Florida's good ol' boy system is alive and well.

You thought correctly.

And then you didn't.


And whataboutism.

See above.

See above,

See above.

See above.

Pot is INCREDIBLY dangerous, destructive and addictive.

Pretending it isn't is the sick, selfish game of addicts and pimps.

Nonsensical whataboutism.

Educate yourself or continue to bathe in the blood of the victims of the poison called pot.

Well that killed the conversation dead, didn't it?

Oh, I missed the I am a racist idiot sign. My bad. I guess Ill just move on.

Facts bother you? So you do business with dope slinging gangbangers and claim they don't rip people off and shoot each other over dumb shit? please, do tell us all about your adventures in Hood Rat Land and the barrios.
5th post
Again, more of because you said so.

The hysteria over pot is just that, hysteria. I could care less if you want to poison yourself anyway - it IS your body, your right after all - but touting pot as some dangerous poison is just not factual. Hell, fatty foods are far more of a poison than pot is.

Yes, you're a sociopath, it's no secret. So you plan on kicking out the bucks for all the expenses the public has to pay for you and your fellow 'libertoons' victimeless crimes? Yeah I didn't think so; most laissez faire types always have some excuse or other for why they shouldn't have to be responsible for their beliefs. All those gimps who love criminal illegal aliens never stand up and adopt any personal responsibility for any of their beloved 'refugees' either.
Indeed it is, which is why these gimps refuse to use it, since they already know they're wrong, they just need handwaves to crawl out of those giant holes they dig.
right. that must be it. you can't speak to the topic so you attack others.
10th post
he didnt insult gold star families ! that was a leftist hearsay lie ! granted he did insult McCain but he and Trump were rivals ! as far a separating children from their parents many of those children are anchor children ! let me ask you this question leftist . do you honesty believe the parents of those children cant find them ? but dont worry human and drug trafficking are at an all time high under your dear leader ! and please dont bring up crooked family members when the big guy gets 10% . have you bought one of Hunters half million dollar paintings yet ? dont answer ... all the buyers are being kept secrete . and if you dont think Biden lies you havent been paying attention lately .. enjoy the higher food and gas prices and remember the trillions Biden is spending isnt goint to cast a penny ! heres a list of the so called truths your guy claimed ... | PolitiFact
Yes. He did, or are you quibbling because I used plural instead of singular? I was not counting John McCain insults, though insulting former prisoners of war is something the cowardly President Bonespurs should not have done, either.
Yes. There was no database relating child to parent in many if not most cases. What does dope smuggling have to do with separating kids from parents, (without even a relational database) have to do with it. If you got locked up in a country where you did not speak the language well and your 2 year old (that didn't speak it at) was sent 700 miles away with no return address, you would like it either, because it just would not be right.
I am different, I did not plan on there never being inflation, because I lived through it before. Investments, returning way, way more than inflation rate and of course, I'm debt free with income, besides. You should have planned better, then you wouldn't be whining.
I get a kick out of watching you partisans chasing your little tails around in your little circles, yapping your heads off, hoping somebody will pay attention to you.:auiqs.jpg:
Yes. He did, or are you quibbling because I used plural instead of singular? I was not counting John McCain insults, though insulting former prisoners of war is something the cowardly President Bonespurs should not have done, either.
Yes. There was no database relating child to parent in many if not most cases. What does dope smuggling have to do with separating kids from parents, (without even a relational database) have to do with it. If you got locked up in a country where you did not speak the language well and your 2 year old (that didn't speak it at) was sent 700 miles away with no return address, you would like it either, because it just would not be right.
I am different, I did not plan on there never being inflation, because I lived through it before. Investments, returning way, way more than inflation rate and of course, I'm debt free with income, besides. You should have planned better, then you wouldn't be whining.
I get a kick out of watching you partisans chasing your little tails around in your little circles, yapping your heads off, hoping somebody will pay attention to you.:auiqs.jpg:
so you dont give a shit about the rest of Americans that may suffer as long as you are ok ! typical leftwing elitist !
so you dont give a shit about the rest of Americans that may suffer as long as you are ok ! typical leftwing elitist !
Well, I've been out working on crap today, in and out of Lowes, talked to people in the isles, shoppers here, friends at the pro-desk, an associate lady at check out. I didn't see anybody suffering. Went out to eat on Veterans Day. Restaurant was understaffed, but I enjoyed myself with other service people. Again, nobody suffering. No homeless people along the way. No panhandlers outside the shopping center where the restaurant was. Again no suffering.
See you here on the board a lot. You obviously have time on your hand and enough money for computer equipment and internet access. You don't seem like you are suffering either.

A family bought the house next door, last year. Both the husband and wife work, and still working. They traded up in cars last month. I don't think they are suffering. I guess I just don't hang out with the dregs of society that are doing all this suffering you are talking about.

