Florida Virus Cases Soar, Hospitals Near Last Summer's Peak

Cracks me up.

I tend to double check my grammar and spelling when calling someone else stupid.

You should adopt the same process.

The angstroms of credibility you have left just got fewer.

Be kind. Badger has to translate from Cyrillic
Here is my answer to your thread. ^^^:mad-61:

View attachment 521968
Scott Apley, 45, was a city councilman from Dickinson, Texas. He thought COVID was a hoax, that the pandemic was overblown, and masks and vaccines were just a means for government intrusion and control. He regularly posted all sorts of hateful memes downplaying the severity of the pandemic. In May, he sent out invitations to a mask burning. He posted that mask mandates were akin to Nazism. A week before his death, he reposted a meme on Facebook: “In 6 months, we’ve gone from the vax ending the pandemic—to you can still get covid even if vaxxed—to you can pass covid onto others even if vaxxed—to you can still die of covid even if vaxxed—to the unvaxxed are killing the vaxxed.”

On Sunday, he was rushed to the hospital and put on a ventilator almost immediately. He was in bad shape and apparently had already waited too long to go to hospital. Yesterday, he succumbed to what he was sure was a hoax.
A loaded question?


because I’m not shooting blanks

You just cant think of a good reason to add more sick people to those that we already have to deal with

they are illegal aliens and should not be allowed in the country
How do you know they’re ‘illegal’?

An immigrant isn’t ‘illegal’ until he’s found guilty in a court of law of having entered the country absent authorization.

Immigrants seeking asylum are allowed to enter the country and apply for refugee status in accordance with immigration law.

Your post is yet another example of the ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate typical of most conservatives.
immigrant isn’t ‘illegal’ until he’s found guilty in a court of law of having entered the country absent authorization.
And he’s not legal either

they should be returned to mexico to wait for a hearing
Scott Apley, 45, was a city councilman from Dickinson, Texas. He thought COVID was a hoax, that the pandemic was overblown, and masks and vaccines were just a means for government intrusion and control. He regularly posted all sorts of hateful memes downplaying the severity of the pandemic. In May, he sent out invitations to a mask burning. He posted that mask mandates were akin to Nazism. A week before his death, he reposted a meme on Facebook: “In 6 months, we’ve gone from the vax ending the pandemic—to you can still get covid even if vaxxed—to you can pass covid onto others even if vaxxed—to you can still die of covid even if vaxxed—to the unvaxxed are killing the vaxxed.”

On Sunday, he was rushed to the hospital and put on a ventilator almost immediately. He was in bad shape and apparently had already waited too long to go to hospital. Yesterday, he succumbed to what he was sure was a hoax.

At least he died loyal to what he believed and not in fear of some stupid bug.
Because they let the power to do so go to their heads! They essentially became the most important people in the country AND THEY LOVED IT!
Which is why the CDC is now taking the property of landlords and telling those landlords they can't collect rent, but must pay the mortgage, pay the taxes and make repairs. Power in service to the communist democrats.
Scott Apley, 45, was a city councilman from Dickinson, Texas. He thought COVID was a hoax, that the pandemic was overblown, and masks and vaccines were just a means for government intrusion and control. He regularly posted all sorts of hateful memes downplaying the severity of the pandemic. In May, he sent out invitations to a mask burning. He posted that mask mandates were akin to Nazism. A week before his death, he reposted a meme on Facebook: “In 6 months, we’ve gone from the vax ending the pandemic—to you can still get covid even if vaxxed—to you can pass covid onto others even if vaxxed—to you can still die of covid even if vaxxed—to the unvaxxed are killing the vaxxed.”

On Sunday, he was rushed to the hospital and put on a ventilator almost immediately. He was in bad shape and apparently had already waited too long to go to hospital. Yesterday, he succumbed to what he was sure was a hoax.
He actually succumbed to pneumonia. From the stated events, he opened his mouth too much and was eliminated with covid as a cover.
Like the dumbfuck you are because the CIA controlled msm media tells you so you so,you swallow it hook,line,and sinker. :rofl: :auiqs.jpg:

All they do day in and day out is regurgitate MSM BS, and they're aghast that not everyone swallows it up like they do.
That's one of the reasons I don't post here much anymore, if all I wanted was mainstream "news" I'd simply watch TV, instead of getting it regurgitated by useful fools. Ah well. Maybe one of these days they'll surprise us with some original thought or by breaking free from the programming?
Which is why the CDC is now taking the property of landlords and telling those landlords they can't collect rent, but must pay the mortgage, pay the taxes and make repairs. Power in service to the communist democrats.

Its a temporary measure. Would you prefer 10 million homeless American families?
All they do day in and day out is regurgitate MSM BS, and they're aghast that not everyone swallows it up like they do.
That's one of the reasons I don't post here much anymore, if all I wanted was mainstream "news" I'd simply watch TV, instead of getting it regurgitated by useful fools. Ah well. Maybe one of these days they'll surprise us with some original thought or by breaking free from the programming?

So you read Gateway Pundit instead of the Atlantic and Forbes?
This isn't good news.

A few hospitals are past capacity and are starting to set up tents.

The delta variant is much more contagious than the original variant. Hospitals are filling up again in Florida.

It doesn't help that laws are passed that deny local officials from enacting measures to slow the spread.

The stupid Republicans governor should be impeached for allowing this to get this so out of control again. Send in the federal troops for gross negligence and endangering the public. His ass is better serving time rather than killing children.
How do you know they’re ‘illegal’?

An immigrant isn’t ‘illegal’ until he’s found guilty in a court of law of having entered the country absent authorization.

Immigrants seeking asylum are allowed to enter the country and apply for refugee status in accordance with immigration law.

Your post is yet another example of the ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate typical of most conservatives.
Im willing to bet that those “immigrants” tossing children over the walls and those using children as pawns or sex workers are not asylum seekers.
As the husband and father of a Mexican wife and children, it is clear that your retort accusing of ignorance, fear, bigotry, and hate is typical of liberals who are adamant about putting their politics first before solving this pandemic that is threatening our nation.

As much sense as it makes for all people to be getting vaccinated for the good of the country, it makes no sense to be letting unvaccinated “asylum seekers” into this country during a pandemic crisis.
Nope. And I'm not a Trumper either, since that's probably another one of your assumptions. Not everyone thinks in that binary red vs blue way, sorry.

Hopefully not, but if you don't watch any news and only read tabloids where do you get your information???

You wrote:

"That's one of the reasons I don't post here much anymore, if all I wanted was mainstream "news" I'd simply watch TV, instead of getting it regurgitated by useful fools. Ah well. Maybe one of these days they'll surprise us with some original thought or by breaking free from the programming?"
Hopefully not, but if you don't watch any news and only read tabloids where do you get your information???

You wrote:

"That's one of the reasons I don't post here much anymore, if all I wanted was mainstream "news" I'd simply watch TV, instead of getting it regurgitated by useful fools. Ah well. Maybe one of these days they'll surprise us with some original thought or by breaking free from the programming?"

Who said I read tabloids? Since you're showing you play fast and loose with truth, I can see now why you believe the controlled MSM. I've realized that some people either don't value truth, or they're incapable of discerning it. Which I think is a sign of the times, but that's another topic.

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