to maintain it. If he needs it again, that won't be a problem. Barack and Michelle Obama's Law Licenses

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