Florida Outlaws Sex

People in North Florida are not part of animal kingdom. Such a suggestion is heresy.

why is this big news?

..............................my wife did that 6 years, 7 months, 13 days, 4 hours, 23 minutes, and....

..............................................17 seconds ago.

.............................................................but who's counting.


People in North Florida are not part of animal kingdom. Such a suggestion is heresy.

Heresy? Who cares. So long as it's not blasphemous who cares what the Church thinks.
The Florida Senate has outlawed sex, which given the demographics of the state, just may be a moot point.

Question: If your elected officials fail basic taxonomy, promote anti-science curriculum, and consistently attempt to undermine the fundamental unpinning of all biology, what happens when they start trying to legislate from this flawed view of reality?

The answer is this poorly-worded miasma of a law recently passed in Florida, which presumably was designed to prevent bestiality and promote animal welfare, but which has actually made it illegal, effective October 1, 2011, for anyone to have sex in Florida.

" An act relating to sexual activities involving animals; creating s. 828.126, F.S.; providing definitions; prohibiting knowing sexual conduct or sexual contact with an animal; prohibiting specified related activities; providing penalties; providing that the act does not apply to certain husbandry, conformation judging, and veterinary practices; providing an effective date."

Florida Senate fails basic biology, accidentally outlaws sex. « Southern Fried Science

Humans are animals
Having sex with animals is illegal
Ergo, having sex with humans is illegal

Now That's Logic...and no doubt written by Lawyers.

What matters isn't the biological definition of "animal" but the legal definition of "animal" under Florida law.

In Louisiana, for instance, an "animal" includes anything that is an "animal" by biological definition - except humans and chickens.
I was visiting with friends in Florida just a couple of weeks back. While there they tried to convince us to buy property near them. Though it's a nice state to visit, I never want to live down there. After reading this, I KNOW I never want to live in Florida!
I was visiting with friends in Florida just a couple of weeks back. While there they tried to convince us to buy property near them. Though it's a nice state to visit, I never want to live down there. After reading this, I KNOW I never want to live in Florida!
That's not nice!

What part?

I'm still trying to understand the NEED for this law
...is it that big of a problem down here?
Wait a minute..aren't corporations are legally granted personhood status, too?

Perhaps their hidden agenda was to stop corporation from fucking people?

If so, how clever of them to have slipped this under the noses of corporate tools.
The Florida Senate has outlawed sex, which given the demographics of the state, just may be a moot point.

Question: If your elected officials fail basic taxonomy, promote anti-science curriculum, and consistently attempt to undermine the fundamental unpinning of all biology, what happens when they start trying to legislate from this flawed view of reality?

The answer is this poorly-worded miasma of a law recently passed in Florida, which presumably was designed to prevent bestiality and promote animal welfare, but which has actually made it illegal, effective October 1, 2011, for anyone to have sex in Florida.

" An act relating to sexual activities involving animals; creating s. 828.126, F.S.; providing definitions; prohibiting knowing sexual conduct or sexual contact with an animal; prohibiting specified related activities; providing penalties; providing that the act does not apply to certain husbandry, conformation judging, and veterinary practices; providing an effective date."

Florida Senate fails basic biology, accidentally outlaws sex. « Southern Fried Science

Humans are animals
Having sex with animals is illegal
Ergo, having sex with humans is illegal

Now That's Logic...and no doubt written by Lawyers.

What matters isn't the biological definition of "animal" but the legal definition of "animal" under Florida law.

In Louisiana, for instance, an "animal" includes anything that is an "animal" by biological definition - except humans and chickens.
I can understand why humans. But chickens?
The Florida Senate has outlawed sex, which given the demographics of the state, just may be a moot point.

Question: If your elected officials fail basic taxonomy, promote anti-science curriculum, and consistently attempt to undermine the fundamental unpinning of all biology, what happens when they start trying to legislate from this flawed view of reality?

The answer is this poorly-worded miasma of a law recently passed in Florida, which presumably was designed to prevent bestiality and promote animal welfare, but which has actually made it illegal, effective October 1, 2011, for anyone to have sex in Florida.

" An act relating to sexual activities involving animals; creating s. 828.126, F.S.; providing definitions; prohibiting knowing sexual conduct or sexual contact with an animal; prohibiting specified related activities; providing penalties; providing that the act does not apply to certain husbandry, conformation judging, and veterinary practices; providing an effective date."

Florida Senate fails basic biology, accidentally outlaws sex. « Southern Fried Science

Humans are animals
Having sex with animals is illegal
Ergo, having sex with humans is illegal

Now That's Logic...and no doubt written by Lawyers.

wow the repigs are at it again , bush is govenpr there , one teabagger that tried running was against masterbation, now this , what are all thoes sex pits called retirement homes going to do ? LOL
I was visiting with friends in Florida just a couple of weeks back. While there they tried to convince us to buy property near them. Though it's a nice state to visit, I never want to live down there. After reading this, I KNOW I never want to live in Florida!
That's not nice!

What part?

I'm still trying to understand the NEED for this law
...is it that big of a problem down here?

Davenport. Just southwest of Orlando.

I'd love to move south down the eastern seaboard to a state like Virginia. Or one of the Carolinas.
wow the repigs are at it again , bush is govenpr there , one teabagger that tried running was against masterbation, now this , what are all thoes sex pits called retirement homes going to do ? LOL
WOW....you ARE an idiot.
Bush hasn't been governor of Florida for a while now.
I was visiting with friends in Florida just a couple of weeks back. While there they tried to convince us to buy property near them. Though it's a nice state to visit, I never want to live down there. After reading this, I KNOW I never want to live in Florida!
That's not nice!

What part?

I'm still trying to understand the NEED for this law
...is it that big of a problem down here?

Davenport. Just southwest of Orlando.

I'd love to move south down the eastern seaboard to a state like Virginia. Or one of the Carolinas.

We don't have a state income tax...tourists take care of that revenue stream for us.
pssttt......I prefer the eastern seaboard too. From GA to VA.
I was visiting with friends in Florida just a couple of weeks back. While there they tried to convince us to buy property near them. Though it's a nice state to visit, I never want to live down there. After reading this, I KNOW I never want to live in Florida!
That's not nice!

What part?

I'm still trying to understand the NEED for this law
...is it that big of a problem down here?

Around the groin, silly! :eusa_eh:

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