If the people you hang with need work, I still remember the name of that restaurant that needs help. Heck, here in Jackson, lots of hiring going on, in manufacturing, sales, construction, lots of things for those that want to work and get ahead. Yet there is the other part of town where people don't seem to want to work, sell and take a lot of drugs, steal crap at night, and generally hang out doing little, but getting into trouble. You know the type of area probably better than me. I don't know if they are suffering or not and honestly, don't really care.

You know how those left wing people are. I just worked all my life raising my family, with the one woman I married about 47 years ago and am still married to. Worked my way up the enlisted and officer ranks, civilian supervision and management levels, paying my bills on time, putting off what I couldn't afford at times until I could, always putting money back for when I would need it, investing (knowing I would want to, and deserved to retire in comfort someday), taking my kids to church on Sundays, sometimes while singing choir in two or three services a Sunday, donating to charities as I could and when I can, donating (that's donating, not selling) my blood, plasma, and palettes to keep other alive as a long term multi gallon donor, helping in the community during emergencies. You know, just doing like my father taught me, like my granddad taught him, the way farming folk raise their kids around family, and work and community and church, and school.

If that is your idea of a left-wing elitist, then count me in, dipshit. But, I will leave the suffering to
you and those not raised be take care of themselves and those around them. Good luck to you, with all your suffering. You don't need my help and sympathy will do you no good. You need to get off your ass, get off that keyboard, give up on suffering and asking people to feel for you, go out and make your way in the world, the way adults of decent upbringing and self-respect do.
Just saying........
15th post
Well, I've been out working on crap today, in and out of Lowes, talked to people in the isles, shoppers here, friends at the pro-desk, an associate lady at check out. I didn't see anybody suffering. Went out to eat on Veterans Day. Restaurant was understaffed, but I enjoyed myself with other service people. Again, nobody suffering. No homeless people along the way. No panhandlers outside the shopping center where the restaurant was. Again no suffering.
See you here on the board a lot. You obviously have time on your hand and enough money for computer equipment and internet access. You don't seem like you are suffering either.

A family bought the house next door, last year. Both the husband and wife work, and still working. They traded up in cars last month. I don't think they are suffering. I guess I just don't hang out with the dregs of society that are doing all this suffering you are talking about.

If the people you hang with need work, I still remember the name of that restaurant that needs help. Heck, here in Jackson, lots of hiring going on, in manufacturing, sales, construction, lots of things for those that want to work and get ahead. Yet there is the other part of town where people don't seem to want to work, sell and take a lot of drugs, steal crap at night, and generally hang out doing little, but getting into trouble. You know the type of area probably better than me. I don't know if they are suffering or not and honestly, don't really care.

You know how those left wing people are. I just worked all my life raising my family, with the one woman I married about 47 years ago and am still married to. Worked my way up the enlisted and officer ranks, civilian supervision and management levels, paying my bills on time, putting off what I couldn't afford at times until I could, always putting money back for when I would need it, investing (knowing I would want to, and deserved to retire in comfort someday), taking my kids to church on Sundays, sometimes while singing choir in two or three services a Sunday, donating to charities as I could and when I can, donating (that's donating, not selling) my blood, plasma, and palettes to keep other alive as a long term multi gallon donor, helping in the community during emergencies. You know, just doing like my father taught me, like my granddad taught him, the way farming folk raise their kids around family, and work and community and church, and school.

If that is your idea of a left-wing elitist, then count me in, dipshit. But, I will leave the suffering to
you and those not raised be take care of themselves and those around them. Good luck to you, with all your suffering. You don't need my help and sympathy will do you no good. You need to get off your ass, get off that keyboard, give up on suffering and asking people to feel for you, go out and make your way in the world, the way adults of decent upbringing and self-respect do.
Just saying........
bwaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa ! let me ask you a question leftist .. what in your long list of achievements is touted by the party you voted for ? so i guess you were mistaken when you believed the Biden admin are moderates !
bwaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa ! let me ask you a question leftist .. what in your long list of achievements is touted by the party you voted for ? so i guess you were mistaken when you believed the Biden admin are moderates !
Who voted for a party? Party supporters? Those people are idiots, if they were just voting to support a party. I am and always have been independent, never voting a party line ticket, down the line in my whole life. I did not and do not need a party. I voted for Joe Biden because he was the most moderate out there running against that nut ball, self-centered, piece of shit, DJ Trump. People like me, saved the country from the assholes that no longer care about the constitution, rule of law, historical precedent, just as long as they get what they want and retain power at any price, even the end of this representative republic. They failed. So, you lost. Tough shit. We get to keep voting for change and having it count, whether you like or not. You need to just keep the Preparation H people in business and see if it will soothe your red ass, ya right wing, anarchy supporting, jerk.

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